
August 07, 2010

Julian Shadow by FuryRed

Download at FuryRed Sims


  1. It would be nice if there were clear, up-close shots of his ENTIRE face instead of the deep, artsy tortured soul shots.

  2. LOL. FuryRed called it. The first comment was a bitch about her preview shots. xD

  3. awesome work as always, FuryRed! Julian's ravishing, thanks so much for all of your contributions.

  4. ^ Well, if she saw it coming, why couldn't she include a clear, and close-up preview pic of the sim with a neutral expression? Just a pic in CAS would be nice-- maybe I'm asking for too much, but I'd like to, y'know, get a clear view of what's up for download.

  5. I agree with the Anon ^, it's hard to tell what this sim actually looks like.

  6. theres another pic on her blog, tight-arses. sheesh

  7. You can still see what Juilian looks like, she added these for effect to show his different reactions and personality's.

    If you want to know more go to her blog, instead of complaining on here (:

  8. ^ Um, I /did/ check her blog. There's: a close up of his eyes only; a picture of the top of his head; a screenshot of him lying down but you still can't see his face very well; a pic of his face but form above and with his eyes closed and his hair obscuring a bit of his face; and a pic of him in the dark with a stupid expression.
    Like I said, if wanting to see a nice, head-on picture to clearly see what the sim is too much to ask or (apparently) being a tight-arse, then sue me.

    And I chose to reply here because the conversation that I was referring to (namely: "LOL. FuryRed called it. The first comment was a bitch about her preview shots. xD") was in this thread. If I had posted my first comment in her blog, I'm sure I would've been jumped on by people saying "um xcuz me, no1 sed dat!"

  9. Yo, Blind Anons. What do you call this?

    Apart from the weird smile, it looks to me like a photo of his face - No?
    Have a nice day. Bye-bye now :)

  10. ^Yo, that picture is not where the download link is.

    Have a nice day. Bye-bye now :)

  11. I agree with the anon. I just checked the blog and there's no clear pictures? There's nothing wrong with having artsy shots, but at least have a neutral-faced shot so people can see what they're downloading. I wasn't aware that finding some clear preview pictures was supposed to be in the form of a goose chase.

  12. Super easy solution. Can't tell if you like it? Don't download it. Simple.

  13. "Super easy solution. Can't tell if you like it? Don't download it. Simple."

    I love how the hypocrites are so obvious on this blog. When it's a friend or a creator you like, then the rules change. But if this had been some nobody who didn't have clear shots, then you wouldn't be saying that shit. In fact, you'd probably be whining about the very same issue other people have brought up on this entry and on entries with less popular creators who post do not post neutral/clear shots of their Sims.

  14. At any rate, we've seen 9000000 sims that look identical to or similar to this one, barring any slight facial differences (but OH WAIT, WE CAN'T REALLY TELL THAT BECAUSE THERE ARE NO GOOD FACE PICS) so this one doesn't merit dl/ing.

  15. I am so tired of the whole "my sims hair iz wite to contrazt wiv da darknezz of his soul" crap. Yawn. It's all so animu.

  16. AhmiGwad Ok there is blankly a picture of his face, and if you cant see what the sim looks liek Open your eyes! Im sorreh but I swear this is a picture of his face --->

    If you people cant say anything nice dont say anything nice AT ALL.
    This is a great creation and fury is talented so be nice or is that to mch to ask ay?

  17. Thats honestly one of the dumbest things ive ever seen. Why do like all the creators want their sims to look like dolls? I feel like im the only person who wants them to look as realistic as possible. This is like that stupid, typical emo/anime look.

  18. "If you people cant say anything nice dont say anything nice AT ALL."

    Freedom of speech.

  19. "I love how the hypocrites are so obvious on this blog. When it's a friend or a creator you like, then the rules change. But if this had been some nobody who didn't have clear shots, then you wouldn't be saying that shit. In fact, you'd probably be whining about the very same issue other people have brought up on this entry and on entries with less popular creators who post do not post neutral/clear shots of their Sims."

    Actually, if I can't tell from a download picture whether or not I like something, I just move the fuck on and get over it.

    Doesn't matter if the creator is someone I know and like or someone I hate, etc. Unlike most people around here, I can STFU if I don't like something or have nothing constructive to say.

    She obviously knows her preview pictures aren't the best. She said it herself. Continuously complaining about something that's already been pointed out by the creator and other commentators is just a waste of your valuable time.

  20. For all the anons that have a problem with the pictures,dont get mad because u cant take great pics like her and that your jelous of all her suscess as an fuck off and stop complaining.


  21. Oh my, comments are funs XD

    You know I totally understand why you'd want big ol'face pictures, but for this Sim I wanted to try something different. Why? Well, as it says on my blog, he's based on a character from a book, and for me having straightforward pics of him wouldn't have worked.

    I expected this kind of reaction, and I'm okay with it. Your comments are all duly noted. For my next Sim maybe I'll have some clear shots or maybe I'll have some weird ones- that's my deal.

    If you don't like my images then that's very unfortunate for you, but as there's a lot of stuff on this blog then I'm sure you'll be able to find something else you like :)

    As I've said before- can't please everyone; not trying to.
    Some days just pleasing myself is enough ;)

  22. Just saying, people don't download a sim for it's personality. It's not terribly difficult to pick five traits, and it's even easier to change them. Creating an interesting and appealing face is where the actual work happens, so why not show it off in a clearer manner? You're showing off your slider skills, not the story you've created for a character. When others put him into their game, that inevitably changes.

    From your above post though, the issue has already been beaten to death.

  23. No clear pictures, no download simple as that.

  24. ^ Exactly, the creator's attitude is such bullshit. "Some days I feel like being artistik lawl." Cool, but there's a way to be creative and still show off your creation. We're all really sorry that we don't ~get your artistic genius, but give me a fucking break.

    From what I can tell, it's some fantasy-oriented, big-eyed thing that I've seen maybe 50 or 60 times before.

  25. Okay, so maybe you don't download it- maybe you just go on with your life then?

  26. I downloaded it. It wasn't terribly hard to tell what he was going to look like. It's not as if you didn't show his face at all.

    Thanks for the great sim. I like the trilogy and your representation of Julian is good.

  27. Just chiming in to say: I get why Fury would want an ~~~artistic~~~~ preview of her sims, and if she wants to do that without clearly showing a pic of the sim's face, then fine, that's her thing. The thing that pissed me off was how her fans reacted. "LAWL WUT SOMEONE WANTS TO SEE WUT THE SIMS LOOKS LIKE BLLLLASSSSPHEEEMMMMYYYYYYY" and then "GOSH THERE'S A CLEAR PIC OF HIS FACE (it's just not at the download link but w/e you're all just jelous hey furyred can you bend over so i can kiss ur ass moar)"

  28. Alright, you guys are making a big deal out of absolutely NOTHING. Step off your high horse for a minute and think about it, they are PICTURES. It's a SIM. This will not ruin your life. I swear. Let's try to get a life, shall we?
