
February 27, 2010

New pet and laundry set by MK

Includes: chair, a table (in lockers), decor - laundry, shopping, dog (4 repainting), box, bowl, flower pots 3pcs., watering can.

Download at MK Stuff


  1. So it's safe to assume all posts with "Brandon" attached to it are useless! Who the hell wants dog statues?

  2. I think it´s very cute! Love it! Thx! :)

  3. it looks pretty cute but i have no use for these. waiting for the pets expansion pack :P

  4. ^^Same. I miss having pets. And I'm sure either the next EP or the one after it will have pets, so I'm holding out for that.

  5. I'd like to have the bulldog for a contest I am in. But sadly that link, site whatever takes me everywhere but to the items! I have NO clue what is up with that. I just wanted the dog... :-(

  6. why do i want dogs that cant move

  7. The download link is right there under the picture, guys. Click on it, then click on "free downloading". Type in the captcha, and click download.

  8. For those of you complaining about this set. Has it every occured to you that people like building relistic houses whether the dogs work or not it adds a touch of realisim, for someone like me who actually doesn't play the game but builds houses I think this is a great idea. and to the person who said the posts by Brandon are useless, how rude are you, if it wasn't for Brandon, Jess and MS3B you wouldn't have this site, so hows about you think before you speak and just a reminder opinions are like assholes everyone has one and I belive you would fall under both catergories.

  9. Kinda makes me want a Pets expansion pack.

  10. I can't download this thing. It says something about the IP. Help?

  11. MK Stuff, would you PLEASE change file hosting site?

    The limit of connection was succeeded for your IP:***.***.**.***!
    Try to repeat after 600 sec




  15. ^lolwut

    This set makes me want to have pets in game again even if I didn't use them much in TS2.

    I would delete the fake dogs though, but the rest is pretty cute.

  16. Why have people gotten so rude on this board? If you don't like the set, then don't download it. Are you that self-centered that you think everything here is personally for you? There are many sets, items, etc. that I don't download because I either don't like them or won't use them. Maybe we have a bunch of little children posting here, heh?
    Now as for the download, I too am not able to get it to work. I have tried it several times and it doesn't seem to respond at all (even when I try to click on the 'Contact Us' at the bottom of the download page. I think the hosting site is not working, so I will try again later today. BTW, I absolutely love this site, it's the first one I check everyday for new items. Thank you Joe.

  17. It's not Joe, it's Brandon.

  18. Hrm? People are allowed to say they dislike something. We're big boys and girls, we should be able to tolerate someone having different thoughts than we do.


  19. ^ I think you are missing the point, what annon was meaning (I think)is this isn't a forum for peoples negative thoughts on items, it is a download site, and if you read all the comments above you one person even went as far as making a negative comment towards one of the people who take time out of there real lives to provide us with these downloads. Its really sad that we live in a world where it seems nothing is good enough, manners are thrown out of the window and to many people aren't apprecitive. I agree with the anon when hey say if you don't like it move on, there are many things on here that aren't to my personal taste but that doesn't mean I am going to start ranting about it as there are plenty of people out there that will appreciate what I don't like. everyone is different and sometimes peoples thoughts should be just that, thoughts.....

  20. "So it's safe to assume all posts with "Brandon" attached to it are useless!"

    You are a jackass.

    There's absolutely nothing wrong with disliking something, but to attack Brandon personally is just immature. And yes, I know that calling anon names is equally immature, but he/she deserves it for his/her behavior. Some people are jackasses, and that's just how they act.

  21. Blame EA for not having pets not Brandon or the creators of this set. I for one like it even if the dogs are a little sad and motionless... it's the best I can hope for until EA suckers me into paying for a pet expansion pack ='( The world is cruel. lol.

  22. boooo. EA needs to make a REAL expansion pack
