
September 03, 2010

Living Set 4 by Jope - 17 Meshes

Download at Simply Styling


  1. I loved this set in Sims 2, hope I can make cool designs for this as I did for the original set.

  2. I'm so glad they are making some of their TS2 stuff for TS3. This is really nice.

  3. love the little birdcage

  4. I love some of the items, but I'm a bit weirded out by the statement on their site that their items package with all your houses and sims... Isn't that what that doll did?

  5. I had a birdcage in my game and somehow it dissapeared, but this one looks far better than the other.

    Thanks for sharing!

  6. Parsimonious says the same - they're just referring to the fact they use s3pack files instead of package files - package files don't get included in lots, and s3pack files do. In SimplyStyling's case, I believe it's just a English as a second language issue - none of their stuff infects the game, it all behaves normally.
