
May 22, 2010

Lydia Male & Female Hairstyle by Newsea

Download at The Sims Resource - Subscriber only


  1. No thank you; not my style.

  2. ooooh me likes... can't wait for this to get on that busted ass exchange muahahaha

  3. Can someone post a link to a free version? I like the hair but no way am I paying that douchbag a cent.

  4. This would have been the best hair yet, so far. Until I recognized how high it sits on the head. Why is the creators afraid of hair covering the eyes? It's just realistic.

  5. Pretty!

    Jordy, we love you! Please extract it from the exchange! (Or anyone else who can)

  6. Cute, though I must say I prefer it on females

  7. No one cares if you prefer it on females, keep that to yourself. Criticize it properly.

  8. "No one cares if you prefer it on females, keep that to yourself. Criticize it properly."

    I'm sorry, I didn't realize the first ammendment didnt apply here.

  9. "God damn cheapo whiners. Newsea is better than any of the crap creators at shitty sites like MTS and deserves to be compensated for his work. If you like it, shut the fuck up and pay for it like a normal person. ASSHOLES"

    Shut the fuck up, TSR sheep. It is against the EULA to sell pay content in the first place and in the second place, Newsea and others like him use FREE programs to make their hairs and they are violating the terms of those free programs. The creators of those programs explicitly state that contents made with them are not to be sold. So if Newsea is violating the EULA and the terms of those creators, he deserves to get his stuff distributed freely.

  10. People don't have to "keep things to themselves". If you don't care, ignore it. The comments section isn't sctrictly limited to criticism, people can state any opinion they please.

  11. "Shut the fuck up, TSR sheep. It is against the EULA to sell pay content in the first place and in the second place, Newsea and others like him use FREE programs to make their hairs and they are violating the terms of those free programs. The creators of those programs explicitly state that contents made with them are not to be sold. So if Newsea is violating the EULA and the terms of those creators, he deserves to get his stuff distributed freely."

    If you like Newsea's hair, you should pay for it like he asks you to or wait until it is made free by him. You are violating HIS Tos, so you are a hipocrite to criticize him for it. If you want free shit, go to MTS and download their crap hair.

  12. The forehead looks a tad on the large side. Though it only shows a lot with darker hair. Other than that I like it.

  13. "Newsea is better than any of the crap creators at shitty sites like MTS and deserves to be compensated for his work."

    That must be why their hair has bloated file sizes and sticks out like straw in game. Because they're working so hard.

    Go make an idiot of yourself elsewhere.

  14. "If you like Newsea's hair, you should pay for it like he asks you to or wait until it is made free by him. You are violating HIS Tos, so you are a hipocrite to criticize him for it. If you want free shit, go to MTS and download their crap hair."

    What about this don't you understand? NEWSEA HAS NO RIGHT TO SELL HIS SHIT IN THE FIRST PLACE.

    His TOS is completely invalidated by the previous TOS of both the Sims EULA AND the creators of the free programs he uses, which specifically state that products made are not to be sold.

    You are too stupid to breathe. GTFO.

  15. Cute, though I must say I prefer it on nude females with a multicolored blackground and a bucket of chickens ordered from KFC.

  16. "If you like Newsea's hair, you should pay for it like he asks you to or wait until it is made free by him."

    Except that EA-- whose rules Newsea agrees to by default when creating in THEIR format-- has stated that sharing pay files is legal.

    EA owns the .package format, not Newsea. Suck it up and move on.

  17. The only ones being a hypocrite are Newsea and his idiot defender here. If someone says that you are not allowed to put content made with their programs on pay sites, then you can and should not. If you are violating someone else's TOS, then yours does not stand and has absolutely no basis.

  18. LOL @ the TSR brainwashed ass. Please, if I want free or pay crap, I would have every single TSR download ;)

    About the hair, it's lovely, but I would like it more if the fringe was a little fuller.

  19. Massive forehead!

  20. Very nice hair... I prefer it on males though. (Let's see if the self-rightous assholes who attacked those who prefer it on females will attack this post)

  21. ^ zOMG keep that tyou yourself biggot!!!!111

  22. Anon said...
    "Jordy, we love you!"

    Ohohoh speak for yourself pal.

  23. DAT FOREHEAD. But the hair is nice, if not a little similar to another one by her

  24. "zOMG keep that tyou yourself biggot!!!!111"

    The wit that you possess, my good sir, must only mean that you have the biggest manhood of us all. I bow before you, mighty one. Now shut up.

    Not that we all adore your likes and dislikes. Wouldn't the world be a nicer place if all those useless comments were extinguished, together with yourself Sherlock? I call it a waste of space. You may call it ejaculation.

  25. There is a toddler on the Exchange that has Newsea's Coco hair. Can someone please extract it?

  26. "The wit that you possess, my good sir, must only mean that you have the biggest manhood of us all. I bow before you, mighty one. Now shut up.

    Not that we all adore your likes and dislikes. Wouldn't the world be a nicer place if all those useless comments were extinguished, together with yourself Sherlock? I call it a waste of space. You may call it ejaculation."

    Um...I think that person was being obviously sarcastic.

