
December 14, 2009

New Donation Hair by Newsea

Download at Newsea



  1. ^ Newsea's hairs pretty much always sit too high on the head. :/

    I liked this when I thought it was a short style, but the back is just overkill. Maybe some people like this kind of thing, but I think it looks silly... like a parody of itself.

  2. Hmm. I actually think this hair is quite lovely. Good job mega bitch sith lord newsea ^.^ Owwwwww!

  3. I'm STILL not paying for this shit though... Booty/Simcave.... step your game up. :-\

  4. ^ I won't pay either. You know something? This hair is actually really pretty, I love the subtle waves.. it's just TOO DAMN LONG! lol It would be really nice at the shoulders. I'll wait for the alpha edit.

  5. Sue.Shi, have you read the drama surrounding Newsea and how hard it is to get hairs from them with all the trackers and waiting periods you have to go through?

    Just be patient. The hairs will be uploaded there soon.

  6. Oh, and the hair is really nice, but it's waaaaaaay too long. I agree with 'Wut' in saying that it would be nice if it ended at the shoulders.

  7. Errrr umm one more post...
    I do agree with you Actonethat....
    It would of been uber haute as a short style... and maybe somebody talented will come along and cut the pony tail off and jazz it up as a shorter style...but none the less... This is the 2nd newsea hair (since iris) that made look and go... "nice".


    I'm still waiting on that newsea iris hair...
    If anyone is awesome enough to post it and/or conversion.... you will be loved....dearly. :)

  8. Nicole I'm fully aware of Newsea's fuckery. I being alittle playful as far as the "step your game up comment"... but I do genuinely like the hair... I just don't see the sense in paying for it...especially from someone ass triffling and shady as newsea... but yeah I'm patient when it comes to free pixels that fools want you to pay for.

  9. I love newsea's hairs (wish they weren't donation though)

  10. I think almost everyone here agrees that Newsea hairs are not worth paying for, especially considering the fact that they can't be trusted with personal info.

    That being said, it's a little tactless to complain about Sims Cave being slow or behind. All of the hairs being shared are bought and paid for, and I believe in the case of Newsea they have to have at least TWO donators to keep them from being tracked.

    Newsea hairs are very difficult to get as they are, and it's possible that people simply don't have the extra cash to pay for TS3 content. I know I don't. :)

  11. Beautiful hair!

    I like the high forehead too; People with brains are more attractive.

  12. I cant wait to see this hair pirated, i agree its too long but it reminds me of one of nouks long and wavy hairs that i had for ts2, a style i liked for my carefree girls..


  14. The "someone hurry up and donate, then share it so I can have it" attitude is why even before NewSea released my personal information I had really slowed down on buying and or sharing.

    While you may be trying to be "playful" it just comes off as very rude and selfish to someone who has donated nearly every Newsea hair to either the booty or the cave for sims 2 and some of sims 3.

    Why don't you stfu and help them "step up their game" by donating and sharing yourself?!

    Or you can just STFU.

    -Amy (aka someone who isnt too heartbroken to not be able to share anymore after reading the BS)

  15. I likt it very much! ..but the forehead is really big.. xD
    Well I won't donate for ANY things for the Sims 3 so I'll pass on this one.

  16. Amy.... as much as I am greatful for all the people who were generous enough to donate to both SC and Booty sites... I stand by my comments.
    You can choose to be mad, glad or sad... honesty whatever you decide doesn't necessarily effect me nor does your "stfu and do it yourself" comments.
    I find it unfortunate that your personal info was released I honestly do sympathize... but your stfu's and do it yourself comments isn't going to fix it. Maybe this will help learn from the past and not to release such info to unreliable foreign sites. Hell most american ran sites aren't even trust worthy.
    Don't preach about being rude and such when your doing the EXACT same... the dose of your own medicine crap doesn't work. I apologize if you took offense to my post and I hope situations like yours don't happen to another user.

    Maybe I'm wrong for having that type of said "attitude"... at the end of the day...
    I will never see the point in paying for pixels for a game that as much as I do adore, will be outdated in 2-3 years.
    Like I previously stated. I'm am 103% greatful for those who do pay for these items and are generous enough to share with those who may not be able to afford or have higher priorities at hand.
    So before you come attacking a post of mine or others.... Honestly... get over it... I'm pretty sure there are bigger things at hand then what type of attitude you perceived from my font about when a hair is going to be uploaded to a site.
    Have a blessed day.

