
September 11, 2010

Peggy 503 Retexture by Robodl95

Download at Look it's a Plumbob Over my Head

File names:

Robodl95_ Peggy 503 Adult
Robodl95_ Peggy 503 Child
Robodl95_ Peggy 503 Toddler

Peggy's version here


  1. I have a theory that Peggy's name is actually Peggy-Sue and she lives in Texas which is why her meshes are so gigantic :P

    I did the best I could with a not so great mesh......... I thought I liked it better than I do :/

  2. Thanks so much, I really wanted this hair retextured. :)

  3. It looks much better now! ^-^

    I found this info about Peggy:
    It seems to be real, but who knows! :P

  4. If that is true, than all the trolls will know where the poor guy/girl lives and send him/her hatemail everytime (s)he makes an ugly hair.

  5. Damn that's actually kind of creepy. It really is amazing how much info you can find out about someone on the internet.

    As for the hair, it actually looks usable now! Thanks Robo!

  6. It's true, you can find the owner/responsible for the domain looking at the whois. I had personal websites years ago and the info you provide when registering the domain is pretty much public.

  7. Woah. It actually looks good now. I think you deserve a prize Rob..

  8. Thank you, Robodl. It looks great! :)

  9. "I have a theory that Peggy's name is actually Peggy-Sue and she lives in Texas which is why her meshes are so gigantic :P "

    Aren't stereotypes wonderful? (FYI, I'm from Texas)

  10. I didn't mean for it to be offensive, I'm so sorry you took it that way :(

  11. "I have a theory that Peggy's name is actually Peggy-Sue and she lives in Texas which is why her meshes are so gigantic :P "

    Aren't stereotypes wonderful? (FYI, I'm from Texas)

    Girl, calm down. Why are you even taking that with so much animosity? To the rest of the country that IS what we think of when we hear the word Texas. If you don't like the stereotype, do something about it. Makes us think of something else when we hear the word Texas. Otherwise nut up or shut up.

  12. Oh No! Peggy got DOXED!

    Great retexture Robodl95, but I still don't like the mesh. Too much helmet hair for me. ;)

  13. "I have a theory that Peggy's name is actually Peggy-Sue and she lives in Texas which is why her meshes are so gigantic :P "

    Aren't stereotypes wonderful? (FYI, I'm from Texas)

    Haven't you heard of the phrase "everything's bigger in Texas?"

  14. Great retext Robodl! :D

    I think I saw very similar mesh, I think it was Raon's?

  15. Is it this one? that's what I thought of, I can't think of any raon hairs that looks like this one.....

  16. Looks great Robodl95! And I LOL'ed at the Peggy Sue comment. Ya'll need to take things a little less seriously.

  17. We got a case of serious Texan pride in this thread! Nobody bring up the Alamo!

  18. gotta agree with B, as much as I hate her I think she's right on here

  19. Peggy-Sue i Love it Ha ha ha!

  20. Where are the glasses from that you used with one of the models?

  21. I know this may sound stupid, but how do you download this hair from this site? When I click download I get all these different rapid share and other places. Please advise if you know. Thankyou

  22. I know this may sound stupid, but how do you download this hair from this site? When I click download I get all these different rapid share and other places. Please advise if you know. Thankyou

  23. Sorry for the double post:(

  24. The glasses are by Lili

    Anon above: You click on the place you wish to download from
