
January 23, 2011

Old Valley by denizzo_ist

Download at SimsTR


  1. This house is so cute :) i'm def downloading. -chinwe, 12

  2. I love the layout. It's gorgeous. I just don't like big houses. I love tiny little starter homes even for a family of 6.

  3. Pagoda roofs in a period house? really?

  4. I really like the creative design!

  5. The house look beautiful, except for the pagoda roof, but I can change that myself.

  6. I like the pagoda roof. It gives the house a bit of it's own flair. I'm not terribly concerned about historical and architectural accuracy. I'd rather have an interesting house.

  7. ^ what they said.

    Also, a little bit of creativity goes a long way. Why not make up a story about it? That area could be a modern addition, or perhaps the roof was replaced while fixing up the house, and the pagoda style was specifically chosen by the fixer-uppers.

  8. ^ Or the original owners (probably...early 20th century?) got caught up in the Oriental style phase that was sweeping through at the time.

  9. I'm glad Denizzo is still contributing to SimsTR. It seemed like he had abandoned them for a certain paysite.

  10. Oh wow! This is beautiful! I personally think the pagoda roofs are in interesting choice that ended up working out. I have no complaints about the decision! Love it, kudos to the creator :D

  11. graphics are so good! why cant my computer be that sharp :( just wondering but is there a setting in the game to have everything detailed?

  12. Anonymous, there are graphics settings within the game, but the higher the settings you use, the more memory you use, and the game may slow down or get jerky.

    If you have the money, you could replace the graphics card on your computer with a better one.