  17. Where can I read up on the Newsea fuckery?

  18. This hair looks really good... from the front. :-\

  19. Sue.Shi, I believe you are missing the point. No one here appears to be in disagreement about paying for content. Your statement was admittedly tactless, and stating "I'm sorry if you took offense, but..." doesn't change that.

    It seems like the anger in general here is being misplaced. Why blame Sims Cave or file sharers for being slow, when paysites like Newsea are the ones causing the problem to begin with?

    Amy, I'm sorry about your problems with Newsea. It is generous of people to fileshare when they can.

  20. Its not too bad, im not rushing to DL though. Most of his/her stuff is donation.

  21. No. REALLY. I get it. I do agree... The SC thing is pointless...
    if you feeling my statement was tactless then I wholeheartedly respect your opinion.
    The point that I was trying to convey was that as much as I feel for her and her situation attacking post is not going to fix anything. I still feel how I feel. She feels how she feels... and Newsea is going to do her. The comment I made about Sim/Booty stepping their game up was taken way too serious in my mind. It's unfortunate that's how it was taken... but like I said... it was in a joking manner and I didn't mean any intentional direct disrespect. If I came off as inconsiderate/impatient/rude....whatever you perception is then I apologize... but I've stated what I ment... please don't take my kidding and run with it...
    It's not the end of our worlds.

  22. I'm far from angry with SC/Booty... infact... I'm not even angry with Newsea... and I'm saying that EVEN if I was one of the unfortunate people whom was blasted on her site. If that is what type of childish person she IS....over pixels...for a COMPUTER GAME... then so help her when bad bitch karma catches up. Your right... anger is totally misplaced... but I'm not the angry one.

  23. Yes, it's frustrating to have to wait for content, but the donators don't owe us a damn thing. They could just as well keep the content for themselves, like most people who pay for content. If it bothers you that much, you could always set up a few donation accounts and donate yourself. ;)

    Anyway, for a super-long hair, I think this actually looks really nice. It might not be useable on a ton of sims, but for those it works on, it's very pretty.

  24. I guess that was to the person who stated that whoever pays for hairs owes the people who DIDN'T pay for them... cause I didn't say that.
    I've said numerous times that's whoever is generous enough to donate hairs was awesome and that I was thankful. That's not MY cup of tea... so why would I set up a couple of donation accounts and do the exact same thing I just preached about being against.
    I'm not knocking those who take the time/money to do so... but I will never get THAT forte. I payed for my game. That's the only thing I see fit in paying for. If the talented people of TSR,Peggy,Newsea etc lived in "my" perfect world... Hell even if I knew hot to convert hairs and objects for games.... no matter how good I was... I'd share for free... this hording,shadiness, overcharging,sharing personal info and tracking over pixels is bullshit.
    I'm a photographer/graphic design artist.... I get paid for my prints... not paid for the clothes, makeup and hair my models where...
    I'm not asking everyone to agree with my comments/oppinion.... I'm not asking you to spaz out about it either.

  25. Where is that lip gloss from?

  26. ^ Seriously, are you actually reading what people are saying to you? Everyone here agrees: paysites are bad and we won't buy from them. There, now you can stop with the giant text-block posts.

  27. Lmfao. No. My tabs refresh so when I look at the comment window I respond back. My thing is... don't take my font to heart. It's really now that serious. My "attitude" remains...and so does there. I don't want any to get their panties in a bunch over what I said about SC... or how others feel about a pixel that wasn't converted to their liking. I'll shut up now and go play my game. ^.^

  28. "Seriously, are you actually reading what people are saying to you? Everyone here agrees: paysites are bad and we won't buy from them. There, now you can stop with the giant text-block posts."


    You're repeatedly rambling about how paysites are bad. We get it, we agree, etc etc. You just love the sound of your own voice. DROP IT ALREADY.

    What people are annoyed about is that you got whiny and ungrateful about not getting donation items fast enough for ever-so-important YOU. You tried to make yourself sound better by saying "sorry if you were offended but..." and it's just making you look whinier and MORE ungrateful.



  29. i love everybody.
    now shut the fuck up.
    the hair will be available in due time.
    everybody bitching about a EA game that has more problems then tiger woods and his 9 iron to himself is simple minded.
    evreybody get a life...

