
December 14, 2009

Just wanted to let you know

Sorry about the lack of updates on Saturday and the later updates like today. Some of you already know that my father is very sick and it has taken a turn for the worst. I will not stop updating the blog, but there might be days when the updates are later in the day since mornings and early afternoon are usually a busy time for me.

A couple of weeks after this blog really started getting popular, he was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer so those who were around then  probably noticed my interaction with the comments went down. Doing the updates has kept my mind busy when I'm not busy, so I thank you.

Well, I have to go back to the cancer center, so see you later today:)


  1. Sorry to hear about your father! My step-father is struggling with bone cancer and I know how time consuming as well as painful this can be.

    My thoughts are with you and you should not worry about the blog. I am sure that all of us are willing to wait until things are better for you. We love your blogsite and will be here no matter how long it takes.

    Remember to take care of yourself too!

  2. I'm so sorry to hear about your Father. Just wanted to wish you and your family the best during these tough times :)

  3. I am so sorry. Obviously in the grand scheme of things a blog is not very important, and I think we're all very grateful for your work here and wish you the best of luck. You should feel free to take whatever time away you need.

    I wish you and your family the best of luck.

  4. Excuse me if I come off corny-
    My prayers are with you and your and your family in this very difficult time. Spend as much possible as you possibly can with him and show your support. I'm sure I speak for most when I can understand you trying to keep busy- but the sims cant wait. I hope things for you get brighter in the place you need it most.

  5. omg I feel so bad >.< I don't even know what to say, really sad to hear about your father, I hope he gets better, stay by his side and don't worry about the blog, I'm sure many ppl who follows this blog will understand :)

  6. Oh, I'm really sorry, Joe. :/

    It will be all right, and you know you can coubnt on me. :)

    Tight hugs!

  7. aw im so sorry to hear about your father, it must be really hard for you and your family.
    Im sure everyone will agree with me that you shouldn't worry about us, just concentrate on whats important at this time, my thoughts are with you all. (((((((((((hugs))))))))))))

  8. I'm so sorry for you and your father and your family. I think it's really strong of you to keep updating the blog even though you're going trough this right now.
    I don't know anyone with cancer but i can imagine it's really, really hard.

    So I wish you and your family all the best in the entire world through this.
    So take care of them and yourself, and take your time to get back.

    Hugs from Elin

    Oh and don't worry about the blog, it'll still be left and so we all of your fellow readers :)

  9. Gosh, It saddens my heart to hear that you are going through such troubled times right now. I can sympathize b/c I just went through a similar situation with a loved one who just past. I Just want you to know that we are here for you. Steadfast & keep your head up. The storm will be over soon.

    You are in my thoughts & Prayers hun.

  10. keep strong. I am sorry for your father and please take all the time you need for this blog. please don't worry about it because seeing your father is much more important.

    i wish well to your entire family.

    Jym Jackson

  11. keep strong. I am sorry for your father and please take all the time you need for this blog. please don't worry about it because seeing your father is much more important.

    i wish well to your entire family.

    Jym Jackson

  12. Truly sorry that you're enduring trying times right now. I wish you peace during all of this. Don't worry about the updates, i'm sure we ALL understand. Stay strong.

  13. My grandmother (who was more like a mother) passed away from cancer years ago, so I really do understand what you're going through. (I didn't mean this part to sound so ominous. D:)

    Don't listen to these losers getting angry at you for not updating. Your family is infinitely more important than some pixel people in a game and people behind a computer screen. Take all the time you need to spend with them. If these kids want to find ts3 custom content while you're gone, they can get off their lazy butts and look for it themselves.

    I'm glad this blog is some sort of 'escape' for you. We all need something like this when times are tough.

    Best wishes to you and your family, hun.

  14. I wish you to be strong....I'm so sorry for your father.
    I know english bad so I can't express everything I can say in russian =(

  15. I'm so sorry to hear about your father, my mother died to cancer nine years ago.
    Best wishes to you and your family

  16. My thoughts and prayers are with you. My father has gone through something similar and I know how this consumes your thoughts(with good reason). You do what you have to do and don't stress. Whatever you do is appreciated and hold strong. Good luck.

