
September 08, 2010

Gas Station Set by Lfgomar

Download at My Sims Concept

The Subway set was posted a while ago, in case you missed it:)


  1. Love these sets! Thanks for reposting the subway set. When it was first posted, I was unable to download it for some reason, then forgot about going back in and trying it again.

  2. Both of these look fantastic... although they'd be even far better if everything was in SIMLISH.

    Did I mention SIMLISH?

  3. ^ Amen. Everything in TS3 is better with simlish... sadly this is no exception. Still looks great other than that.

  4. It would've been better had they been in simlish, especially since the creator couldn't even get Sunset Valley right in English. People might not have noticed as quickly in Simlish...but it says "Sunset Vallery."

  5. It would've been better had they been in simlish, especially since the creator couldn't even get Sunset Valley right in English. People might not have noticed as quickly in Simlish...but it says "Sunset Vallery."

  6. I think somebody posted twelve times lol

    Anyway, thanks for mentioning the subway set, for some reason I never saw it the first time.

  7. oh registration required. don't want.

  8. I actually like that some of the signs are in English, but my sister likes Simlish better in her game, it would actually be amazing if they had both versions so we could choose. But either way, these sets are so cool!

  9. There's no registration required?
    I downloaded just fine without registering...

  10. I thought that I had downloaded the subway set, but did not see it once I opened my game. So, I had to go in and try to download it again, but found you do have to register with the site. I had a hard time registering because I don't read (or speak) Spanish. I was able to register because I used the Google translator to help me (I just cut and pasted each instruction and followed it that way. I do have the files, but I don't know how to post them here. If anyone can tell me, I would be more than happy to post the files for you so you don't have to register (if that is ok to do on My Sims 3 Blog).

  11. hi!
    the set of the metro station is downloaded from the forum sims artist, is a separate download from my blog, is a free download. is a good idea to edit all in Simlish maybe can do something about it, most of the objects found him in decoratvo catalog, others in the lighting section.