  30. Would anyone like some cheetos??? :-\

  31. Sure. I'll stfu. At the end of the day... everyone who got alittle too moved by my comment and participated in this net beef is just as bad as I am. You tell me to stfu isn't intelligent as far as I'm concern. Don't like the post... Don't fucking respond to them.

  32. You are so unbelievably obnoxious, Sue.Shi.

  33. Look, I won't harp on you about your original comment, Sue, because people have already said what I think. What I will do is ask you to please stop talking for the time being. You said something that pissed people off, and you defended yourself to the best of your ability; continuing on isn't helping you. People are going to respond if they feel you deserve it. Please. Stop.

  34. Honestly. I respect your opinion about me. That's fine. I'm not going to bash you for feeling that way.
    Out of respect for the person who runs this blog and the situation he is enduring right now... I'll be the bigger person and squash this mess. I'm not going to keep up on this man's blog and I didn't even do anything but post a comment to deserve all these emotions. Once again, I apologize if anyone took anything I said too seriously or out of contex. This above and beyond simple minded. Sorry if you feel different. Goodnight.

  35. The funny part is that I wasn't upset by your comment in the slightest. The "drama" doesn't matter to me at all. What does annoy me is your apparent notion that you MUST have the last word, that repeating yourself over and over and over until people beg you to stop (and you finally DO) actually makes you "the bigger person." It wasn't what you said that I found obnoxious, but the fact that you felt the need to say it so...many...times. Anyway, thank you for stopping. The quantity of posts you made in this thread was asinine.

    As for the hair (which despite Sue.Shi's best intentions is the actual topic of this thread), I like it. I don't know how often I'll be able to use it because most of my Sims don't have really long hair, but it's very nice looking. And it looks surprisingly good on that male sim, too, which is a rarity for these more "feminine" styles.

  36. stupid.
    anyone who entertained this besides that actually people who had something real to say in response to sue is stupid.
    it is one thing to express you disagreement with someone it is one thing to be ugly. people really need to prioritize things.
    everyone grow up.
    this goes for sue and the other who saw fit to keep nagging.

  37. this is a pretty hair. even though it's entirely too long, i like it a lot

  38. This thread is ridiculous
    I hope the creator deletes all these null and void post

  39. ^^ honestly, the other person had a right to say what they did...sue was really fucking irritating in this thread

    i like the hair a lot. it's a little too long for me too but i think it looks great.

  40. I think this hair is so nice! I wouldn't put it on my guys but I have a couple of ladies that I think it would compliment!

    OT: I do sometime buy Newsea hair...can someone explain about the releasing of personal info? I was going to get this hair as well but need to know what I'm missing and if it's serious enough to NOT buy the hair. Thanks bunches already to whomever may decide to respond.

    Back on topic: I really really do like this hair!!!

  41. To be fair...I would LOVE some Cheetos.

  42. cece: please, unless you are donating the files to sites like simscave, don't donate to paysites (especially not the ones that were around in the ts2 days when it was ILLEGAL). the more financial support they get, the more likely they are to keep selling content when so many other talented creators are willing to share for free.

    as for the privacy issue: if newsea thinks you have pirated her content, she (like many other paysites including rose and tsr) has been known to publicly out you as a pirate and share your information with other paysites in order to get you banned. it's the risk that pirates have to take, and if you do it right you are not at risk. it's still an absolutely appalling thing to do, on newsea's part.

  43. Point blank.
    Everyone had a right to post their peace.
    I agree Sue was very irritating- in the same breath when it comes down to somebody typing what they thing as much as she was irritating and lead this on longer than need be...
    At the end of the day everyone had the right to post comments regardless if you agreed with person or not.
    Telling people to shut the fuck up through a computer doesn't accomplish anything but their entertainment.
    Feeding the fire is not a good look.

  44. I'm waiting on the day Newsea's site blows up in hacker flames. She is pathetic.

  45. What this thread has become:

    posting about what people should say when they post about a post about what people should say when they post about a post about what people should say about a post when they post about a post

  46. "Point blank.
    Everyone had a right to post their peace.
    I agree Sue was very irritating- in the same breath when it comes down to somebody typing what they thing as much as she was irritating and lead this on longer than need be..."

    And you commenting on THAT makes it longer, and me commenting on what YOU said makes it even longer than that...if you really want it to stop, the best course of action is to say nothing.

