
September 18, 2010

More Late Night Stuff

There's a lot more pictures, info about new careers, rewards, collections and more at SimFans:)


  1. City looks more and more beautiful the more pics I see. Can't wait. I also hope in this ep the city seems ALIVE.

    They will really have failed if it's quiet and without a lot of traffic, noise and action like a normal high rise city. So I hope they think about that.

    There also needs to be more interactions between sims...a lot more. Our sims behvaiors are limited.

    Anyway, I look forward to this ep.

  2. What a beautiful, bustling city. Exactly the sort of world I want <3.

    Lol @ dying in an elevator and the German dude trying to speak English. :P

  3. The interview is SO awkward


    The city looks soooo good, omg. I cannot wait.



  6. nice heh and the interview heh.. that guy should respond more.. he make the lady feel awkward..

  7. looks AMAZING! Wish I knew when it's going to fucking come out

  8. What will it look like when I combine my custom breast sliders with the new ones? That's gonna look a little, er, strange.

  9. What will it look like when I combine my custom breast sliders with the new ones? That's gonna look a little, er, strange.

  10. OMG. The City looks so AWESOME!

  11. Pip: The custom breast sliders won't work with the new EP. You'll have to delete the old custom sliders.

    I'll bet the creator of the custom breast sliders will update them to work with the new EP, though, but it might take a little while.

  12. Wow, this just looks awesome- i'm really getting amped for it! The city looks so vibrant. I'm also happy to have vampires back in my game.

    I'm with Pip3, I use custom breast sliders as well, I wonder what will happen when I get this new EP?

  13. does anybody know if we get simpoints if we buy this EP?

    Thank you *-*

  14. I doubt that the breast sliders we already have will stop to work.
    Unless EA change the body morph by adding/removing some bones, it's possible, though.

  15. Praline: I think they stopped doing the Sim Points after WA because I didn't get any with Ambitions and neither did any one else to my knowledge. Hope this helped :)

  16. " may see other Sims front doors off the lobby or in hallways of your buildings. You won’t be able to access their private residents, but feel free to give the door a knock to meet and socialize with your fellow High Rise residents in public spaces."

    So that means we will be able to interact with neighbours. I'm liking this expansion more and more everyday.

    And lmao@ hip hop gnome.

  17. Tis a tad late for EA's breast sliders :| They could have included them in the first place me thinks!

  18. I laughed out loud with this interview, the climate between them is simply creepy.

  19. the guy is so cute! he said pitch instead of patch. and their interview is kinda weird, but at least the guy is cute, what is his name?

  20. ^ Jessy Bag of Crap.

  21. hi Caliena:D Thank you very much for your help:D

    I was just curious about the simpoints and im kinda disappointed :(

    I wish you and everybody a nice day! Happy simming *-* Kisses

  22. LOL that guy's adorable! He should get an honorary NPC sim :)

  23. *squeals with excitement*

  24. I'm wanting this game more and more everyday.

  25. They gonna have big breast morphs.

  26. The girl being interviewed is acting like she has to poop but has to finish the interview first, very creepy. 0_0 I almost soiled myself from laughing. So I guess that makes two of us.

    I am SO excited for those skyscraper-house things. :)

  27. "Pip: The custom breast sliders won't work with the new EP. You'll have to delete the old custom sliders. "

    Why do you keep definitively saying this? Nowhere did anyone from EA or any modder say this.

    I have seen nothing to indicate that the new sliders will inactivate Delphy's sliders, as they are not even in the same section. The only thing that ever happens with an expansion pack is that people have to wait for an update to core mods so all the sliders (both EA's and custom ones) will work. But once slider hacks like aWT's are updated for range and removal of the limit, it's not a problem. So it's not a problem of sliders on their own not working, it's how fast someone can update their core mods. Slider hacks in and of themselves don't take long. Bigger core mods with tons more features take a bit.


  29. I'm loving these new pictures. I'm also REALLY loving how you can put an aquarium wall in the pool! I think this EP will probably be the best yet...but then again, EA could surprise me. :)

  30. Notice how the comments are all relatively troll and drama-free without Shivar instigating a flame-war?

  31. ^ Please don't jinx it.

  32. that guy can interview me anytime.

  33. "The only thing that ever happens with an expansion pack is that people have to wait for an update to core mods so all the sliders (both EA's and custom ones) will work."

    Isn't that pretty much what I said? I said that custom sliders probably won't work with the new EP until they've been updated. You argue with me, and then you end up repeating what I said. Yes, the custom slider mods will have to be updated to work with the new EP. This is how it is with a LOT of mods. Most mods will have to be updated every time a new expansion comes out. It happened when Ambitions came out.

