
September 18, 2010

Anto 84 Converted by TumTum Simiolino

Download at My Blue Book

File name:  TTS-Anto84


  1. I would love this hair if it wasn't for that massive, glaring bald spot up front.

  2. Absolutely GORGEOUS, Tum Tum!

    Thank you!

  3. Gorgeous, but it needs a retexture badly XD

  4. Very pretty, but the parting in the hair is a bit too big. It's like she's got a thinning problem there.

  5. I have to agree with the undeniable bald spot

  6. "Gorgeous, but it needs a retexture badly XD"

    It does not fucking need a retexture BADLY. An example of a hair needing a retexture BADLY is one of Peggy's that has insanely dark roots that you can't get rid of because they are part of the texture. But TumTum has said over and over again that she makes dark roots because she likes them. The roots of the actual texture that she uses are not dark at all.

  7. "I have to agree with the undeniable bald spot"

    That's Anto's fault. In the comments of this entry, Anubis said that he and Cazy couldn't get it right and thanked TumTum for converting this.

  8. There's a difference between a PART and a bald spot.

  9. I don't see any bald spots in this hair.

    Anyway, I saw someone asking for this hair on the cave if I'm not wrong, and I loved it. Thanks for converting it TumTum, you did a great job.


    Some people need to examine what real people's parts look like.

  11. "It does not fucking need a retexture BADLY. An example of a hair needing a retexture BADLY is one of Peggy's that has insanely dark roots that you can't get rid of because they are part of the texture. But TumTum has said over and over again that she makes dark roots because she likes them. The roots of the actual texture that she uses are not dark at all."

    I don't care if you think it does or not. I always hated coolsims textures and I prefer peggy's over this anytime. So fuck off.
    Also I didn't ask for you or anyone to make a retexture. I can do them myself, I just said it needs one.

  12. beautiful hair AND its free! I just hope it shows up in my game this time! thank you !

  13. "There's a difference between a PART and a bald spot."

    true.. if would be okay if it wasnt for the huge bald spot..

  14. I LOOOOVE it. Screw the haters tum tum. Style is gorgeous. Texture GREAT.

  15. srsly would you leave the house with that much of your shiny ass scalp showing? That is not a part. that is a sim with a serious lack of hair in her partline.
    As a stylist in NYC I can say I have never had a client say , "Can you play up my thinning hair by accentuating my blad spots?"
    It is the orignal mesh that is fucked up.
    moving on...

  16. Wow, beautiful! I love this hairstyle and the texture. Thank you, TumTum. :)

  17. I don't mind the part, but I have a problem with the shiny texture. It looks like white streaks in all of the hair colors

  18. I also don't have a problem with the part, it's a very cute style, so thank you :)

  19. I like it:) Peoples seems to think that sims are real peoples tho, makes me lol RL.

  20. It's Gorgeous, I love everything. The Texture is very good! You don't need to change :)

  21. The size of that bun ain't got nothing on me.

  22. The texture is a bit too shiny. It makes it look like they're going gray prematurely.

  23. I think the texture is beautifully done. The first pic looks almost real. I will have to agree with the hair part being a little to wide. Other than that it is gorgeous.

  24. I like the style AND the texture.

    Gr8 job.

  25. I took the pics before i edit the scalp texture...So in fact it don't have that bald spot...

    If you want you can see in your games :)

    And about the texture shine...You can change that freely,I love shine hair, if you don't like you can change :B

  26. I like this hair, and the part that some people seem to think is a bald spot...(?)

  27. "And about the texture shine...You can change that freely,I love shine hair, if you don't like you can change :B"

    TumTum, you shouldn't have to keep repeating yourself for morons. If people would just READ what she says, you'd know that the shine could easily be changed.

    Some people are going to jump on any texture that isn't Pooklet's, though, and that's what it really boils down to.

  28. "Some people are going to jump on any texture that isn't Pooklet's, though, and that's what it really boils down to."


  29. It's not the hair shine that I dislike it's just that I think this highlight method looks the hair look really flat.

  30. Since many people dislike the texture and the hair part I'm updating the file...Wait ;)

  31. I'm downloading this version just in case I like it more than the new one.

  32. I taking the new photos yet hahaha XD

    I will need +- one hour :/ hahahaha :p

  33. Would people just get over the fact that everyone has different tastes in textures? Whether it's Anubis or Tum or Peggy or whoever people can choose whose they like and whose they don't, it's all just a matter of opinion!

  34. Looks really nice in game, but the part is too wide.

  35. It looks so lovely!

    I am actually liking the Shine-Adjust as Highlight thingy over the EA's default. It's great to create more balance, sometimes.
    Thanks Tum <3

  36. Updated!Now i need to request ms3b to change the pics and put the "updated" thing ;)

  37. Great Tum, you beat me to it. I was just taking in game pictures to put here:)

  38. This is going to be my favourite hair EVER, TumTum! Many thanks :)

  39. Pretty!! I think the part looks like a part, not a bald spot, lol. But I suppose there will always be people who over exaggerate things. Anyway, great job Tum Tum!

  40. I think this hair looks really good Tum Tum. I'm not a fan of the shine, but otherwise this hair is beautiful. I think the part looks nice as well. There are some girls I know who have fine hair and their hair parts just like that -- and they don't have balding issues. Everyone's hair does different things. The part just doesn't look like a bald spot. I can show some pictures of hair in-game which looks like they have bald spots. Thank you Tum Tum.

  41. "I'm not a fan of the shine"

    You can change the shine yourself...

  42. "I think the part looks nice as well. There are some girls I know who have fine hair and their hair parts just like that -- and they don't have balding issues. Everyone's hair does different things. The part just doesn't look like a bald spot. I can show some pictures of hair in-game which looks like they have bald spots."

    If people would actually take the time to look at tons of pictures of both real life people and celebrities with parts in their hair (someone linked to Google images earlier), they would see that it's normal.

    There are some parts that are way too big on Sims and that look like gaps, but this is actually not one of them. Some people yell "bald spot" over the tiniest bit of scalp showing.

  43. Oh, this is just lovely. Thanks Tum : )

  44. I love it! Very classy looking. I think the part is normal looking, nothing to worry about. ;)

  45. beautiful, my favourite hair so far. Simple and elegant, LOVE IT!

  46. Ooo, Wow! I love this, thank you TumTum.

  47. the texture isnt bad... she just puts white in the highlights to make it look shiny, in game you can put the normal colour there and it looks fine..

  48. ^ Then it looks terribly flat looking

  49. Having scalp showing through a part is completely normal, case in point:

  50. ^Don't try to inject logic into the situation. People will just insist all those people are balding, even though celebrities have professional top-notch stylists to take care of their hair. You could post 100 more pictures and some people would still yell "bald spot" at the slightest hint of scalp.

  51. "^ Then it looks terribly flat looking"

    Then find a balance. Really, it's NOT that hard. But no matter what TumTum does, she's going to be in a damned if she does, damned if she doesn't situation when people throw temper tantrums that she didn't use Pooklet textures and do the highlights the way Anubis does them.

  52. I am a fan of various textures and creators. Tum Tum's have been wonderful lately, and I'll be downloading. Thank you :)

  53. I like the fact that Tum Tum doesn't use someone else's textures. It shows originality.

  54. Tum uses Anto's textures ^ XD

    And to make it clear Tum is a guy.... there's been an onslaught of shes in this thread

  55. its called a parting not a bald spot..