  17. I'm so sorry to hear about your father. Don't worry about the blog, obviously everyone will understand. Best wishes to you and your loved ones.

  18. Even though i dont know you personally I knew you were m.i.a. for a good reason and here it is. I hope he gets better and I hope you stay strong Ms3B!
    You have done the hardest part for us when it comes to collecting TS3 Custom Content. Thank you for everything.


  19. My thoughts are with you and your family. Take care and thank you for all you do here.

  20. May the strength of everyone's well wishes and prayers help you and your family to get through a difficult time especially this time of year. Make good memories with the time left with good talks and hugs.

  21. I'm really sorry to hear about your father... Don't worry about your updates here, there are more important things to think about than TS3.

    Best wishes for you and your family!

  22. I'm sorry for you and your father and your family. I appreciate your work on MS3B. Keep staying strong, your father needs you to be strong for yourself and your family.

  23. Sorry to hear about your father. My thoughts are with you, and I hope this transition is met with as much love, dignity, hope, and comfort as possible for you and your family.

    Also, thank you for all the hard work you put into this blog. Your efforts are very much appreciated by the Sims 3 community. I doubt anyone would begrudge you if you needed to take some time off.

    My best to you.

  24. Thank you for the hard work you put into this blog, my heart goes out to you and your father!

  25. Życze dużo zdrowia twojemu tacie,wiem co to znaczy mieć kogoś chorego na raka ,moja teściowa na raka umarła.Życze wam powodzenia i nie śpiesz się z aktualizacjami poczekam,twój tata ważniejszy jest.Gorąco pozdrawiam i wszystkiego dobrego życze

  26. as someone who has been through something similar, i'll like to say don't get bogged down with the worries and the anxiety of what would happen, just concentrate on spending time with your father and the rest of the family. take each day as it comes. any decent hospital would have a counselling service for affected relatives, don't hesitate to take it up if you need to. also, i found keeping busy helps, stay strong :)

  27. Ah, poor you!
    I feel so bad for you and your father!
    I love your blog and i follow it every day.
    But real-life is a lot more important then just some downloads.
    Take care of yourself!
    Hope your father get better soon!

  28. Omg you're soo strong! I admire you ALOT for keep on going and uptade instead of thinking about it.. that's really hard..
    Please stay strong,, I'll pray for your family honey!! :(

  29. I just wanted to wish you and your family well during these tough times.

    Best Wishes.

  30. I'm so very sorry to hear about your father. Like Nicole said furhter up, it's good you have this blog as an escape; don't let it turn into another source of stress.

  31. I'm sorry for you and your family .. this disease is very sad because it already happened to my aunt .. that God gives you much strength to you, I'll be praying for better estimate it has improved to see the Christmas be coming .. .

  32. Our prayers and wishes certainly are with you just don't worry we are not that anxious about the TS3 updates at all as the real life dealings are the most we care about i don't know about others but yeah i am the one who can wait for updates on the blog forever if that makes you feel comfortable and relaxed give some time to your dad this is the right time to be with him and he needs you,may god bless you both,take care.

  33. I'm soo sorry for you..
    Well, it's okay if you do not even update this blog everyday if you have problems like that.. I think being with your family now is more important than sims.
    But still I am happy that you update this blog even under this circumstances. You are very strong.
    I wish you the best.

  34. Yeah, just like all the oters: DON'T WORRY about this blog way too much, cause that can cause stress.. and that ain't gonna help yo belive me.
    Like.. Play the game to keep your mind on something instead else? and we're all wishing the best for your daddy, God be with him<3

  35. I'm so sorry to read this. My heart goes out to you and your family.

  36. I'm truly sorry to hear this. Please take care of yourself and your family, and do not worry about this blog. People understand.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  37. I'm sorry you have to have this happen to you. I lost my mother last year and I had to watch her get sicker and sicker. It is a very hard thing to do. My thoughts are with you and your family.

    I am glad the blog can take your mind off things for a bit. That's a good thing! Take care of yourself and don't worry about delays.

