
September 18, 2010

Barnacle Bay Presentation

Thanks, Anon and SimPrograms


  1. This world is ok, but nothing exciting, IMHO. It's a nice addition to the game, but it doesn't worth the 1650 simpoints.

  2. The town looks kind of empty, which IMO is a good thing. I like to make my own houses and venues.

  3. Not impressed. :/ .. I'm sure the clothing will look nice, and some of the decor items, but the world itself looks rather drab. Not seeing the need for farm fields in a pirate town.

    And I'm seeing a definite lack of trees. Unless the person was playing with the graphics on really low, so they're invisible. :/

  4. mehhhh A new town on the heels of an awesome looking EP seems kinda sad and desperate

  5. I think it looks so empty because they have the game settings to hide the trees so it can perform better on that laptop.

  6. I'm sure EA will release an official video for Barnacle Bay within the next few days. It is supposed to come out the 23rd, after all, and people need to know exactly what they are getting before they buy it. They've never sold worlds before, so more pictures/info needs to be given for something as large as a world. It's not like people can get refunds if they get it in game and don't like it.

  7. Might get it, idk.

    I think id wait in time for when the price goes down. And yes, they are hiding the trees to let it performe better

  8. Uh wouldn't 1650 Simpoints convert to $16.50 in dollars? Isn't that more than a stuff pack?

  9. No one knows if it will actually be $16.50. Weeks ago they changed it to an undetermined price.

    Still, from the looks of everything I've seen so far, I wouldn't download this even if it were free.

    Now if they later release an NYC world for Late Night, then I wouldn't hesitate to buy it.

  10. im feeling a bit overwhelmed right now

  11. Nothing awesome.Looks the same as sunset valley!

  12. Stuff packs are usually 20 it's a little cheaper. Whether or not the price is merited depends on how much content is included; i.e. objects, clothing, hairstyles, architectural items. I was quite disappointed with HELS, the content included was far less than we simmers usually received in TS2. We're going to have to wait and see to find out if this is worthy of its price tag.
