
July 07, 2010

New Sims by Epi

Download at Epi's Blag


  1. Ooooh! Love these! Great job Epi :D

  2. I find it hilarious that the Sim in the middle looks more like Jennifer Aniston than that horrible face-masked celeb Sim over at MTS.

  3. that guy is HAWT!

  4. Guy looks awesome.

    The first girl looks EXACTLY like the second girl with her face pulled-back.

  5. ^That's odd because both are based off of real people according to the site. Maybe sisters? lol

  6. The first guy reminds me of David Duchovny in his Mulder days. :)

  7. "The first girl looks EXACTLY like the second girl with her face pulled-back."

    I agree. The noses and mouths are different but the face shape and eyes are almost exactly the same. It just seems like the second one has a cleft chin while the first doesn't.

  8. Um, where can I get the hair on the last sim?

  9. Anon, the hair is called Espresso and it can be found @ NewSea which is at TSR or you can get it off of PMBD. Hope this helps.

  10. I agree they look almost the same and if they are based on real people, then they must look alike.

    And I really like the first one, he has an interesting look.

  11. Actually, the two girls that I made the sims after arn't sisters, but they had the same nose! I was surprised. I think that's why they look a bit similar, but I don't see much similarity elsewhere besides the softness of their face. But that's because I used the same skin for them.

    Anyway, thanks for the comments.

  12. WHOAH DOES THAT GUY HAVE A PEN BEHIND HIS EAR?!? It makes him look super cool.

  13. It is a cigarette, duh!

    These are great as usual. I love the guy most, he is very nice to look at.

  14. Girls looks good, the guy not so much. I think his lips are too big and overshadow the whole face.

  15. Well, the person he's made after had juicy lips; but I have to agree. But the person I made him for was pleased, so that's good enough for me. ;)
