
September 08, 2010

The Sims 3 Late Night (3 new screens)

A few Late Night shots from GameSpot, there's one more at GameSpot or SimPrograms.  There's also some Fast Lane shots here.

Thanks via SimPrograms:)


  1. Cool! I can't wait to grab this one.

  2. god that vamps are so damn cute.. and scary... me likey~

  3. I like the top the vampire and the girl in the background in the second pic are wearing.

  4. I hope EA worked harder on this one cause FL stuff isn't so impressive to me(

  5. Look at the size of that dart! The EP has my interest, will get this out the gate.

  6. *twiddling thumbs waiting*
    def getting this

  7. need vampys like right now :(

  8. look at the size of that girls boobs in the back!

  9. Money grab, pure money grab..

  10. The article at gamespot says they added in a boob slider for late night

  11. Yeah, they DEFINITELY used the new breast slider on the girl in the back.

    I want this EP so bad.

  12. Darts! :O

    Does anyone else actually LIKE that the vampires have to ask permission to bite sims? It makes them sound more like they're a part of the game world. Like, sims know what they are and that they exist, and so they have to ask permission if they want to be a normal out-on-the-town guy like everybody else. Or so they don't get arrested.

  13. I hope EA worked harder on this one cause FL stuff isn't so impressive to me(

    FL stuff was a STUFF PACK. This is an EXPANSION PACK. Stuff packs are just STORE ITEM PACKS, but for retail stores. How do people not get this?! @_@

  14. I want this EP SO MUCH!!! I've been disappointed by the Stuff Packs that have come out, but the EPs they've put out have been good so far. (Except for a few bugs in World Adventures, I mean.) This vampire EP looks awesome, and has so much stuff in it that I want.

  15. Shivar: No, I hate that vampires can only bite their friends. It forces you to only play good vampires. Meh.

  16. Shivar, I didn't really ask for your clever explanations. I know what FL was and in my opinion, it wasn't worth so much drama around it! How do you not get this?)))

  17. BlackSweety, ignore Shivar. He thinks that no one has the right to complain about EA unless he does. He has some nerve always running in to defend EA and put others down who have a problem with their stuff when he has happily pirated their games before over at MATY.

  18. Shivar: No, I hate that vampires can only bite their friends. It forces you to only play good vampires. Meh.

    They don't have to bite friends, they can ask complete strangers.

  19. Oh, and they have psychic powers, and can pretty much force people to think they're awesome. That doesn't sound so "good", even though technically they'd be feeding on a friend, right?

    They're a lot more complex than Sims 2 vampires, it's gonna be awesome.

  20. As far as I know you have to develop a relationship with the sim before being able to feed from him/her. Even if you trick them to become your friends, they are still friends at the end, which sucks.

    Maybe someone will make a mod that allows them to feed from strangers.

  21. I am so looking forward to this EP, but I can't wrap my head around the fact that they aren't including a microphone. In one of the screens and even in the promo, they've staged it to looks as though a jazz band is playing behind a singer and yet we get no microphone? Maybe they're saving that feature for another EP, but it would have been so fitting to include a vocalist animation in this one, meh. Other than that, it looks promising and I'll be first in line to snatch it up.

  22. The reason there is no microphone is easy.

    That would require recording 6 voices for 3 ages (teen, adult, elder) for however many number of full songs you can play (probably a lot, if Guitar skill is any indication) as well as for each level of skill.

    That's at least 60 recordings assuming there's only one song. 2 songs immediately bumps it to 120. A good number of songs would be 10, and that's 600 separate vocal recordings.

    They'd also need animations for teen, adult, and elder, for each skill level, and for most of the songs (Some would obviously be re-used) which is a lot of effort, too.

  23. Ohhh can't wait to buy this one! I have enjoyed most of the expansion packs so far, but this one looks to be the best. :)

  24. This looks awesome! I can't wait for it. Also, hoping someone will make a mod, so they can bite who ever they want.

    Something that would be cool if you could become scared of someone. In the relationship panel, and not just a moodlet.

  25. This EP looks like the best,it seems to add so many of the elements that were lacking,such as actual recreation,instead of "collecting".

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. I'm amazed with the first pic *-*

    @Shivar: don't forget that those voice actors earn a salary, not like they are working for free! XD A job is a job, and 300 records sounds like a lot of money :P (And they did it for WA, why not for another EP?)

  28. Does boobie-girl have a camera in her hands?

  29. ^No, I believe she is mixing a drink.


  31. I see a grand piano in the back :D Love it.

  32. I am really excited about this ep. :)

  33. Ooo..some body modifications reels me in more. Then I can get rid of some user mods. ^^

    Not to mention the vampire animation with all the red smoke looks awesome! I cant wait to get this expansion!

  34. The red smoke looks almost evil,can't wsit to play with this EP.

  35. I don´t know if I will buy this cause I´m not sure if it really will be worth to spend 35 Euro. Finally all instruments are in it. That should be in maingame in my book. I even don´t have the last expansion ambitions, cause it´s to expensive for that less contents and I have to update then and I don´t want to update. I hate EA-patches. Once I´ve patched up and then I can´t see any of my package files. I have to download 2 softwares and run my packages through to show up in game. That´s to much work only for one game. I really hate that EA-shit. Without all the mods they wouldn´t sell their game as much as they do. But EA destroyes the game with all that silly patches. They often need a patch for another patch. That´s really silly. And as I can see there is nothing real new. It´s seemed to be sims2 nightlife only with new graphic and two or tree new interactions. Is that really worth to spend 35 Euro? I´m waiting on the test of PC-Games.

  36. Those women's hairs from Fast Lane are hideous particularly the textures.