    Since I don't care if it stops, I'm posting about your post about the other person's post about Sue's post about the anon before that.

    I love the internet.

  47. i dont care if it stops
    this shit is funny people trip over the darnedest things

    i love the internet too

  48. all of ya'll are on rock.
    the same shit whitney houston was smoking.
    whats up with those cheetos???

  49. Seriously, what's taking so long with the Cheetos?

  50. Can I have Kettle Chips instead?

  51. Sour cream and onion?

  52. Salt & vinegar, all the way.

    Jalapeno if you're out of that.

  53. Um... Wtf are "kettle chips"?
    Any relation to kettle corn?

  54. hell yeah, salt n vinegar

  55. *YAK* @ Katana and her salt and vinegar craving.

  56. "Wtf are "kettle chips"? "

    Thick-cut chips that are cooked in a big kettle. Just extra thick and crunchy so they taste less greasy...higher potato-to-oil ratio.

    I could totally go for the honey mustard ones...

  57. "*YAK* @ Katana and her salt and vinegar craving."

    I pity you. Salt & vinegar is fucking delicious. Do you cry at night? Because I would, if I didn't like salt & vinegar. ;)

  58. I like my chips just like I like my women.... Greasy/Fatty.



  60. Lmfao Katana.
    I hear you... but ugh.
    Imma plain lays or sour cream and onion fan.
    You can have that salt and vinegar...

  61. hell hath no fury like a man without his cheetos...

  62. "I like my chips just like I like my women.... Greasy/Fatty."

    I know some guys like bigger ladies, but greasy? That's...special.

    Also, I'm cool with just Cheetos, angryanon.

  63. For the dude who likes fat greasy chicks...
    I bet you are a fan of all of peggy's hairs. Lmfaooooo

  64. ^ Works for me, I'm scrawny but I haven't showered yet today. How YOU doin? ;)

    And do Fritos fit into this equation?

  65. hmmmmmmmmm dunno whether this hair would actually look good on my normal non-photoshopped sims.

  66. Yeah, I'm down for the Fritos.


  68. *Peeks in head*
    So like... are pepperidge farm mint milanos out of the question???

  69. ^ Totally! This blog needs a forum hahahahaha...

  70. Dammit, too fast again lol

  71. "*Peeks in head*
    So like... are pepperidge farm mint milanos out of the question???"


  72. @katana: EW SALT N' VINEGAR! XD

    No offense to your personal taste but I have to throw an 'ew' in there. ;D

    I heard Newsea was really a dude. Anybody know the truth there?

  73. Hmm...I don't think mint milano are out of the question even at the apocalypse. Did you bring enough for the whole class?

    Actually, as long as you brought enough for me I don't really care about the class.

  74. "^ Totally! This blog needs a forum hahahahaha..."

    lol diddo

  75. "I heard Newsea was really a dude. Anybody know the truth there?"

    I heard it too. I don't know if anyone has any proof one way or the other.

    Also, salt and vinegar FUCK YEAR

  76. LOL i love the twist these comments took. I'll take some cheetos, spicy or not doesnt matter :-)

  77. Katana since you were the only green light for milanos... I don't mind sharing the wealth. LOL.

  78. -M. Night Shyamalan Robot Chicken Voice-

    "Whadda Twist!"

  79. I have Wheat-Thins! Any takers?

    *dodges flying debris thrown at his head*

  80. ^^ Failed.
    Go to bed Anon. :\

  81. ^ But it's four in the afternoon...

  82. It's 3:30 over here. I wonder how many time zones we've got in this thread right now?

  83. lol@dramallama
    The internet is srs bizness indeed.

    I don't mind the super long hair but I also thought it was cuter when I thought it was shoulder length.

  84. "I wonder how many time zones we've got in this thread right now?"

    So far we have 3:30, 4:30 and 6:30 accounted for, I think those are all pm. It's 12:30am here.

  85. I'm at 5:30. We've got the continental US so far and...uh Europe somewhere, probably western.

  86. "Wow. That was... something else."

    You can't help but crack up though. Lol

  87. 99!!!!
    Where is 100!?!

  88. 97 comments? What the heck happened in here...?

    Anyway, I like this hair! (for females only)

    It seems a lot of recent Newsea hairs are all donations...

  89. ^101 actually
    now 102

  90. Ha! What a funny thread! Its like a soap opera and so interesting to read. LOL

    Pretty hair but not worthy paying for.

