
February 27, 2010

Set of 6 Rugs by Evelyn

Download at Garden Of Shadows


  1. I love the non-recolorable rugs :D
    In-fact, I encourage more non-recolorabe (as in non-CAS) creations like back in Sims 2. There's just some things you can't pull of just using the create-a-style tool in-game.

  2. I love them, but being banned from GOS makes an impossibility to have. Maybe it will be posted somewhere else?

    Evelyn does good work on the rugs, and just like Anon said, I don't mind non-castable rugs. My designing doesn't come out well with rugs.

  3. ^ omg why were you banned?!

  4. Ohh, let me see... forgot to link a picture on a request, used chatspeak IDK in a post, and when they told me that the next warning was a ban, I told them to go stuff it. I wasn't planning on going back there anyway.

    Sad, cause I was a member there for three or four years and in one month, I got the 2 warnings and a ban. Oh well.

  5. ^ That's ridiculous. Here's the link:

  6. That sucks, B.

    I'm tired of hearing about people getting banned from GOS. It sounds kinda like they're trying to act all MATY-esque and tough. Most people who complain about it are the type that act like tards in posts here and probably deserved it in the first place, but B's doesn't seem to be like that.

    But I won't leave there, 'cause I like the stuff. I'll just lurk and avoid bannination in the first place. ;)

    The rugs are very nice, and I have to agree that there are some looks that just can't be achieved with CAST. I never download nonreCASTable stuff unless it's really special, though, because it's just not as versatile. I love the first rug here.

  7. Oh, no I don't want anyone leaving the site. This is my problem, I have to deal with it.

    Much thanks to the Anon for the link. Very much appreciated.

  8. ^Oh, I didn't think you were trying to get people to leave. You're not immature like that. Sorry if it sounded like I meant that.

  9. So, if you're banned, you can't see the site at all? I thought you just couldn't post.
    And thanks for the compliments.
