
September 03, 2010

Blogger is improving a lot of things

A few people were wondering why their comments 'got eaten' and didn't display.  The comments that were not spam have been published.

Anyway, blogger has improved their comments section and added a spam filter.  It's a huge improvement and makes managing comments a lot easier.  The only thing is some comments get sent to spam that are not spam. So check it out on your blogger account. 


  1. amazing! :) No claeric anymore :DD

  2. You can't already ban people?

    I've never used blogger, only livejournal and so I just assumed that blogger allowed you to ban people, too. Any blog should...

  3. No, there's maybe two or three others in mind.

    As of now, blogger does not have a ban option.

  4. "As of now, blogger does not have a ban option."

    Thanks. I was thinking about getting a blog but now that I know you can't IP ban users who harass you, no way. I'll stick to livejournal.

  5. Wait, I don't think lj allows you to IP ban...just ban by username, though.

    I guess that wouldn't really matter for MS3B since most people are anonymous anyway.

  6. blogger does however allow comment moderation prior to publication. You can filter out whatever comments you want. You can also disallow anon commentors.

  7. Disabling anon comments would be good in that it would cut down on some blatant trolling, but it would be bad in that it would also keep out good information that people may not provide for fear of drama - think of links to TSR items and other pay/registration only items.

  8. Good point about disabling anon comments.

    Also, another bad thing about disabling anon comments is that you would see more people pretending to be other people when they post. Right now most of those types of people just post anonymously, but if forced to give their name, they'll just choose someone else's name.

  9. People pretending to be other people doesn't work all the time if the person being impersonated has a Blogger account (such as Shivar, Jenipunch, Anubis, Robodl, ect). But anyone else is fair game, which sucks.

  10. ^Yep. And let's not forget that for people who really want to troll, it doesn't take long to create an account just to troll under. There are several places that don't allow anonymous commenting at all and they are filled with trolls. I've run forums before where people registered under 3 and 4 different names and used to talk to and argue with themselves until I got tired of their bullshit and exposed and banned them.

  11. IP ban isn't the best choice Blogger would do these days, with so many dynamical routers out there in first thought.
    Like in many forums moderators tend to ban users into an IP range, mainly people who use proxies to connect to the forum.

    So, because of that it's the best option to avoid ban of IPs;

    This unability may change with the begin of the IPv6 era though.

  12. yeah, so there is no way we really can remove trolls.
    By removing anonymous comments, it would make it to them take more than one step to post, but also we would lose many people who are willing to help, which we see around here.
    they may dont have an blog account, but even though they hide behind an anonymous poster doesn't always means it will be trolls.

  13. I remember one very popular blog for sims 2 they had deactivated anonymous comments, but still there were a bunch of trolls around.
    You cant help it, if they want to troll, they do, one way or another.....

  14. i'll never use my real ID im so fucking tired of having to be the proper little lady everywhere i go,im not even troll lol
    just another reg.

  15. You can avoid it by actually moderating the comments. I had my blog set to approve all comments prior to my publicating them. That gets rid of trolling.

  16. "You can avoid it by actually moderating the comments. I had my blog set to approve all comments prior to my publicating them. That gets rid of trolling."

    I doubt you run a blog that has 20+ entries on a daily basis. That would be an absolute nightmare for not only MS3B to gather all the updates, pics, and info and compile them, but to have to moderate each and every comment for each and every entry? That would require sitting at the computer nonstop all day.

    Some entries here get 50, 70, and even 100+ comments. Most of the hair posts get at least 30.

  17. Not to mention how annoying it is for posters too ^

  18. Yeah moderating comments would allow no time for updating the blog. There's over 100,000 comments on this blog, 300 to 500 a day. This simple solution that everyone keeps emailing and commenting about is not the simple solution you think it is.

  19. I had no idea you couldn't ban individual IP's, that sux. most trolls aren't too bad, but one or two are just plain psychotic.

  20. Trolls... some people here don't even know the meaning of troll. You leave a comment like "I dont like this sim, his nose is ugly" and for them that's a troll. They really need to learn the meaning of that word before using it so much. Pretty much like "unique".

    Having a name wont stop people if they want to troll and you all know it. Anyone can easily have multiple accounts.

    And banning IPs right now is ridiculous, I have a dinamic IP, meaning that everytime I turn on my router I have a different one, and I'm sure most people nowadays do. So banning it's pointless.

  21. Another reason why so many people go anonymous around here is the fact that people who use names get reputations. It's annoying for the regulars to be called names and whatnot for giving the same criticisms anons give.

  22. I believe my IP leads right to my front door, whenever I use those reverse look up sites. Tried to use a proxy with my current internet provider, but I think AT&T has made it really difficult. Used to be able to use a proxy with my old provider without any trouble, which is why I assume it's an AT&T issue.

    Anybody knows a workaround I'd love you forever 'n ever.

  23. Not because I want to troll here but because I want to discuss something related to work without being tracked.

  24. It's annoying for the regulars to be called names and whatnot for giving the same criticisms anons give.

    That reminds me why I came over here in the first place. Was just over at MATY and noticed somebody has an "I hate Claeric" or similar tagline.

    That is the behavior of a bully scapegoating their chosen victim. Seriously. I know some folks find Claeric/Shivar too blunt for their own tastes, but that's no reason to attempt a gang shunning. I'm getting real tired of that crap.

