
November 27, 2010

Default Replacements - Shiftable Mirrors by Gelydh

Download at Club Crimsyn


  1. Glad someone did this. Hopefully it gets done for store mirrors (and light fixtures and artwork) too. I was really disappointed when I first discovered mirrors were not shiftable.

  2. Well then this needs to be done for other things too.

  3. EA should really do it but i am glad somebody is, it will take a while to do all the lights. Ive found i can move all the artwork except the ones my sims paint.

  4. Wow, this is exactly what I needed and was considering doing, only it's a mammoth task to edit ALL the data in every single object. Thanks for taking the time to do this, Aikea.
    We still need replacements for wall lights and curtains, but these I'm sure will come eventually.

  5. Thanks god someone did it, it's really annoying when they go through furniture.

    Thank you so much Gelydh

  6. Thank you for doing this, Gelydh! I couldn't believe EA didn't do this to begin with.

  7. okay, so i'd heard that shifting stuff up and down was possible for LN, but i can't figure it out for the life of me. you click and hold, then use the scroll wheel, right? i just keep zooming in and out. does it not work for all artwork?

  8. Anon, you can have to click hold and move the mouse up and down while holding left button.

    And this only effects for when the WallPlacement Flags is activated in the OBJD.
    So far I saw this only on the clocks and some Wall Lights.

  9. ^ After grabbing the object once with the hand, click and hold the left mouse button while moving the mouse up or down. Dont feel back too me until last night to find out the latest patch included it.

  10. *cross's out last message* hehehe aWT got to it first :) nvm then

  11. Oh wow, this is such a nice idea. Really adds some interest to the walls instead of them being in one place.

    Love it!
