
November 27, 2010

New Mods at Mod The Sims

Gain Skills faster *Late Night* (7 Flavors) by Gonmag - These mods changes the time you need to gain the next skill level for all skills, including hidden and special skills.

Meet Coworkers Faster by Chicken0895 - Have you ever noticed how it takes your sims ages to meet a single coworker? This is especially problematic with careers that require relationships with coworkers in order to advance.

REQ: FoodTruck as Car by pcexpert - This modification clones the FoodTruck OBJD.  Creating a New Object, and then deleting its car functions, to make space for car settings.

Teen profession by noaneko - Simple XML mod that enable "Find Profession" menu for teens when using computers and let them begin a new exciting career.

Roast and Links Plants - Late Night Compatible by Chris_3413 - This mod is an updated version of Erzengel's mod found Here so that it now works properly with the late night expansion and Vampire Fruit.


  1. the roasted plants are for the omni plant, right?

  2. kids play instruments next please.

  3. I LOVE the teen profession amd skills mods.

  4. "kids play instruments next please."

    I'm not sure if this is possible without custom animations.

  5. Gain skills faster? LN made skill-gain too fast imho.

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  10. Great, i found what i 've been lookin for
