
April 30, 2010

Silent Hill Street Set by Aikea Guinea

Download at Club Crimsyn

Thanks, Anon:)


  1. Goddamn Aikea, I can't handle all the awesome you churn out.

  2. This is exactly what I have been looking for! Thank you Aikea Guinea!!

  3. Aikea I know you love the grunge

    but dear god give us some nice cleaned up textured versions of the phone booth and...and everything ;-;

  4. While I could technically spend ages cleaning up these textures, my attention span isn't long enough to bother. Anyone else is more than welcome to have at it.

  5. I'd also really love to have cleaned up textures! These look like great meshes!! Aikea really makes some amazing stuff!! Hopefully somebody will take on cleaning these up!!

  6. It's wonderful aikea, you're the best!

  7. I guess I might try my hand at the newspaper stands...I wanna make em simlish anyway.

  8. aikea, I love the grunge and I like that you keep to your style. Thats what makes a good artist. Stick with the grunge!

  9. Well, she did make them for GOS' grunge theme...

  10. -pokes at the wall writing-

  11. Claeric-

    Booty>Pandora>Downtown set. It has all sorts of 'clean' newspaper dispensers, handicapped signs, payphones... etc. ;)

  12. Of course you wait until I already screw around with them to say that. :p

    I redid the parking meter and phone, and while I like them, I don't think they're very good and nobody would want them anyway, I think :p

  13. damn claeric, you never have anything productive to say.

  14. I'm in love with this set. The new world I'm playing needs more clutter to make it look realistic.
    Aikea you are amazing, period.

  15. All I did was request cleaned up versions...? I'm sorry that not everyone revolves their game around drugs and blood and dirt, I guess? I don't know what I did wrong here.

  16. "Aikea I know you love the grunge

    but dear god give us some nice cleaned up textured versions of the phone booth and...and everything ;-;"

    was condescending. aikea's work is creative, intriguing, and well-done. i can't imagine it would have taken very long for you to go get clean versions of these items - but instead, you're sitting around crowing about how you cleaned them up, but ohhh they're just not good enough. who do you think cares? you are the internet equivalent of somebody who doesn't know when to shut the hell up.

  17. Nothing, apparently it's just cool to hate on you.


    I wanna be cool too :(

  18. Oh my ! The nerve to steal my ideas! I do not like the crime!Cruel foreigners.

  19. and i even forgot to mention the part where you summarize aikea's work as "drugs and blood and dirt". really condescending, really rude, really unnecessary. hopefully you just don't ever think about what comes out of your mouth, and you're not saying these kinds of things on purpose.

  20. "I'm sorry that not everyone revolves their game around drugs and blood and dirt, I guess?"

    Yes, but Aikea plays her game that way. And-- as you're aware yourself-- creators create things they'd like to have themselves. Clearly, you aren't her target audience.

    Even if it wasn't intentional, your original request was phrased as a demand. You're asking someone to go out of their way to do something for you-- the least you can do is reword it and stick a question mark at the end.

  21. Aikea is like the token hipster of the Sims world. On the one hand, I appreciate the variety. On the other, sometimes the moody is just overwhelming.

  22. Oh, stop picking on Claeric, it's getting old. Let's pick on Evie instead.

  23. well, more on topic

    I love these. I've been playing SH3 for the past few days so i'm definitely in the mood for some grunge. I hope someone decides to build a city or some kind if downtown with these

    or I guess I could :)

  24. guys the wacky thing here is that

    1. I did not insult the objects
    2. I did not insult Aikea
    3. I did not in any way imply that I don't understand that Aikea's all about making stuff like this

    All I did was say "pleeeeeease make clean versions for those of us that make up the significant majority and don't utilize grungy bloody stuff but would like vending machines, parking meters, and newspaper stands".

    That is not a big deal.

  25. Grunge is clearly a niche that Aikea Guinea has carved for herself in the Sims community. She creates what she likes and besides, there was a grunge contest going on at GoS before the TSR bastards got it shut down.

    "Booty>Pandora>Downtown set. It has all sorts of 'clean' newspaper dispensers, handicapped signs, payphones... etc. ;)"

    The above quote was said by Epi where she mentioned where you could find "clean" similar versions made by someone else. So go download them and stop whining about what Aikea makes. Grunge isn't my style so I won't be downloading (in fact, the only thing I have of Aikea's is the default eye replacement), but I have no right to whine about something that she obviously likes and put a lot of time and effort into just because it isn't my "style." It's well made so bitching about the style is pointless. If it's not yours, don't download. We don't get to choose what creators make; THEY do.

  26. don't play stupid, claeric, even though you do it so well. the tone of your comments is condescending. as you already know, clean versions of these things exist and are not difficult to find. why would you immediately post a whiny demand for clean versions, while already knowing that's not what aikea is about? it comes across as insulting and demeaning. i cannot believe i had to spell this out for you.

  27. SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!! Stop taking every little thing so seriously, you haters. Go play the game and just shut up!!!!!!!