  91. Actually Newsea is a transvestite...

  92. cece: please, unless you are donating the files to sites like simscave, don't donate to paysites (especially not the ones that were around in the ts2 days when it was ILLEGAL). the more financial support they get, the more likely they are to keep selling content when so many other talented creators are willing to share for free.

    as for the privacy issue: if newsea thinks you have pirated her content, she (like many other paysites including rose and tsr) has been known to publicly out you as a pirate and share your information with other paysites in order to get you banned. it's the risk that pirates have to take, and if you do it right you are not at risk. it's still an absolutely appalling thing to do, on newsea's part.

    Wow!! Thanks for your response. I did not know it went that far!! As for sharing...I'm not computer savvy to even begin to know how to do this!! Lol!! Not at all stingy...just don't know how I would do it. I would hate to be ousted humiliating that would be! Well...advice taken...will not buy the hair! :-)

  93. nothingtoseeherefolxDecember 14, 2009 at 7:38 PM

    I'm just adding to the post count.

  94. When I first saw the hair I thought it was a very beautiful shoulder-length hair, but when I saw the side view I was in utter disgust! What is with the ugly asian hair that cares about length. I want a hair that my sims can just go around town in.

  95. ^ "disgust"? Really? That's a little extreme. Save your disgust for important things.

  96. Er. Anyway, I for one like the hair. I know a lot of people prefer shorter hair, but I for one actually really like longer hairstyles (on women, not men). I know they look sometimes weird in TS3, but I've just always been one for long hair.

  97. I wish they would have cut the hair off right at the ponytail mark. It would have been perfect as a shoulder length cut. Is there anyone out there who can chop off the ponytail?

  98. "Wow!! Thanks for your response. I did not know it went that far!! As for sharing...I'm not computer savvy to even begin to know how to do this!! Lol!! Not at all stingy...just don't know how I would do it. I would hate to be ousted humiliating that would be! Well...advice taken...will not buy the hair! :-)"

    -> Right, DON'T buy their stuff. The more you buy, the more likely they keep selling. I assure you, these sharers are not thief. They did not snatch the hair away from Newsea or hacked to get them, they PAID for them.
    Don't pay for it when you can get it free. All of their donation will be in SimCave soon enough. I promise :)

  99. I really like the hairline, but since it is newsea, will not have it in my game. Well, if someone alpha-edit it and change it to something nice, I might change my mind. :)

    Now about the cheetos, are you all out? Mmm, love cheetos, but would love to have katana's vinegar and salt chips. Mmm, now I am hungry.

    What's up with all these comments? 108?!!

  100. I see 112 comments (now 113), that's weird...I'll have some of those salt and vinegar too. XD

  101. I love this hair! This and "casual/everyday" hairs are the ones I always use :)

  102. @Antonella Unfortunately someone's gotta pay for 'em to appear in the Sims Cave :(

  103. ^ I'm the one who paying. I'm the one who posted them at Simcave :) Only one person paying is enough.
    And I did promised people would have soon enough, didn't I? :)


  105. For the people who want a shorter version of this, there's one a lot like it at Peggyzone. It's pay, and has bangs, and needs retexturing, but that's the best anyone can do for now. There's even SEPARATE male and female files, instead of the usual merged into one.

    It's been up a while.

    Hope that helps. :/

  106. Maybe its newsea's new ad campaign but I 'm loving these hairs for both geneders. I love their textures and *most* of newsea's styles. the only flaw is yes they make their hair meshes too lose and leave large gaps for the forehead. but thats not stopping me from dling from, PSMBD. thankfuly is looks good on guys and girls. People seem to forget if hairs were based on conversions from sims 2, they were made for sims 2 sims . thsoe sims ahd huge forehads, remember?

  107. Maybe its newsea's new ad campaign but I 'm loving these hairs for both geneders. I love their textures and *most* of newsea's styles. the only flaw is yes they make their hair meshes too lose and leave large gaps for the forehead. but thats not stopping me from dling from, PSMBD. thankfuly is looks good on guys and girls. People seem to forget if hairs were based on conversions from sims 2, they were made for sims 2 sims . thsoe sims ahd huge forehads, remember?

