
December 21, 2009

GoS Secret Santa 09 by Aikea Guinea - Emilie Autumn

Includes the Sim, the hair, makeup, clothing, boots and decorative objects.

Download at Club Crimsyn

Hair file name: Aikea Guinea - F Hair Sussie 1600 Conversion


  1. OMG I'm about to have a heart attack.

  2. Wow o.o That's all pretty good, imo.

  3. love those boots! love everything about this post!

  4. Love the lipstick! :D
    And everything else of course.

  5. *runs and hides* My gifts will never match up to Aikea Guinea's gifts. Regretting signing up now. :P

  6. OMG happy to see some more of this type of style starting to come out for neighborhood is finally going to be way more interesting!!

  7. I can't stand Emilie Autumn, but the items that come with the sim are nice.

  8. Aikea you never cease to amaze. Great set, Thank you! A bit off topic: Should you be reading this, i've been trying to find a way to contact you, I know you don't do requests however... I used your animation paintings for TS2 RELIGIOUSLY and wanted to maybe crack the code and do something similar for TS3 considering i'm a storyteller. Would you mind walking me through the technicalities or approving such a thing? If so (or if you're already working on it) Could you let me know? Or let me know a good means to contact you? GoS? Club Crimsyn? Thanks for reading!

  9. Apparently I'm the only one who thinks this is kind of lame :/ Looks like she robbed a Hot Topic.

  10. So frakkin' cool, AG! Off to nab them now. :)

  11. >Apparently I'm the only one who thinks this is kind of lame :/ Looks like she robbed a Hot Topic.

    No, you're not alone. It's not my taste either. It's well done though, textures and everything. The violin is lovely but I will wait for an expansion that makes use of new instruments before downloading clutter.

  12. Damn, you're good at what you do, AG!

  13. wow!! love it all!!!

  14. Aikea Guinea, I love you. Please, feel free to take all my internets. - A-

  15. i love the hair! ill take the corset and lipstick too, excellent for my weird girls

  16. Does the hair and makeup download with the girl?

  17. ..hmm, what's up with all the "comments closed" notice for some of the other sim posts?...

    I want everything. Particularly the hair, the violins and the sheet music.

  19. Hot Damn!!! I have been waiting on that hairdo.

    Have I told you how much I appreciate and love you Aikea? I do, I really, really do!

    I got to go play with the new stuff! I got my Christmas presents.

  20. The hair is nice, but in my game it gives that weird shine which most of Man's hairstyles suffer from. If the skin tone is light, it's no problem, but darker sims look silly with this.

  21. I hate to say it but most CC isn't made with dark skinned Sims in mind. *sigh*

  22. ^^ unfortunately...

  23. Do her other hairs have that shine effect?

  24. that's what it is...the shine! I thought it was just me! I have been working on a Sim and placed the hair...didn't pay much attention until I went to apply makeup and noticed her face looked oily. She was a darker Sim...I lightened and sure enough the shine didn't look so bad. I LOVE the hair...I guess I will just have to be more selective as to whom wears it. Back on topic...this creator is awesome!! I am amazed at how talented many of these creators are...stunning work!!!

  25. Yeah, I see the problem with the face shine. Haven't played my Pirate Queen yet cause I haven't built her home yet, but the shine is getting to me a bit. Dang, I hope she shows well in the game cause this is the sim I wanted to play for WA.


  26. Oops, forgot to remove the [IMG] tags.

  27. To the person who asked about shine on AikeaGuinea's other hairs:

    I haven't ever experienced this with any other hair style by this creator. That leads me to believe it *may* have been intentional as part of the overall look they were going for with this sim.

    Since I'm not Aikea, I can't say that for sure though. I just know it's never been an issue with their content before.

  28. Ohmeingott! Emilie!
    I just love her!
    I was trying to make her myself, but problem with aligning curls ib hair stoped me.

    This hair isn't flawless too, but anyway she's great, especialy corset!

  29. should i know who this emily autumn is? lol *prepares to be shunned..* doesnt ring a bell but i love EVERYTHING about the sim and post. the hair is wicked its about time you did more stuff for girls! lol =p but i really appreciate it all ive been stingy with my space and not DL alot but im DEFF. gettin this! *skips to download

  30. this is amazing.... is the sim suppose to come with the download though? i downloaded and extracted but i couldnt see a sim file =/ x ?? x

  31. kai ive never heard of emilie autumn before either.... is it an american thing? im from the uk...