  27. Wayyyyyyyyyy to high on the head, so no thanks, not even for free. Worst case i ever saw!

  28. Savioooooooo, please lower it on the head and share sometime?

  29. Now to the exchange.
    TSR tards, they dont even know they're file sharing! we aren't doing anything wrong, just downloading from the exchange ;)

  30. I don't know about this one... It's a little ify... It sits way to high on the head... Other then that, it's not that bad :) <3

    The previous Newsea hair.

  32. It's way to high on the head for adults. Looks cute on children though.

  33. The hair is too messy for me.

  34. Kinda like this hair and....
    NO! WE do NOT love Jordy!

  35. "Kinda like this hair and....
    NO! WE do NOT love Jordy!"

    If it wasn't for Jordy finding Sims on the Exchange with Newsea hairs AND extracting the hairs and uploading them, many of us would still be waiting on some hairs because the booty takes much longer to update, SimsCave doesn't do TSR stuff, and GOS is closely watched by TSR scum who quickly get links removed from filesharing sites.

  36. Newsea's toddler models scare the crap out of me. I think this hair sits too high on the head as well.

  37. Jordy if and when you find a sim on the exchange with this hair can you please post the link? i'm still looking but the exchange is fubar'd

  38. Not bad. I really like it on the child.

  39. The one thing I have never understood about Newsea is why the make the file rest so high on their head.. no one has a head that big..

  40. I found the hair :D

  41. OMG MissAnne I want to carry your babies!

    lol thanks :)

  42. Definitely sits entirely too high on the head giving a big forehead, and makes the head ginormous because of the hair size in the back of the head. I guess this is good for alien sims :-/

    If it sat a lot lower and wasn't so freaking huge on the skull, it'd be pretty. Like a lot of newsea hairs. The styles are pretty. But they don't seem to understand anatomy and that not everyone likes swollen heads (ya know, the kind that's not in the pants).

  43. Will some kind soul extract the hair in MissAnne's link and upload it for the rest of us, pretty please?

  44. ^ OK

    just downloaded her

    im on it ;)

  45. ok

    heres the link

  46. It doesn't look so bad on the exchange sim. I'm going to give it a try.

  47. Thanks so much, Anon!

  48. "If it wasn't for Jordy finding Sims on the Exchange with Newsea hairs AND extracting the hairs and uploading them, many of us would still be waiting on some hairs"

    You can look for yourself, yes? I don't know what's stopping you. Jordy doesn't have magical superpowers rendering him the only person able to look at the exchange.

    By allowing Jordy to do one thing for you, you fuel his attention whoring. Jordy is lazy, whiny, juvenile, and overly defensive, and should go die in a fire.

  49. "By allowing Jordy to do one thing for you, you fuel his attention whoring. Jordy is lazy, whiny, juvenile, and overly defensive, and should go die in a fire."

    Nothing Jordy has ever said or done on this website warrants that level of vitriol and anger. It would be different if Jordy had told you or someone else to die in a fire as well, but he hasn't.

    I'd rather put up with any annoyances you think Jordy provides than deal with someone as hateful as yourself. You had better be careful what you say. Karma is a bitch. Just like you said that Jordy should go die in a fire, it could be you or a loved one who does. Words have consequences. You call Jordy juvenile but saying that someone should go die in a fire is not only irrationally hateful, but it is even more juvenile.

    Grow up, get a life, and stop hating someone you've never met.

  50. don't worry. you won't see my stuff anymore. or not for a long time..

  51. "don't worry. you won't see my stuff anymore. or not for a long time.."

    Jordy, I'm the anon directly above you who defended you. I can tell you are young and when you're younger, it's easier to get discouraged when you have morons attacking you in such a hateful way. But don't give up - that's what they want.

    Jordy, I am very grateful to you for your work efforts and all you have done for the community. I understand you just want to get practice in hairs and you just want to make things better. Please don't let some anonymous haters get to you. There are some people who are so miserable inside that the only way they can feel good is by being outrageously hateful to others. Do you honestly think that someone who would tell someone else to die in a fire is a happy person or even remotely mature? Nothing they say is of any substance.

    There are trolls for ALL the good creators. Anubis has his haters, Savio has his, Aikea Guinea has hers, Tum Tum has hers, Rusty Nail has his, Sandy from ATS3 has hers, etc. You must be doing something good for ignorant people to attack you in such hateful ways when you have never made similar posts.

    So smile, keep your head up, and know that karma will bite these hateful imbeciles in the ass. The best revenge on your enemies is to be successful.

  52. In my opinion the anonymous that have told that things to Jordy must be someone like Peggy or Newsea....they only greedy!!!!
    I think that Jordy is the most amazing person in this world for help us with the pay hairs and he is doing a perfect job!!!
    GO JORDY!!!!

    PS: Sorry for my english!!!

  53. It's horrible we can't upload and download Newsea hair from simscave...grrr

  54. Haven't we seen this hair a million times already?

  55. It's listed on for download.

  56. "It's listed on for download."

    That's Sims 2, not Sims 3.

  57. your free downlode link to the hair is broken can u post it up agian?