  38. Such a sad situation. I know how you feel, since I've lost many close relatives recently. Mi best wishes for him, for you and your family.

  39. I'm so sorry, and wish all the best for you and your Father, and lots of strength!

    You are in our thoughts.

  40. I can't say how sorry I am for you and for your father. I've been through something similar, it was with my aunt so even its not the same thing, I can imagine how you feel. This pain you feel will get worse and it won't go away, sadly. But it will get better with time. I know its not what you want to 'hear' but unfortunately its how it is. If you don't update here, it's totally fine, as it was already said don't let it turn into another stressful thing.
    Wish all the best, really.
    A huge hug, from you big fan from Brazil, Marion.

  41. Aww im so sorry about your father. I know about it as my mothers uncle has bone cancer and he went through alot and he is getting better. He had to get something injected into his spine to make it stronger because it was so weak and he used to be 6ft 4 but now is well under 6 ft. I know what you have been through and i really hope that he recovers from it. Do not worry about delays you do such a great job at this blog, You put so much effort into it and everyone takes it for granted. But now we all realise that you are going through a tough time and i wish you and your family the best. xox

  42. forgot to mention that i signed up so i would no longer be anonymous !! :D

  43. Aw, I'm sorry to hear that! Don't get burned out taking care of your father AND trying to give up updates!
    Best wishes to you!

  44. Life is so unfair...

  45. Wow, talk about being strong. You're a great inspiration. But we can wait - go and spend every hour you have spare with your father, I regret not being able to see my aunt whilst she was in her death bed where she died of breast cancer. So PLEASE spend as much time as possible with your father and family - I know you know this but theres no harm saying so!

    You're a great person!

  46. i really hope he gets better my wishes go to u and your father

  47. I'm so sorry to hear that someone else is having to go through this. I lost my father to cancer 3 years ago. :/

    Seems like everyone knows someone who has died of cancer these days.

    Best wishes, and I'll pray for you and your family.

  48. My grandma had cancer, but she made it through. I remember how scared I was though. I feel so bad for you! I wish I could help, but, alas, I am no doctor T_T

    Be strong.

  49. Sorry to hear about that , take care of your father , it's more more important .
    Wish all the best for you and your Father .
    Cordialement .

  50. Sorry to hear about your dad. My dad died from cancer last year =[

  51. I am very sorry about your fathers sickness. Your blog is amazing and i wouldnt want anything bad to happen to you :{

  52. I'm so sorry for you and your family. I hope your father's last days are filled with joy.

    Take all the time away from the blog you need; family is always more important.

  53. I'm really sorry to hear about your father, I just want to wish you and your family all the best, stay strong <3 You'll be in my prayers.

    And of course thank you for your updates every day, especially during these difficult times.

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. I'm so sorry to hear that your father is sick, MS3B. If I were a praying sort of person I would pray for you both to stay strong and get the most out of your time together. As it is, just know that you're in my thoughts.

  56. Oh that's horrible. I pray he makes a recovery, and if not, he has an amazingly peaceful last final days. I wish you the absolute best!
    Peeps :(

  57. I'm so sorry to hear that. Please take care of yourself and your family and don't spend any more time on the blog than you want to. I'm sure no one here would mind if you took a break or slowed down on the updates for a while. *HUGS* if you want them.

  58. I wish you all the best in this very difficult moments. You have to be strong and take care of you and your family. It´s the only real important thing in life.

    A fansite from spain (Juani)

  59. I'm very sorry to hear about your father. I will be sending prayers your way.

    Please let me know if you need any help with anything regarding the blog, even if it's something as silly as tagging.

  60. I am very sorry about your father. Spend every moment of your time with your father and family. We will be praying for you all. Take care.

  61. You do what you have to do! Everyone really appreciates this place, but you are more than welcome to take a break every once in a while!

    Best of luck to you and your family!

  62. I'm so sorry to read this.
    Wish all the best for your father.

  63. I'm really sorry to hear about your Father! :( You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers this holiday season!

