
January 23, 2011

Jeans that fit into Boots (All Ages & Both Genders) by frizelbliz

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. These are perfection! I've been dying to have some jeans that actually looked GOOD with boots.

    And it's even better they come in toddler and child sizes. You can never have too much kid's clothes.

    I won't be downloading for elders, though. As fun as it is to see 80 year olds pretending they're young, I'd rather have smartly-dressed older people with confidence.

  2. I like that they fit into boots, it was annoying when even skinny jeans showed. But I don't really like the crotch area, those lines ruin the pants.

  3. Although it was hilarious when Conan wore them on his show, I don't think jeggings are attractive on men. It leaves way too little to the imagination. I'll download them for women, though.

  4. Fin-al-y! I was about to kill myself over the fact that whenever my sims had jeans and boots on at the same time, the bottom of the jeans would bleed through the boots. Thanks soooo much ^_^ *gives you a hug* -chinwe, 12

    No joke, I had saved&quit my game just to go to GOS to find those horribly textured skinnies for my newly aged teen sim and I find this. Even better!

    Just in time! Thanks SO MUCH! <3

  6. wow they look good and are very tight.

    Wouldn't that hurt a guys nuts?

  7. From the looks of it, the guys don't have any nuts. There doesn't appear to be a bulge in the front at all.

  8. I'd like to see some that aren't so tight - more like Rusty's jeans.

  9. most mens jeans, even skinny jeans, have extra fabric in the crotch to make room for dangly bits.

    And technically, even if the jeans were too tight to properly hold the testicles comfortable, it's not like they'll be in pain, since there is room inside the pelvis for the testicles to go into, if need be.

    That said, these are sims, does it really matter? They make babies just fine with neither testicles NOR vagina or penis, so tight jeans are the least of their worries.

  10. Ayaa, are you a male?

  11. Yes, I am.

    Wait, I'm not sure....Let me check

    Yep, I'm 100% male...Got any kleenix?

  12. ^ Hahaha!

    I do like these for females, but no so much for males. Kind of feel sorry for guys in pants this tight.

    Good job.

  13. They're a good effort, but they'd look a lot better if they actually looked like *jeans*. 99% of jeans don't realistically look like this. Make some pants with a little flair at the bottom, where they still go into the boots, and then we'll talk.

  14. ^their skinny jeans, not flare jeans

  15. ^^ WOOPS. nevermind. i get what you mean now.

    Mah bad

  16. I have a pair of skinnies with a tight fitting ankle. Normally they have some kind of stretch, so they fit at the ankle, but aren't strangulatingly tight.

  17. Awesome, I love these!

  18. Meh, I just made something exactly like this (jeggings for both genders), but using my favourite jeans textures from other people's work - purely for the purpose of wearing with boots. These don't even look like denim. I will download anyway though as we can never get enough jeans.

  19. Jeggings are the most godawful thing that ever happened to style.

  20. "Meh, I just made something exactly like this (jeggings for both genders), but using my favourite jeans textures from other people's work - purely for the purpose of wearing with boots. These don't even look like denim. I will download anyway though as we can never get enough jeans."


    Anyway, the base texture on these IS a bit dull, but all I had to do was change the texture and they looked like jeans. I PREFER the base texture not being too jean-like, because it makes it easier to change the look.
