
August 07, 2010

Peggy 06735 by Savio

Download at Savio's Stuff

File name:  Peggy 06735_S3_TF-EF_Savio

Peggy's version here and Anubis' here


  1. Looking gorgeous...
    I love your version <3
    Thank you

  2. Favorite version! I'm glad you left the bump because I like a little volume. And the texture itself is gorg. Thanks :)

  3. I can't decide which version I like more! They're basically different hairs

  4. yay! thank you savio

  5. I'm downloading both this and the anubis version

  6. you guys destroyed this hair. peggy's FTW

  7. then go pay for the damn peggy hair

  8. actually its in sims cave ppl! get it free!

  9. lol you like Peggy's version better? Seriously low standards there!

    Thanks a lot Savio, and like Robodl95 said, we've got two different hairstyles!

  10. Beautiful as always, Savio. Thanks so much for taking that bow out of this style. You do great work.

  11. you kidding, right?

  12. Ooo, lots been happening in 2 days. When I saw this post, I thought Savio converted a new hair. Then went looking at Peggy's hair, and my nose crinkled. DNW!

    Looked at Anubis version and really like this one, Savio. Thanks very much for a nice texture.

    I may download Anubis' version too, since it looks like a different hairstyle.

  13. This is cuteee! Wish it also had the bow. :P

  14. I think I'm going to download both versions... I can't pick just one.
    The bump really makes a difference, and both versions have clear, pretty textures.

  15. I like this one much better than anubis'.

  16. Savio your hair looks fluffier and makes me think of Missbonbon's hairs. Thanks for fixing this it looks really gorgeous!

  17. Wow! I agree that the hair looks completely different! Can't decide either which one I like the most...

  18. I only wanted it for kids & toddlers with the bow so guess im downloading Peggys! Lol

  19. "I only wanted it for kids & toddlers with the bow so guess im downloading Peggys! Lol"

    LOL, me too! I wish there'd been a retextured version for children only with the bow, but I guess I'll have to put up with Peggy's crap textures this once.

    Anyway, great job Savio!

  20. you can replace peggys texture with savios

  21. " Anonymous said...
    lol you like Peggy's version better? Seriously low standards there!"

    Ugh, people like you are so fucking annoying. OBVIOUSLY someone's preference of one hair over another is SUBJECTIVE. That's like looking down on me because I prefer cheesecake to chocolate cake and saying I have "low standards." I don't have low standards, I have an opinion, just like you! So fuck off, thanks.

    Annnyway, I love this version! I like the bump that you left, it's really cute. Thanks.

  22. "you can replace peggys texture with savios"

    I have a question. Is it just a simple thing of exporting Savio's textures and then re-importing them into Peggy's file in CTU? Or is there more involved?

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. ^I don't use CTU, I will try to import my textures into Peggy hair using S3PE.

    Btw, I can't do it right now, it's not on the Booty yet. Oh, it is on SimsCave though, but the download link is unavailable at the moment. :/

  25. "you guys destroyed this hair. peggy's FTW

    CLEARLY both of these posts were by Peggy, or the same brainless follower of said talentless creator. Anubis and Savio, you both did a beautiful job FIXING the utterly horrid texture of the original (anyone who was fooled into believing otherwise seriously needs their heads examined), and I thank you very much! :)

  26. Thanks Savio!
    I love your version the best.