    Please don't worry that you have to keep up on your blog unless it's something you really want to do! We all understand what you are going through, so if there are no updates, it's really no big deal!! take care of yourself and your family!! :)

  64. I Hope He Gets Better, Sorry To Hear About The Bad News. On the Kinda upside I love Ur Website and Visit It Every Day Cant Wait Till The CAW Tool Come Out

  65. Best wishes to your family during this rough time. My prayers are with you.

  66. I'm sorry to hear about your father. I'll keep you and your family in my prayers this holiday season as well. May many healthy and happy days greet your father and your family in the last few days of this year and all the ones to the year come.

    Thank you for taking time to maintain this blog. I really appreciate it. It makes siming so much easier.

    Best of luck to you and your family.


  67. I look forward every day to reading your blog and thank you for your hard work you do. Even so, your dad is more important. I offer you and your family the best at this tough time. Take it one day at a time.


  68. First off I want to say don't worry about the blog. It not nearly as important as real life.
    Ive went through this before when my father got cancer. He recorvered but it worried me alot. What you dont want to do is worry.
    Im really sorry. I wish you the best.

  69. I hope the almighty sends you extra time, as much as possible

    Thinking of you.

  70. I am so sorry to hear about your father. I lost my dad to heart disease 12/16/96, and my mother to cancer 11/21/99; both just before the holidays. I found that family was the best thing to have around during such hard times. I wish the best for you and your father and entire family. All our hearts, prayers and thoughts are with you.

  71. I am so sorry for you and your father. I know your feelings because I have lost many relatives with this evil and last year it has also been diagnosed to my father but luckily he is recovered. I wish you the best and don't worry for the blog: we will get by there.
    Thanks for everything and be strong!
    My heart is nearby you.
    (Sorry for bad English)

  72. Spend as much time as you need. Your family is much more important than this blog. Even if the updates are 2, 3, 5, 10 days late, it doesn't matter. Spend time with your father and family, us here can wait.

    Stay strong.

  73. ^ BUT NOT MORE THAN 10! ;)

    I'm only teasing. I agree, you should take as much time as you need for yourself and your family. I'm so glad that doing this blog has helped you cope, but even if you needed to shut it down entirely...I'd be sad, but you have to do what's right for YOU.

    My thoughts are with you and your family.

  74. Thanks for this amazing blog. You go and be with your father. We can wait. :)

  75. be strong
    my prayers are with you

  76. I'm sorry.
    I'm very thankful for this great blog but don't worry we know how much effort you put into it so do what you need or want to do.

  77. Very sorry for you and your situation, seriously don't worry about updating, we're all more then capable of looking for sim stuff ourselves so don't worry stay strong :) xxxxxx


  79. Best wishes and my sympathies.

  80. Sorry, dear. I wish that your father be better anyway... i won´t stop to read your blog, and i will understand about all. My sympathies. :)

  81. dont worry about us. forget us and stay strong. my best wishes

  82. Aww, I'm so sorry :( I wish your father will be better soon. I understand that you need your own private time, not only for the blog. Best wishes for you and your father. Take care.

  83. So, so sorry to hear about your dad! I can't imagine how heartbreaking it is to get that news. Take all the time you need - spending time with him is infinitely more important than a game, although it is good that it takes your mind off things. :(

  84. So sorry to hear about your dad. Be strong and hold on to your faith. It will pull you through this. Best wishes.

  85. It's nice to see such kindness, but I'm sure that MS3B doesn't want the same thing over and over again. The truth is, he will be passing away soon however make him proud and revolutionize your life along with the others around you.

  86. So sorry to hear that.
    don't worry about your blog....
    you need to be with your father.

  87. I am really sorry for you. I hope you are okay and you will get over it as soon as possible, although it is difficult. I would just say that I love your blog and look at it every day. Without you I would not be able to find all the latest and coolest downloads!
    So you're completely excused for that you just can not be there all the time.

    (I apologize if I have not spelled quite right, I'm from Denmark)

  88. I'm very sorry to hear that. My wishes are with you and your family.

  89. I'm so sorry....
    with my poor english, i still try my best to leave a comment. Wish you could spend a good time with your father.
    And i really appreciate your work so far, and i think couples of day off will not matter much because there have been many many things in Sims 3 ... and missing a few objects will not upset us.
    last, thank you again.

