
September 11, 2010

New Hair for Females by Shymoo

Download at Shymoo

File name:

Robodl95's version here and Savio's here
thanks, Anon:)


  1. shimoo i love you!!!

  2. "thanks juice for the pics"

  3. Almost 10mb for a hair?

  4. I love the style, but this hair has a touch of Black Roots Syndrome.

  5. looks almost exactly like a recent peggy hair. ugh

  6. It's a very sexy hair Anto! ^-^

    He said that he did all the LOD's this time, but he's including in the package some textures that are not needed if you use the ones from the game (scalp textures) I told him about this, so maybe he will update this hair soon :)

  7. Cazy had a picture/preview of this hair on her blog...

  8. ^Yup, but you should read what Anto said in CoolSims about this hair :)

  9. Very pretty,but the file size frightens me.

  10. The model looks exactly like the model NewSea uses!

  11. Anon#9- Possibly Juice is Newsea. Odd Name/Nickname.

    I have been waiting for this hair for FOREVERRRRR I<3Anto now for releasing it :D

  12. I love this hair! Beautiful. Thanks! :)

  13. Incredibly beautiful! <3 Shimoo, thank you for this beautiful hair <3

  14. "thanks Juice for the pics ^^"

    The models and the picture presentation look a lot like Newsea's. THEY'RE IN AN ALLIANCE D:

  15. Well, Juice is apart of NewSea, so this all makes sense now!

  16. Anto and Cazy have an agreement that allows Cazy to convert his hairs for TS3. She's most likely converting it as well, which would explain why it was previewed on her blog.

    I've not been a fan of Shymoo's conversions in the past, and the file sizes tend to be bloated. Hopefully somebody else converts it, or is willing to fix this version.

  17. The game looks even better, it's amazing! Not too dark roots, like Peggy, this is perfect! So again, thank you!<3

  18. ^^ Are you blind? There are totally dark roots. Check the blonde model.

  19. Sorry, but much less than Peggy .. my opinion

  20. "Well, Juice is apart of NewSea, so this all makes sense now!"

    This is correct. Juice is half of the Newsea guys. Juice also used to work with Peggy...possibly still does.

  21. The hair is done and converted by anto, as you know, it's on his site.
    Also cazy had it because anto shares his hairs with his friends before he releases them. And if you read what he wrotes on his site, all shymoo hairs are made by him, we know he doesn't have too much experience with sims 3, but this hair is just so cool. Shymoo is chandra's site, and anto helps her uploading sims3 hair there, roots are not too dark, they are fine (at least for me). About juice's thing, as I said, if you read what he writes, seems that juice took the pics for anto because he didn't have sims3, but the background and details are the same as anto uses so I think he did the preview.

  22. Lol. The 'peggy' comment is so fake.

  23. I don't like the bloated files, but I must say, this hair is totally AWESOME!

    I will wait til Anto fixes it.

  24. This is so pretty!
    Thanks Anto! <3

  25. How can I download it? I open the site and click the pictures but nothing happens,,

  26. ^ There is a really tiny arrow that's pointing downwards. It's in the upper left hand corner of the preview picture. Click on it and you will be able to download the hair.

  27. "He said that he did all the LOD's this time, but he's including in the package some textures that are not needed if you use the ones from the game (scalp textures) I told him about this, so maybe he will update this hair soon :)"

    Yeah, I just noticed about this.
    It's a waste of space, many EA hairs share the same textures and are duplicated in different instances. So unnecessary. "/

  28. It is pretty, but I too will wait for Anto to fix it.

    (Hopefully this comment goes through this time. I keep getting bloody error messages.)

  29. Does anyone have a full shot of the back (this just shows the side) of the hair?

  30. Why is Cazy's blog private again?

  31. I like the bags, but not much else. I'll pass on this one.

  32. Where did you get that Sim?? is NewSea

  33. Anonymous said...
    Why is Cazy's blog private again?

    Cuz she's a crazy emo.

  34. Cuz she's a crazy emo.

    i lold

  35. I like it! I retextured and I'm about to upload it, but I'm just not sure if people will like it. Still... xD

  36. YAY SAVIO <3 Thanks!

  37. I did it too -_-

    How'd you get it down to to 2 Mb? I could only get it down to about 5.

  38. I exported the LODs, and generated a new package using Daboobs. lol I don't think compressorizer would do much, so I did that hehe

    Oh, and sorry about it, I didn't know you were doing it, too

  39. That's exactly what I did, What about the textures? Mine are all 1.3 a piece at DXT3 w/ mipmaps......

    I don't think it really matters that we both did it, our retextures look completely different, they'll appeal to different people

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. Susan needs to give us some gossip bout Cazy what the hell is HER deal?!!

  42. "Susan needs to give us some gossip bout Cazy what the hell is HER deal?!!"

    seriously, who the fuck cares? why is it so hard for us to mind our own business. shit is getting old people, btw last time I checked, it's just the sims...not something worth getting all worked up over.

  43. My diffuse and specular textures are DXT3 ARGB, and my control texture is ARGB (it is bigger than the other ones, but it's weird coz I still got a smaller file than you did)

    I didn't use Halo or anything else. Oh, no face texture either, only scalp. And I don't import the textures into the file, I put the keys I got from HP's tutorial.

  44. That's what I did.... how strange 0.o

  45. Lovely, but I just don't know about those evenly divided strands in the back. I think they impart a weird effect on the hair. Shymoo - Did it look bad without them and do you have a version like that?
