
July 18, 2010

Anto 37 by Savio

Download at Savio's Stuff

File name: Anto 37_S3_TF-EF_Savio

Missbonbon's version here and Man-V's here


  1. The only thing that has always stopped me downloading this hair is the long bit at the back, underneith the curls.. It gets on my nerves.

    Anyway nice work Savio!

  2. The curls are way too mechanical looking for me. I really like the texture though.

  3. Never liked this hair, but Savio's is a huge improvement on man's.

  4. This looks pretty good from the front but the curls look too massive.

  5. Curls = ++Polys

    But it's so cute that I need it!

  6. Coloring is nice but the hair is butthurt.

  7. Yay! I've been waiting for a new version of this hair for soooo long!

  8. Please retexture Anubis360. I have been waiting for a new version of this hair for a very very very long time! Love it! Thank You!!!

  9. Oh, forgot to say: this uses Pooklet's texture. :)

  10. Oh. My. Gosh. I LOVE it.

    Love big barrel curls. Love the drama. Downloading. Now.

  11. Lmao @ anon who wants Anubis to retexture even though it's ALREADY POOKLET'D.

    Omfg, people don't even look at the hair without calling for a retexture.

  12. ^Exactly. It's gotten really annoying.

    Not every hair needs to be retextured. Anubis gets tons of requests as it is. Let him focus on doing conversions, working on his meshing skills (like he said on his journal), and retexturing the other long list of hairs he has instead of begging for unnecessary retextures.

  13. Ew.. this hair is dreadful

  14. "It's gotten really annoying."

    What's annoying is the tendency for commenters to attack somebody without knowing what they're talking about. I'm not the person who made the original request; however, even I know that Anubis and Savio use Pooklet's texture in different ways. Savio uses highlights to lessen or increase the shine, while Anubis copies the in-game style of highlights.

    So the only thing that's unnecessary here is the bashing.

  15. I prefer Anubis' way of retexturing over Savio. I like the EA style highlights, not that shine highlight stuff that Savio does. So I agree, why is it that big of a deal if someone asks for a retexture?

  16. ^Because you need to realize the difference between need and want. As it's already been pointed out, Anubis has a lot on his plate. It's being greedy to ask for unnecessary retextures just because you "like" things a certain way. Anubis doesn't have time to retexture every single hair that exists.

  17. ANYWAY I'm glad someone fixed this style. I've been wanting to use it for my self sim (yes I do walk around with drama curls)
    yeah, the back is funky but most people with this style have a funky back since curls fall out the most (in my opinion) in the bacl

  18. "Because you need to realize the difference between need and want. As it's already been pointed out, Anubis has a lot on his plate."

    I'm going to assume that you are not, in fact, Anubis. Nobody is saying Anubis HAS to take them up on the request, but Anubis has, on more than one occasion, been kind enough to take on requests.

    Moral of the story, kids: it's up to Anubis to decide whether or not to ignore the request. Not you. Calm down and move on.

  19. Very cool, but too high for my PC(((

  20. I think this is worth featuring, MSB3.


  21. Ooooooh! I love this thank you Savio!! :D

  22. If you want the texture more like Anubis, get Bonbon's.

  23. holy hell. I think I just killed my retinas with those fuglyass curls in the behind.