  32. sorry i cant delete my message, i found it =D xx

  33. LOL I'm American and have never heard of her..

  34. okay so for all othr ppl who dont know who in the world she is..shes some sort of gothic type/industrial VIOLIN player! lol like she does vocals for her band but thats the intstrument she plays the weirdest and most unheard of thing ever imo since evanesence came out with a piano anyways they did a good likeness of here shes looks like that makeup and all her clothes are a circus of crazyness id be cool if aikea made more of it i actually like the style even tho some of her stuff is trashy. i listened to her song liar to see what the big deal is and im still deciding on whether i like it. i more into the punk/screamo/rock scene with the likes of AFI NIN SOAD etc

  35. okay so for all othr ppl who dont know who in the world she is..shes some sort of gothic type/industrial VIOLIN player! lol like she does vocals for her band but thats the intstrument she plays the weirdest and most unheard of thing ever imo since evanesence came out with a piano anyways they did a good likeness of here shes looks like that makeup and all her clothes are a circus of crazyness id be cool if aikea made more of it i actually like the style even tho some of her stuff is trashy. i listened to her song liar to see what the big deal is and im still deciding on whether i like it. i more into the punk/screamo/rock scene with the likes of AFI NIN SOAD etc

  36. KAI, are you drunk or something?!
    Did you read your own comments after you type?

  37. KAI said...
    okay so for all othr ppl who dont know who in the world she is..shes some sort of gothic type/industrial VIOLIN player! lol like she does vocals for her band but thats the intstrument she plays the weirdest and most unheard of thing ever imo since evanesence came out with a piano anyways they did a good likeness of here shes looks like that makeup and all her clothes are a circus of crazyness id be cool if aikea made more of it i actually like the style even tho some of her stuff is trashy. i listened to her song liar to see what the big deal is and im still deciding on whether i like it. i more into the punk/screamo/rock scene with the likes of AFI NIN SOAD etc

  38. KAI said...
    okay so for all othr ppl who dont know who in the world she is..shes some sort of gothic type/industrial VIOLIN player! lol like she does vocals for her band but thats the intstrument she plays the weirdest and most unheard of thing ever imo since evanesence came out with a piano anyways they did a good likeness of here shes looks like that makeup and all her clothes are a circus of crazyness id be cool if aikea made more of it i actually like the style even tho some of her stuff is trashy. i listened to her song liar to see what the big deal is and im still deciding on whether i like it. i more into the punk/screamo/rock scene with the likes of AFI NIN SOAD etc

  39. I love it but my game doesn't recognize .package files any more. It sucks!

  40. "the weirdest and most unheard of thing ever imo since evanesence"
    I laughed. REALLY hard.

  41. Oh wow this is very cool!

  42. okay so for all othr ppl who dont know who in the world she is..shes some sort of gothic type/industrial VIOLIN player! lol like she does vocals for her band but thats the intstrument she plays the weirdest and most unheard of thing ever imo since evanesence came out with a piano anyways they did a good likeness of here shes looks like that makeup and all her clothes are a circus of crazyness id be cool if aikea made more of it i actually like the style even tho some of her stuff is trashy. i listened to her song liar to see what the big deal is and im still deciding on whether i like it. i more into the punk/screamo/rock scene with the likes of AFI NIN SOAD etc

    hopefully her book will be as good as her music :D / and this sim ;D

  44. Ohmigosh! I was JUST thinking not to long ago that somebody should make Emilie. And then BANG!
    I'm so happy!

  45. Yikes! So sorry about the facial shine issue; I had no idea my hairs were doing that. (Partly because on the one other hair I noticed the problem on [Nouk dreads conversion] it didn't seem quite as bad in-game, so I thought it was more a CAS issue.) Unfortunately, I have no idea how to fix it, but I'm looking into the problem right now. I'll update the files ASAP once I find a fix. And for the record, the make up does look great on dark-skinned sims. ^_^

    To the anon asking about pulling animations, at this point I have no idea how one would go about doing that in TS3. I did some digging around on the Chaos Mod painting, and got scared off.

    Annihilation, when you align any faces in Milkshape, you want to make sure you only have either the front or back sides selected at one time, otherwise you end up with dark splotches.

    (hehehe, Thanks, B. ^_^)

  46. She looks as though she walked straight out of a de Lint novel. Thanks Aikea :)

  47. Oh!!!!!
    My god, Aikea makes my sims more interesting!!
