
April 30, 2010

Fancy Dress For Females by New One

Download at One Billion Pixels


  1. Another awesomeness by NewOne!

    btw, Joe, Aikea just updated again.

  2. Looks just like Traelia's sundress....

  3. That looks suspiciously like Traelia's sundress, only with a bit of lace. Hmmm... =(

  4. okay okay I see now, it's a new texture for Traelia's.... it's all good

  5. It matches that hair so damn perfectly

  6. I thought that it looked like Traelias sundress, she gave credit for retexturing though so it's all good :D

  7. I scream 'Newone' every time.....


  8. So cute! Love this. And I agree, it matches that hair perfectly. Thanks, Newone. :)

  9. Epi is turning me into a NewOne fan. @.@

  10. That makes two of us Jill XD Yay NewOne!!!!!

  11. Wait... So Newone can recolour someone else`s work using a new pattern in an area we could already apply new patterns to, and deserves praise? What the fuck is wrong with you all. This is THE EXACT DRESS that Traelia made. Newone didn't do anything but claim undeserved credit.

  12. She gave it a texture that is always there, an interesting one at that, at the base AND gave credits. Plus the texture looks cleaner.

  13. Newone put a nice twist on a pre-existing mesh. The first one was cute... but I really like what NewOne did to this. Same with the trench coat and scarf. I saw the meshes before but they didn't appeal to me... It could be that I'm a crazy NewOne fan, or it could actually be that these re-textures are actually fucking amazing. I'll go with both.

    Not to mention NewOne ALWAYS gives to complete credit to EVERYTHING. Not only the original mesher, but to every single piece of CC she uses in making the pictures. You need to go to her site and read her descriptions before accusing her of that bullshit.

    Oh, and it's like you're saying no one should be using the same mesh for things... that's just ridiculous.

  14. Oh, and Jill and Jeni... I think NewOne is turning you into a NewOne fans. =) All I do is spread the word. =)

  15. I have both the Traelia version and now the NewOne version of the dress in my game. Traelia's is casual and NewOne's is formal. What about all the designers who use Liana's meshes, do they not deserve the praise either?