  34. I cannot wait for this expansion pack. World Adventures and Ambitions pretty much sucked, so their return to more simulation-based gameplay is totally great!

  35. "Isn't that pretty much what I said? I said that custom sliders probably won't work with the new EP until they've been updated. You argue with me, and then you end up repeating what I said."

    Custom sliders don't actually stop working, though on existing Sims unless you try to go back to CAS and change them before mods are updated.

    And actually, you said that "you will have to delete the old custom sliders." So no, I am not repeating exactly what you said. Even when Ambitions came out, I NEVER had to delete any sliders. The sliders themselves did not have to be updated, and saying that you have to "delete old custom sliders" is not correct because it isn't the same as updating core mod slider hacks.

    So for instance, if you ONLY used Delphy's boob sliders, then you wouldn't have to wait on core mods to be updated at all and you wouldn't have to delete anything. His do not disable any of the EA sliders from working because there are only five of them and they are in the Mouth tab.

  36. Wonder how many bugs this will have. :/

  37. That lady is so awkward it's hilarious. I love the face she makes every time she stops talking xD

    That's the hardest i've laughed in a while...

  38. She looks like a cheetah.

  39. I'm wondering what larger breasts would look like on older sims. Will they sag or remain perky? o__o

  40. "Anonymous said...
    Wonder how many bugs this will have. :/"

    I KNOW! As excited I am for this EP, I'm so afraid that it's going to fall really short of my expectations once I actually get my hands on it.

    Still, the basics seem pretty great so I'm going to remain optimistic :)

  41. ^This is why I try to remain optimistic but I don't expect too much, if you know what I mean. I'm excited, but when you tend to place your expectations too high, they always fall short. I'd rather expect less and be blown away than expect too much and then be disappointed.

  42. I generally wait a bit after an EP release for that very reason-- the bugs. By waiting a few days, there are generally user-made hacks out there that solve that more major annoyances, and then I can play in peace. :)

  43. The cityscape is so beautiful. Will make great pictures for the photographer sims. Can hardly wait to play this.

  44. omg this is friggan awesome i can not wait!

  45. I didn't see any gameplay review! That was so boring! lol!

  46. Yes, there are zodiac signs, but they don't serve any purpose - meaning they don't actually influence Sims' behavior/personality in any way.

  47. I dont really like the boobage slider. :/ its not...nice looking. I mean the Johna sliders I have looks more natural and nicer to look at in general than just a round blob there. XXD

    The cityscape looks gorgeous though. I cant wait to explore!!
    And I do hope that it isnt silent, but bustling with other sims and activites going on.

  48. i would prefer it if the zodiac signs made an impact, not in some magical way but like the sims' favorite colors, so if they discover that they have the same/'compatible' signs, they may like each other more. and maybe sims in the paranormal career would take it more seriously/like the sim more = bigger relationship boosts when they find someone with the right sign. otherwise, it seems slightly pointless to me.

  49. what does this mean for sunset valley? i mean, it's my understanding that this is a separate functioning town like riverview instead of a destination like downtown in sims2 nightlife

    also, w/ all the new additions like vampires and clubs, skills etc, will these be accessible in sunset valley as well?

  50. "I mean the Johna sliders I have looks more natural and nicer to look at in general than just a round blob there."

    Jonha's boob slider is only one parameter, just like the EA one. Delphy's contain five different ones. Perhaps you're thinking of Delphy's?

  51. "also, w/ all the new additions like vampires and clubs, skills etc, will these be accessible in sunset valley as well?"

    Yes, you will be able to add buildings and the like to Sunset Valley.

  52. why bother give the zodiac if it has no purpose at all. I bet there will be a lot of 'view' objects other then funtional objects..

  53. Also, about adding clubs and skyscrapers to Sunset Valley and other worlds, the skyscrapers are suppose to be multi-rabbitholes. Meaning you will be able to add multiple rabbitholes functions to the tall building and save space.

    I was worried about the additions to Sunset Valley cause I have no more room.

  54. The pictures the site provided are great.

  55. Haha, the interview was so awkward!

    But I get more and more excited about this EP every time they release news about it.

  56. nice wonder y this doesnt have more comments

  57. Perfect pic nÂȘ2 City= Night,light,star,blue no violet :S

  58. LMFAO This interview is soo weird. Just look at her face when shes trying to understand him.

    LMFAO ohhh man

  59. Finally there is an official boob slider, about time. I hate small boobs.