  25. Too bad! I think everybody have the right to opine what they want it's right or wrong!

  26. I post anonymously because I don't want to become a troll target. That's a good reason to post anonymously, right there. If you put your name here, you just get more personal attacks.

  27. I know some folks find Claeric/Shivar too blunt for their own tastes, but that's no reason to attempt a gang shunning. I'm getting real tired of that crap.
    Right, more than one person can't have the same negative opinion of someone who attracts negative attention. That is bad for his self esteem and should probably be a federal crime. Why, Shivar looks absolutely crushed at not being liked by people he probably doesn't like.

  28. And the trolls show up.

  29. People with alternate opinions are not trolls. Do you understand what a troll is?
    I have yet to see a troll post on this thread. I am astounded by the utter lack of thinking skills required to believe different opinions = troll, sarcasm = troll, negative opinion = troll. Have you seriously never been trolled?
    It's like people who think looking up a name in Google is stalking. No credible perception of magnitude.

  30. Troll is the new racist. People just shout it out for shock value, instead of actually realizing what they're saying.

  31. "Anonymous said...
    And the trolls show up."

    I can't even deal with people like you. Was there not a conversation like twenty comments ago talking about the definition of troll? People are arguing... does that make them trolls? NO. It makes them people with opinions, just like you and me. WHY IS IT SO HARD TO COMPREHEND THIS SIMPLE, SIMPLE STATEMENT?

    Anyway, I'm glad there's a spam filter up now. Much more convenient.

  32. Whatever is funny to read all the comments if it's good or wrong! I enjoy it!

  33. I think the people crying "and the trolls show up" are the actual trolls, because they're saying something that is working you up for a reaction. js.

  34. Yeah, I thought about that, but decided to try and educate a potential clueless newb about what a troll is not, just in case. Originally I'd just typed "I wouldn't call you that, you haven't done anything too trollish yet."

  35. Sorry. I thought that person was a troll because he/she was saying something negative about a person who is on these comments threads. If none of the rest of you think he was a troll, then I apologize.

  36. This is my point. Saying something negative isn't being a troll. It's having a negative opinion.
    Disliking something or someone isn't trolling. Have you ever been to 4chan? I'm gonna go ahead and guess no.
    BTW, I am female, and often mildly sarcastic, but I rarely ever say something simply to troll (other than poking Kayla with a stick to see her explode when she was saying asinine things).

  37. Spam filter? That sucks, it makes it harder to troll D:

  38. ^ Do you even know what spam is?

    Spams tend to follow patterns, like engaging multiple links on the message, repetition, merchandise, extensive length, etc.

    I suggest that people in here that accuses people of trolling read this first:

    Feed yourself with that page's "knowledge", than we can have a good discussion on the subject.

  39. "Anonymous said..."

  40. I love this site and the concept of it,and I'm really not looking to get involved in the paysite vs freesite debate(I could actually care less)

    But I was thinking that maybe MS3B could only post free creations from now on,even if they come from "pay"sites,it seems like the pay content just ignites a troll/flame war from both sides.

    And an adult content warning would be nice,especially since this is a blog offering links to content for a T rated game.

    There's an awful lot of language thrown around here,and I doubt if most parents would want their kids to read the comments section.

  41. I heartily disagree with the idea MS3B should restrict itself to only posting noncontroversial things (as if there is such a thing). Frankly this is one of the few places one can voice a negative opinion of something and not be immediately shut down or threatened with bannination, etc.

  42. Since there does seem to be some general confusion on the blog (as many of the commenters in this thread have pointed out), let me clarify what the comments on this blog are:

    "This sim looks like crap you pulled out of the sim bin."
    - Not trolling. Merely rude feedback and criticism from the crowds of Joan Rivers commenters your CC has to pass by. It does not specify what makes it binnish, only that the commenter does not like it.

    "I really don't like the lips on this sim. Also, many of your sims look the exact same."
    - Not trolling. Technically, constructive criticism. Constructive criticism does not have to be nice, only specify what the commenter feels makes the CC bad. It is more easily accepted when prefaced and postfaced with polite-ish phrases, such as "The CC you used on this sim is great, [criticism here], I'm sure you'll do better next time." Also known as a compliment sandwich.

    "Due to the anti German comment made by an anonymous commentor as well as links to pirated copyrighted products and or goods this blog has been reported."
    - Trolling. Said solely for the purpose of inflaming drama, often using ridiculous, offensive, out of proportion statements presented as fact. "The creator came over to my house and killed my cat, and then they ate it. Racial comment." While it is often somewhat related to the topic at hand, other trolls, such as the fake Shivar and fake Precious Sims, are making fun of their namesakes. Most commenters have the sense to ignore them.

    I love this damn blog. It is the only place I see honest feedback on creations. It's irritating to see a great screenshot of hair that thirty commenters have praised up and down only to discover it has massive transparency issues and clips through the back and neck. It's also refreshing to see that I'm not alone in my opinion that something looks terrible. We all think it when we see a creation, but in such a incestuous community, offering criticism, even valid criticism, under a name makes you a pariah. I love that anonymous comments are allowed. You also get to see a creators true colors with how they respond to brutally honest feedback. I've gained tremendous respect for some creators, while completely losing it for others.
