
October 08, 2009

Clutter --> Livingroom by lemoncandy

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. I love this clutter. More please.

  2. ILOVE CLUTTER!!!!! thank you

  3. I agree, anon#2! Ciggies and an ashtray were desperately needed. Same with the glasses. This is my fave clutter set so far. (Does anyone keep a bowl of fruit in your living room? I like it and I'm glad she shared it, but it's more of a kitchen sort of thing, isn't it?)

  4. I often keep a fruit bowl in my living room on the coffee table, makes it easier not to snack on something unhealthy and I think it looks good. Anyway I really like this set, so thank you for finding it!

  5. I always have fruit in the house, but keeping it in the living room is a little weird.

    But anyway, that's not really important. ;) What's important is this wonderful clutter! Keep it up, lemoncandy!