  28. Liars will not enter my home land !

  29. ...why do you guys keep giving him the attention

  30. My lawyer is a lot angry!

  31. Will the Peggy troll GTFO already? That schtick got old two days ago.

  32. I don't really use the grunge stuff in my game either, but the vending machines are full of win, thanks Aikea :D

  33. I do not understand your comment "GTFO" "schtick" ?

  34. "All I did was say "pleeeeeease make clean versions for those of us that make up the significant majority and don't utilize grungy bloody stuff but would like vending machines, parking meters, and newspaper stands"."

    Aikea doesn't make her stuff on the basis of what will suit the "significant majority," though. She has a certain style and target download audience for stuff like this. She shouldn't have to go through the trouble of making the "clean" versions just to suit some people...especially when there is already a set like that out there.

  35. Me Chinese

    Me play joke

    Me do pee pee in your coke

  36. " I'm sorry that not everyone revolves their game around drugs and blood and dirt, I guess? I don't know what I did wrong here."

    Please explain to me how this particular set showcases drugs and blood. It's dirty/grungy, yes, but that doesn't automatically equate to blood and drugs, so cut the sarcasm.

  37. I love this stuff so much it hurts. I must be a masochist becuase I want moooooore!

    Aaaaand the anti-Claeric spirit is still strong, I see o_O

  38. ugh... I forgot to add-

    omg Aikea! I'm loving this!!

  39. Wow these are AMAZING! Though, would you be ever son kind as to make a non-grunged version of the items? If I ever made a inter-city poverty stricken neighborhood these would be great however for most neighborhoods these don't fit, but these objects are AMAZING I must say again, Thank you so much!

  40. Aikea doesn't make her stuff on the basis of what will suit the "significant majority," though.

    Oh, of course, I know. That's why I enthusiastically hoped that maybe she might, because they are great as they are already and for me, they'd be much better if not grunge.

    That's not a big deal, nor is it rude. :\

  41. I'm sure Aikea's slitting her wrists right now that Claeric insulted her so terribly asking her if she'd consider making cleaner versions of this stuff. You anons take things so personally, good lord.

  42. perhaps is more along the lines of detesting rudeness based on jealousy?

  43. P.S. What is with all the Claeric hate??

  44. "I'm sure Aikea's slitting her wrists right now that Claeric insulted her so terribly asking her if she'd consider making cleaner versions of this stuff."

    Yes, I am. And crying in my beer.

  45. :O These are AMAZING. Perfect for a Zombie Apocalypse neighborhood! :D
    I <3 you for making all this grunge stuff Aikea.

  46. You know, there is a forum you guys could debate in instead of the comments.

    AG your comment made my night. or morning since its 2am now

  47. After seeing the wonderful stuff by Aikea and Gelydh, I have no excuse for not making more grunge, broken, urban hood. Now my creative juices are flowing, thanks to you two. I love your work more than ever! Thanks so much for sharing these wonderful items with us!!

  48. You guys need to chill the fuck out.

    Aikea, I want to buy you a beer to cry over. Let's party.

  49. "All I did was say "pleeeeeease make clean versions for those of us that make up the significant majority and don't utilize grungy bloody stuff but would like vending machines, parking meters, and newspaper stands"."

    Actually, that's not what you said. Reread your original comment:

    "but dear god give us some nice cleaned up textured versions of the phone booth and...and everything"

    Does this strike you as a polite request? You may not have intended it that way, but I'm not surprised some people took offense at the way it was phrased.

  50. Hey guys? You know your doing the exact same thing you've accused Claeric of doing. YOu've done nothing but talk slander and condescending to him. And not only him but everyone that disagrees with you. You know the adage, while your pointing a finger of accusation at someone, there are 3 fingers pointing right back at you?

    Oh and Claeric, I commend your bravery and your request because I feel the same way about a cleaned up version. The mesh is great, would be nice to have a cleaned up alternative to grunge which I hope you make since Aikea gave you permission to do so.

  51. "Oh and Claeric, I commend your bravery and your request because I feel the same way about a cleaned up version."

    "Bravery" seems like a serious exaggeration. I do agree that Claeric tends to get unnecessarily bashed a lot here, but the request could have been worded much better.

  52. Why yes he could have worded it like a kid begging his mom for cookies or some crap. I don't get it. Now peeps can't talk the way they talk? They have to talk in "kiss up mode" to please the masses. I found absolutely NOTHING wrong in how he worded it, on top of that he was talking to the creator not the bunch of idiots that jump in the middle of everything, all the time, for no reason at all.

  53. "Now peeps can't talk the way they talk? They have to talk in "kiss up mode" to please the masses."

    No. The only person you have to please is the original creator. People can demand all they want, but the creator doesn't have to listen.

    These are all things we learn in kindergarten, people. I can't believe this has to be spelled out.

  54. "I found absolutely NOTHING wrong in how he worded it, on top of that he was talking to the creator not the bunch of idiots that jump in the middle of everything, all the time, for no reason at all."

    Exactly. He wanted the creator to do him a favor. Very few creators fulfill requests, but they stand a much higher chance when they aren't making demands.
