
July 07, 2010

Gapped Teeth by Kittehbomb

Download at Kittehbom's Sims


  1. I Love it! Thanks!

  2. Lolz awesome! Does it work for kids/teens? Before I got my braces on I had a gap just like that. :D

  3. Yesss Thank you :) I was hoping someone would make something like this

  4. Ooh great for celebrity look alikes.

  5. Awesome idea, but it's barely noticeable. Seems the gap should be wider.

  6. On the blog it says it's more noticeable in game.

  7. It also says its all ages and genders :D

  8. Heh, "Kittehbom's Sims" :P

    Like the gaped teeth, adds more realism.

  9. Fabulous! Now for someone to make missing teeth for the kids (and maybe the grown ups) I will be in Sims heaven.

    Thanks kittehbomb!

  10. Well... I guess that buck-toothed lipstick and now this gap-tooth does fit with the swamp hillbillies in Twinbrook o_O Nicely done but... definitely not for me. This is why people get braces >_> It really isn't attractive. But that's just my opinion, of course. Gappy, buck-toothed people need love too, I guess x)

  11. I like it. Can't wait to try it out on some sims. :) Thanks Kittehbomb.

  12. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Well... I guess that buck-toothed lipstick and now this gap-tooth does fit with the swamp hillbillies in Twinbrook o_O Nicely done but... definitely not for me. This is why people get braces >_> It really isn't attractive. But that's just my opinion, of course. Gappy, buck-toothed people need love too, I guess x)

    July 07, 2010
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    ^ You sound like an absolute cunt.


    You DO sound like a cunt! LOL

    i have a gap in my front teeth thats a big bigger but guess what?? i still have a great smile!

    so UP YOURS

  13. My farking retainer gives me a small gap like that, because we are widening the arch of my upper teeth.
    This mod made me grin big, self sim is digging it.

    And I wouldn't use the C word, cause I'm not Australian (they use it sooo casually there-lol) but I would agree that you sound pretty uptight "dental rampage anon". You should post your photo before ranting on like that about looks, gives us some amusement.

  14. I hate how some people are cruel to others about their teeth. :( I'm an adult who does not have dental. I also have a condition that causes severe dry mouth so all of my teeth are going bad. It's not pretty, but there's nothing I can do about it. :-/ Folks like the one above are the reason I refuse to smile or open my mouth in public.

  15. I think gaps in teeth are cute! Definitely downloading this. :)

  16. I like it, very cute. It's different.

  17. Yayz! This is ridiculously well timed as I'm making a celeb with a gap. Thank you. :)

  18. yaaay !! this was so needed. Could you make one with a bigger gap?

  19. Again, I find it HILARIOUS that all the people who are talking crap keep themselves anonymous. Grow up.

    Anyway, I don't really care for the gap. I'd download it but the gap is barely noticable and although it says it's more noticable in game, I'm not taking any chances. I have tons of custom content and don't want to have to go through and try and find it when I don't want it afterwards.
