
December 05, 2009

Hair Straight Shoulder Longer by babybluebug

Download at The Sims Resource.

More TSR hair here


  1. Somebody, quick! Save the sims, they're being eating alive by that thing! Oh wait, its a hair?

  2. Looks like somebody's competing with Peggy for the "unwashed hair" look.

  3. As per usual (search the hairs on TSR and you'll see what I mean here) this one is just a slight warping of an EA hair mesh, without credit being given to the original creators, and also manages to look unbelievably awful.

  4. To be fair, modifications of EA meshes can look good (Oepu generally does a good job, for example). The problem seems to be that people at TSR are picking meshes that aren't really suited to modification, and then they end up looking like this.

  5. Oh well I guess now somebody can make "Samarra" the creepy ghost girl who crawls out of a well in "The Ring". That's who this style reminds me of. That or a shi-tzu before it's taken to the groomers. I don't normally post mean comments about somebody's hard work but I sometimes make an exception for TSR stuff, especially if it's crap they are charging for. I would hope they are giving this one away. And even if it's free, DO NOT WANT!

  6. looks just as bad as the ea hair. what was the point in making this when it looks darn near identical???

  7. i'm not sure how many more awful versions the people at can make of this hair theres like 7 different awful versions of this ea hair

  8. Don't worry, their will be others that will try to make some type of edit of that EA hair. Some of the others too. Always welcome at T$R, and guaranteed some poor chap will download it.

  9. OMG! this just looks wonderful!! i love it! sooo pretty gonna download it immediately! :D

    just kidding!

  10. TSR need to just stop making hairs all together. i mean for god sakes. this is getting ridiculous now.

  11. THe hair isn't my thing, but it's a LOT better than some TSR hairs. And I like some of babybluebug's stuff a lot.

  12. lemme guess its not recolourable

  13. some people at tsr make good hairs like ulker hers are amazing and those kids ringlets and curls converted from sims 2 were ok annoying they were only for kids and some of greda's curls are acceptable..........

    but this is utter rubbish tsr should start only accepting good hairs!
