
October 08, 2009

Lolita-Ish Hair for Females by Nouk

Download this hair for females, teen through elder at Wicked Nouk Family - thank you, ess:) The first Sim is also available below the hair. The site is overloaded right now, so check back later if you're having problems.

File names:

Nouk - Lolita-Ish Straight - Child Sept 09
Nouk - Lolita-Ish Straight - Toddler Sept 09
Nouk - Lolita-Ish Straight Sept 09


  1. lol wow, 3 nouk hairs in one day.. hoping to see more!

  2. Wow! I stay away for a few days, and suddenly Nouk is back with a vengeance!

  3. Woohoo! Gotta have this hair! Love it!

  4. I actually like this hair, the other two.. not so much.

  5. Much better than the other two, also nicer than the Cottonhouse version of this.

  6. I'm not a fan of the whole Lolita look it's very dangerous.

  7. Very cute. Could someone please tell me why a hairstyle is "dangerous"?

  8. Lolita = young girl = pedophile?

  9. I am very familiar with the book, yet I don't see how a hairstyle makes someone a pedophile. This is a very appropriate hair for a child.

  10. Lolita is a fashion style that has pretty much nothing to do with the book or with pedophilia.

  11. And everything to do with Japanese men dressing up in Victorian style little girl clothing.

    why isn't this hairstyle enabled for guys? xD

  12. What's pedophile?

  13. Yaaay I've been waiting for this hairstyle to come back! I loved it for TS2.

  14. Except that it isn't just men; in fact, it's mostly women, and many non-Japanese people dress in the fashion.

  15. As someone else said, it's named after the clothing style (which is mostly worn by Japanese women, but has become fairly popular with goth females in other countries), not the book about the pedophile. And even if it weren't, what the hell is dangerous about a hairstyle that mimics a children's style? In and of itself, absolutely nothing. Some people are SO uptight.

  16. Perhaps some folks here are young and haven't experienced much of life yet, so they are not aware of the word's origin. And to use the word if someone doesn't know what it means is kinda wierd, frankly.

    It's from a book by Vladimir Nabokov about a young girl whose character was written as if she was deliberately trying to seduce an older man. Many people read that book and then started referring to any "precocious" girl as a Lolita. But in reality it was the older man who was trying to seduce the female, and instead of taking responsibility for his own crap he blamed the very young girl for how he chose to respond.

    Sound familar? It's victim-blaming. Through constant reinforcement, society encourages young girls believe that their power is limited to making some dood excited and then calls them sluts when they do.

    But there's more... By making jokes about the word or using it in the way it was originally intended, to describe young precocious girls, a community only reinforces the idea that it's okay to blame the victim. It is a subtle reinforcement of the status quo. Look at all the variations of responses which involve minimizing objections whenever something harmful is pointed out: "it's just a joke, lighten up". It's just fashion, lighten up. The folks who say that are declaring that their opinion is the only one that matters and so harmful beliefs should be tolerated by all, even after the harm has been pointed out.

    If somebody isn't familar with the harmful origins of the word or what it implies, then they have no business appropriating it for their own use. Besides that, if it is true that the word is NOT referring to sexy young girls who seduce older men, why then is the term ONLY used to describe fashions worn by young or very young girls? Why did they choose to use that word in the first place? That word did not come from out of nowhere, so why use that word in particular?

  17. Sticky, that may be a personal opinon... I remember throughout the entire book the main character kept blaming himself for the way he felt and the way he acted with little Lolita.

    But yeah, are the lolita fashion really something we could qualify as sexy!? Maybe it depends on the precise piece of clothing but its still girl dressing like little dolls... in my opinion it's not that... attractive... Yet again I'm not a man XD

  18. Sticky: I understand what you are saying, but you're blowing it way out of proportion. I'm a 25-year-old grad student studying literature, so the reference didn't exactly fly over my head, but I think you're misinterpreting the usage here. Yes, if you get into an analysis of the original term, you might get a little squicked out, but there's no reason to do that when the term is clearly not being used for that purpose here; it is either in reference to the Japanese fashion style, or the fact that grown adults generally don't wear pigtails, even if it's cute, because it is reminiscent of a child.

    There are so many cases of terminology changing and being used in different contexts than was originally intended. Do you get quite this upset about the term "cult classic?" Probably not, because it does not have a sexual connotation.

    It doesn't bother me, and I think that if it bothers you, you might need to unclench a little bit.

  19. Simply put, the reason it's called 'lolita hair' is because it suits the 'lolita style' alot of people like to dress in, and for me that is a positive association. I have a friend that like to dress in it, and she is far from glorifying child abuse or anything of the sort.

    So with that in mind, feel free to download it based on how it looks ;)

    xx Nouk

  20. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  21. ok this repeated advert for is starting to bug me

  22. I really can't stand moderating but I agree, last anon:) And that will be removed.

  23. OMG, WOW, Love it, thanks!!!