  108. Lol what happened in this post?

    Btw Salt & Vinegar chips are the best ever. I wish I had some, but all I have are Cheetos. :(

  109. Holy cats... that's a fuckton of posts and half of them are about cheetohs o_O People are definitely getting more chatty x)

    I have to agree that this hair would have been perfect as a shoulder-length, wavy hair that sat a little lower on the head (gah, I do not need a forehead that ginormous on my poor sims. Bad enough it makes your head look elongated from the side).

    Don't get me wrong, I adore well-made long hairs (I'm so freaking tired of all the short hairs out there that all look the same). But this one would have been better without the ponytail.

  110. Hello, Rissa from Simscave here.

    Like some people said: Don't buy paysets or get subs unless you want to share or paysites will release more paystuff.
    But if you want to share stuff we would be glad to see you helping us, either at Simscave or at PMBD!

    If you are interested in getting a Newsea file, no matter if for Sims 2 or 3, but need to have more information feel free to come over to Simscave and contact me there, I'm trying to organize the purchase of the files so that they aren't bought more often than necessary.

    And yes, Newsea belongs to Juice, the same Juice that creates for the Peggyzone. And this Juice is a guy. Most hairfiles at this site are by a person named Yu, but several files have been created by Juice as well, this one among them.

  111. i want this hair for a gentleman *lol yes laugh at me* but i think it's nice XD

  112. Ermmm yeah! I was thinking the SAME THING, i think this blog needs a little forum, so we can chat and stuff, and get the real feel of these characters on this blog. lol. what do u think?

  113. that Sue Shi is a SHIT!!! if she said that she is a photographer professional and have money why don't pay for the donation hairs,or if she is so smart why don't you make you own meshes...

  114. hey does anyone know where this hair is from? i cant seem to find it and a friend wants it,
    sorry its off topic =]

  115. or this link if that one doesnt work x

  116. I think that hair's from Rusty Nail's website. Could be wrong though. I didn't keep it because the part bugged me.

  117. im ok with that bit, what annoys me is the thumbnail pic of the sim in game, it looks awful but other than that i love this hair =]
    i found it and sent her the link thankyou =D xxx

  118. how the hell can this hair have 129comments?

  119. Btw, I think Newsea is a guy. I think him and his girlfriend do hairs.

    (I still don't understand why anyone would donate to Newsea anyway - he doesn't have to pay for bandwith or anything, so he's really just being very greedy. But I don't want to go on a paysite rant like what has been said before).

    The hair looks late 80s/early 90s enough to dl I think (having a themed neighbourhood!). But I wonder how many polys..?

  120. whats up with these comments???
    anyway the hair is nice but i wont download coz its not gd enough to pay for

  121. ^^ One of those anons....
    I stated I was a photographer and graphic design artist... I sure the talent helps with converting things for Sims 3...but chile that's not what I went to school for. Maybe one day I'll convert a hair... and post it up for everyone to critique. Never bragged about what was in my pockets either... if you must quote do it right. No matter how much money is made by anyone...
    *clears throat* Never on a paysite. :p

    ^^ To the other anon who was looking for that updo hair posted on FB.
    Here is one of MissBonBon hairs she converted that was posted on this blog.

  122. Sorry.
    Here is here actual thread with the hair....

    here is here DL link...

  123. Wow 135 comments. People go nuts when Newsea posts new hair. =D

  124. Blablabla, irrelevant stuff. Who has a download link for this hair?

  125. Obviously you didn't read the earlier posts.

    Newsea hair takes a long time to be available. There's no way around it, unless they go free (which seems pretty unlikely, considering how greedy they've been so far).

  126. "Wow 135 comments. People go nuts when Newsea posts new hair. =D"

    Read the comments. 80% of the posts were MOAR FIGHT and conversations about snack foods.

  127. "Blablabla, irrelevant stuff. Who has a download link for this hair?"

    Like the other anon said, you'd know why that's not yet possible if you read through even a fraction of the "irrelevant stuff."

    Congrats, you now look like a moron. :)

  128. lol oh the drama! but i like it and i think the male sim is kinda cute!! it is hella long but cute enuff for it to be overlooked..ill think about added this as im trying to not have my game as overloaded as it was in sims 2 or the the plain sims 3 game lol =p

  129. Honestly, I missed the boat on this one - damn it!! -

  130. This is the first time I've loved a female hair on a man! Love it Newsea.

  131. I have seen this hair on sims on the exchange and MTS. I wish those who purchased it would send it to Pescado to have the trackers removed. I would get it but I don't have a credit card.