  90. I am sorry to hear about your Dad. The Sims 3 is just a game. Spend time with your family. Take care.

  91. I like everyone else, are very sorry to hear about your father and we wish you well. This blog isn't as important as you spending as much time as possible with your family. I know what you are going through, my grandmother is a survivor of cancer, but sadly it came back and has spread so doctors are doing what they can to slow it down or stop it, and my other grandmother was diagnosed with cancer this year and I believe it's at stage 4, I have no idea how long I have with either of them. So I know what all this is like and I wish you and your family well, take your time, be with your family, and you of course have all our love.

  92. Oh my gosh I am so sorry. ._.

  93. Don't give us a second thought, this blog is important in the community, but nothing more important than spending time with a loved one. I am sorry your father is suffering with cancer and hope you and your family can come through this with the strength you give each other.

    I did just go through the same a couple of weeks ago, losing a beloved cousin that was a 2nd father to me and my sister, he was close to my dad and took over when he died. The love of my family and our strengh got us through it.

  94. sorry =/ thanks for updatin
    youre in my prayers

  95. So sorry...prayers are with you and your family.

  96. I'm really sorry about your father. Your blog is wonderful and I know everyone will wait. *Hugs*

  97. Sorry to hear the tough time you, your father, and your family and friends are going through. Best wishes of peace and strenght. Everybody touches people through their life and impacts for the better.

  98. I'm so sorry, i know how hard it is to have a family member suffer threw cancer(my 19yr old sister has had it twice) but i dont know what i would do if i was in your situation, so your really kind of a hero to me right now that you can stay strong threw this time in your life. so please please dont apologize for not posting, take the time to be with your family. =]

  99. i hope your father feels better, my prayers are with you and your family.

  100. Ohh... I'm so sorry! :(
    I don't know how to cheer up someone in english, so I'm just going to say that everything will be ok and no matter what happens, you have to be strong and spend time with the people who loves you. And you can always count with us! :)


  101. I'm so sorry to hear that! Both of my grandmothers went through cancer two summers ago and it was awful so I kinda know how you feel. My prayers are with you and your family.

  102. Thank you so very much to all of you. I read every comment and I really appreciate the kind words:)

  103. You do not have to tend to us about the blog. You are obviously in a terrible state right now. this blog and making other people happy should be the least on your mind. :/ get some rest and i hope your father is ok.
    ......oooooooo. (messed up heart)
    .......oooooo....... XD sry


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  105. lets start a trend with writing things for ms3b with the lines and such..... :33 (Turn that frown upsiddown


  106. I lost my mother when I was 7, she was diagnosed cancer when there wasn't much to do, just as your father. The best piece of advice I can give you is to talk with him and not to keep any feelings in your heart unshared. Enjoy your time toghether, and you'll be able to remember him with a smile in your face, not only tears. And, of course, keep the family united.

    Kisses from Argentina


  107. I am so sorry to hear about your dad. I'm not very good with words in situations like this, so I'll just say I'll be thinking of you and your family.

  108. oooh i'm sorry to hear that. my mom is struggling with womb cancer. i know how you feel. be tough =)

  109. That is so sad, I am so sorry. Recently, a family member of mine died, who I was close with, it's been really hard to deal with, so I kinda have a feel for what's going on with you, right now. But I cannot imagine having to know for 3 months before it happens. My heart truly goes out to you and your family. :(

  110. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family MS3B. I wish your father, you, and your family strength and peace.

  111. It saddens me deeply to know the pain your feeling. In times like this, I know there's nothing one can say to make the pain go away. I wish you and your family a passage of ease and peace through your rough time. I hope your father isn't and doesn't suffer more than he has to. I want you to, even though I may not know you personally, you and your family are in my thoughts. Stay strong.

