
September 04, 2010

Eirene and Aimee by Miss Lochness

Download at Sim Style Parade


  1. First one is scary realistic.

  2. Gorgeous! I especially adore the second one. :)

  3. They are BEAUTIFUL!

  4. I feel like I've seen the second sim before.

  5. probably because all her sims pretty much share the same nose. While I do think her sims are very attractive. They all seem to share the same nose gene

  6. The first one is fantastic. Scary realistic is a good description Anon. Only a handful of creators get their Sims to look so human-like and Miss Lochness is one of them. Excellent work!

  7. Nothing special about her sims, not very pretty. Average and boring. Sigh...Nice lips on the second one though.

  8. The pictures look like they were taken in-game. In the game, the details of a nose is lost. I have noticed this, cause I am always changing the definition and shape of noses. All I get is big, small, or long shapes in the game.

    Love both sims, but the make-up on the second is marvelous. Love the outfit, also.

  9. The noses here are quite different, but the eyes are pretty much exactly the same, only different colors. Very pretty, though.

  10. I feel like all of her sims are related because they all look so similar. Not that that's bad per se, because they do look well-crafted, but it gets slightly repetitive. It's like an attractive family of Sims.

  11. I think one thing that makes her Sims look slightly similar is the eyebrows; most of her Sims have the same expression which does make them look alike. But these two don't look similar other than that. The noses are totally different.

    The first one is my favorite, she's gorgeous :D

  12. To be honest, I think most of her sims are pretty overrated, but that's just me.

  13. I adore her sims. Granted, it's probably a bit of a cliche, but I like that they're not supermodels. They're beautiful in an achievable sense.

  14. I love these Sims! You have to take into account that we are so very limited on animations that you are basically going to get the same expressions or pose for any Sim you make. I love her Sims because you can see she def puts a lot of hard work into them when she makes them!
    Great work!!
