
June 17, 2010

Manicured Male Eyebrows by Simmiller

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. Nice eyebrows - finally something that doesn't look weird on male sims. ^_^

  2. Doesn't look weird on male Sims? Looks incredibly weird. Women don't have eyebrows this groomed.

  3. I'm getting really sick and tired of the 12 year olds screaming how "gay" something is.

    I was going to ask MS3B why he didn't post daluved's latest Sim but considering the amount of sheer idiocy and homophobia here, I'm kinda glad he didn't. Although he could still post it and just close off comments automatically.

  4. Not a fan of the super trimmed eyebrows on males. Maybe on the right Sim they won't look as feminine since that seems to be the issue. Hopefully these will be available for females though

  5. The eyebrows do look nice, but not to my taste. Looks like the default eyebrow texture in TS3, looks too plastic-y (if that makes sense) to me. I prefer ones that look more like actual hair.

    "Males can have groomed eyebrows and women can't have bushy eyebrows? I find thin eyebrows hideous, people should be more natural."

    Agreed. *is female* I don't do anything to my eyebrows, but mine apparently don't grow like most peoples. Or maybe it's because my hair is blonde. Makes it harder to even see my eyebrows.

  6. ...10...? xD lol

  7. Okay, these are mostly meant for gay and/or celebrity males. I mean, I totally understand that most heterosexual males don't have manicured eyebrows. That's just life. However, if you had gone to check out my stuff on MTS you would have seen many different types of eyebrows for male and female. Not to mention all the other creators for Sims 3 around the world who have created non-manicured male eyebrows.

    These are an optional creation, meaning you don't have to use it or like it if you don't want to.

    Personally, I prefer a really clean eyebrow on males, but that's just me. :-)

    BTW, for the person who wanted these for females, they are already created and available for you on the MTS website!!! :-)

    Have fun with the game, peeps, and remember, it IS just a game :-)

  8. yay, hot gay men!!!