  112. Be strong! I'm very sorry to hear about your father's disease....

  113. Sorry :(
    I hope he gets better.

  114. I feel sorry for u but let be strong, 3 months will be precious time you have to use and live wisely.

    Be sure to take care of yourself too :D

    PS. sorry about my grammar, my native language isn't English [I'm Thai]

  115. Hello from Belgium,
    I hope you can understand because my englisch is not so good.I like your blog it is really fantastic .I am very sick also and the Sims game gives me a litle bit joy in difficult moments.So take all the time you need to be with your father,it's what is most important now.
    I wish you a lot of courage for the next months
    So I close with giving you a big hug
    love Dieselbiene.

  116. I have problem with english too. So, very shortly - it´s very sad and hard days for you :( Be strong. My best wishes.

  117. Stay strong...I lost my dad to lung cancer when I was 13, so I know how you feel. Do not apologize for the lack of updates. The Sims will always be around. You do a great job w/this blog. I give my best wishes to you and your family.

  118. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I also lost my mom to cancer around this time. Spend as much time with your father as you can. Reminisce with him, laugh with him, let him know how much you love him. It will help you both in the long run. Take care.

  119. Sorry to hear that, I hope he gets better. :(

  120. I am so sorry to hear this. May God be with you and your family during this very difficult time. We'll be thinking of you and praying for you. Hugs.

  121. Take all the time you need. I wish you and your family all the strenght you need.

  122. Oh my gosh - when I read this, I didn't see how you could possibly be continuing to update your blog! I went through the same thing with my mother 5 years ago and I was her only caretaker. I already thought your blog was the best Sim site I'd ever seen - and now it has rocketed to a new dimension with this news. Miracles do happen and perhaps your father will get better - but if he doesn't, just know that he will be in a far better place than this one soon.

    You rock MSB...

  123. I went through this with my Dad three years ago this month and my heart goes out to you, your Dad and your family for what you are going through and what is to come. I sincerely hope that your Dad will be the one to defy the odds and wish you all the strength and love you need. May your Christmas be as good as it can possibly be.

    All the best {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

  124. I am really sorry to here about your father, my prayers and thoughts go out to you and your father.

  125. ---♥♥♥♥♥♥----♥♥♥♥♥♥---

    There ! i actually made this ! im proud lol. but i just did this to say that i hope your father recovers from this. I know they said that he only has so long but i really hope he recovers. MS3B, Please don't worry about this blog, i know every one has said it but don't ! oh i just remember i already wrote 2 times here but oh well ! I hope you and your family have a great christmas. ♥

  126. I'm so sorry to hear this. I went through this two years ago with my father, too. He had prostate cancer and was given 6 months to live. He ended up living a year instead of 6 months. It's the hardest thing in the world to have to go through that with someone you love. I hate that you and your family have to suffer though this now. I hope your father makes a full recovery, but if he doesn't, just know you aren't alone. Spend lots of time with him, because you will never regret spending that extra time with him.

  127. I'm sorry to hear about your father. Please take care of yourself and your family. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  128. I really truly wish your father recovers from this; spend as much time with him as possible creating memories. I appreciate what you do and I’m glad this blog is an escape, but if it becomes too much please don’t hesitate to stop attending to something so frivolous, your family is so much more important. Best wishes to you and yours.

  129. Best wishes for you and your father! I'm so sorry to hear about that :(
    Don't worry about updating the blog - this site will stay my top site for sims content 4-ever & always ^^

  130. My prayers are with you and your family. :)

  131. We went through this with my father-in-law a couple of years ago. It is extremely difficult. Unfortunately, people often think that a terminal diagnosis makes the whole ordeal easier, as if it won't hurt as much since you can "prepare". I can tell you that it is impossible to prepare, and just take every day with it's blessings and trials. Make good memories when you can...and thank you for sharing your blog with us!

  132. You are in my thoughts and prayers...Do what you need to do for your father, yourself and your family, that must always come first, Simmers are not going anywhere and if anyone conplains then to hell with them!
    Peace be with you and yours.

  133. I read your message only today, I am so sorry for your father. Take care of you and your family. Thank you for sharing your blog with us.

  134. My uncle was recently diagnosed with bone cancer. My thoughts and prayers are with you
