
December 21, 2009

Nouk "Office Chick" Hair Conversion/Edit by Gelydh

Download this for teen - elder females at Club Crimsyn

File name: Gelydh_SS09-Winterine_NoukOfficeChick_Converted


  1. I was about converting this. I think it would looks much better without bangs. Maybe that can be changed with a retexture?

  2. This looks really nice.

    I'd like to see it without bangs too, Anubis. :)

  3. i think it looks just fine with the bangs :/

    i really like the bun, and the shirt is ... kind of fancy.

  4. i just hope the texture looks good in game

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. "i think it looks just fine with the bangs :/ "

    I didn't mean I don't like it with bangs. But I wouldn't mind seeing it without them, too. ;)

  7. ^ No-bangs version is not possible, you end with a ugly bald hole.
    I like it very much though! :)

  8. got it in game, nice texture, very cute actually, very unique compared to the hoity toitty hairstyles offered from some other custom content sites

  9. more like "stern 70 yr old librarian" hair

  10. And what pray tell is wrong with Librarians? -.-

    If the bun were about 4x as large I could use this for my simself. xD

  11. The bangs are a little harsh.. like, you can cut bricks with them.

  12. I'm not a fan of this at all. Just not my style. It looks well-made though so I'm sure many will love it for their games.

  13. sim kinda looks like uma thurman

  14. I think the conversion well done and will download this when I put my CC back in.

  15. im not sure about those
    cutthroat looking bangs but you DEFF. achieved the look you were going for so kudos for that im just worried how it will looks on certain faces. but it is a good job

  16. KAI said...
    im not sure about those
    cutthroat looking bangs but you DEFF. achieved the look you were going for so kudos for that im just worried how it will looks on certain faces. but it is a good job

  17. KAI said...
    im not sure about those
    cutthroat looking bangs but you DEFF. achieved the look you were going for so kudos for that im just worried how it will looks on certain faces. but it is a good job

  18. I like the bangs, but they look a little too...I'm not sure. Helmet-ish. Even with very blunt, even bangs, they aren't going to lie that perfectly across the head without a ton of hair product...I think that's what looks off to me.

    Otherwise this is a great hair!
