
September 22, 2010

A New World Awaits - Escape to Barnacle Bay today!

I have no idea if this is possible but I'll gift three of these worlds to the first three people who friend me at my Sims 3 page. You can unfriend me right after since I really have no plans to start using the page or whatever... but if you want it click my page NOW.

4thefunofit4, Moryrie and mzneko you were the first three:) and there were two others immediately and they were DjTiff and Geske.  I'll gift it to you two also:)  OK that's it.

An island nestled in the Simuyan Sea, Barnacle Bay is a vibrant vacation getaway with stunning beaches, campgrounds, parks, and a curiously modern downtown. First settled by pirates, fisherman, and artists - the world's inhabitants now enjoy relaxing at Smuggler's Beach and letting loose at The Wanderer's Watering Hole. Will Your trip be a vacation or a staycation?

* Meet new Sims, discover the world's secrets, and unwind at Barnacle Beach
* Enjoy 18 all-new exclusive objects and clothing only available in Barnacle Bay
* In Barnacle Bay - Having lunch on a Pirate Ship is only part of the to-do list:
o Grab a bite to eat at Hogan's Deep Sea Diner before fishing at Ophelia's Fishing Hole
o Explore the mystery hidden in Pirate's Hideaway or meet new Sims at The Wanderer's Watering Hole
o Discover the mysterious Barnacle Bay lore by exploring the abandoned piers of Founder's Beach and the relics found within the Goldbeard Galleon Gallery

Barnacle Bay includes 18 all-new exclusive items! - 1,650 points


  1. wtf? EA? everything alright? WE HAVE TO PAY FOR THIS-.-

  2. OMG 18 items! This is the best evar!

    Not. CC clutter packs have more than that.

    Now if they gave me simpoints. . .I'd like them.

  3. i realy realy want this world. i just hope this side has it soon ;)

  4. If you really want this world, instead of paying $16 for it and telling EA that charging $16 for a slightly modified & barely sandier Sunset Valley is A OK, wait till it's up at MATY and get it from there.

  5. ^ Someone has to buy it for MATY, it's not going to appear there overnight.

  6. i will get barnacle bay on the pirate bay.

  7. Hey guys, I'll gift three of these to um, I don't know the first three people to friend me at

    I'll add that to the post I guess, if you guys want it with a link to my page.

  8. this is such a really nice and beautiful place, I'll have no problem waiting for it on MATY

  9. joe your page is hidden!

  10. Sorry, I've really never used it, it should be fine now:)

  11. Hope I'm in the top 3.

  12. mzneko invited after page took forever to load >.<

  13. I actually searched 'MS3B' and friended the two results before you posted the actual link. xD

  14. i knew he had a page but never knew what it was! now we know, expect that page to have a billion friend requests soon! lol

  15. I don't want BBay, but friended you for the fun of it. Love ya, Joe.

  16. I know I won't be one of the three by now, but Joe you officially rock even more than you did before :D Thanks for all you do keeping this blog up and running!

  17. You may also want to note this update to the store:

    Two sets are only available from that.

  18. Guess I wasn't fast enough. Oh well.

  19. Is MTS down for anyone else?

  20. That was truly awesome of you, Joe! Congrats to the winners!

    Uploading to my mediafire account now.

    Should be at MATY as soon as I can make the post

  21. "Is MTS down for anyone else?"

    Yes, I don't know WTF is going on.

  22. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    just downloaded it.

    September 22, 2010
    as a gift from MS3b or did you buy it yourself??
    dont be misleading to others.

  23. I just brought it. I had some sim points left over.

    Anyway i don't mind giving something back to EA.

    Have to go to bed, so will have to try this out tomorrow.

    Besides this is no different to what microsoft does with the XBOX360. You have to buy points to download maps and extra content for games.

  24. I still think it looks like a very solidly built world.

    The only worlds I ever use for long periods are EAs worlds. There's something about them that is so clean and quality that I haven't found in custom worlds. So I'm looking forward to this one to play around with. Plus new premade houses are always a bonus.

  25. Thanks Joe. ^^, It hasn't shown up in my account yet, but I'm sure it will eventually.

  26. Microsoft is the darkness. And EA using the ways of the darkness... not that unusual.

  27. OMG JOE thank you SOOO much!!! YOU ARE AN ANGEL i love you! thank you for EVERYTHING!(Blog included!)

  28. Let me know because they were all gifted about 5 minutes ago.

  29. oh wow that was so cool of you to add me and Geske even when we didnt come in 3rd.
    thank you so much and lots of love xoxox

  30. It went through about 2 minutes after I said that. It was probably upset with my constant refreshing. xD

  31. I got mine too - thanks again joe :) That was very generous of you.

  32. Can anybody confirm if there are tombs? The description implies tombs, but it might just be silly storytelling.

  33. Check MATY.

    That is all. Enjoy

  34. ^ Thank you so much!

  35. I thanked you in my blog Joe!
    Thank you so much!

    i dont think i can thank you enough!

  36. Wow! How sweet Joe! :) This totally made my day to see you do this! <3

  37. Thanks, dude! :) I'm excited to explore the bay.

  38. Point of interest for anyone who cares: The ghosts be green. Just like Twinbrook.

  39. and there was two others immediately and they were DjTiff and Geske.


    or were you talking like a pirate to celebrate pirate season? lol!

  40. The town is nice. A lot of the lots are campground-style and the parks all blend into the terrain. I hate the color of the beaches though.

  41. were they too gay for your taste?

  42. LOL @ Anon^^^

    Btw guys Barnacle Bay is an extra town like Riverview, its not an actual holiday destination like champs les sims etc.

    For some reason some people are getting confused over that one

  43. Could not... possibly... CARE LESS.

    Gimmie night life, weather, make all jobs interactive etc etc etc.

    Ultimately, just charge us lowly consumers $16 for better crap than this.

  44. ^^^^^ Best f-ing comment of the lot. Truer words have not been spoken, and I can't agree more!

  45. If you got the money, why not.

    Town looks great, and it's something to do while waiting for Night life.

    I wouldn't call the people who buy it stupid.

    I like to see where my money goes, rather buy this than spending it on cigarettes. That's just burning money.

    In case you're wondering which you are probably not. I am not a smoker.

  46. Thanks Joe for friending me. You are the best, if you were near me, I would pinch your cheeks.

  47. I wouldn't call 'em stupid.. Nopee. It looks good but they made the mistake of charging for it. They're asking us to pay a lot of money for something we can get for free (with even higher quality) at other CC websites. EA is getting pathetic.

  48. i know most people who arent willing to pay for this dont give a shit, but just a heads up, ea again enabled their outfits for every category. like boat shoes for sleep wear. ea needs fine tuning!

  49. I look at the random setting is to knock out CC clothing and self- promotion of their pay stuff.

    I wish there were a CTU type program for sims3packs. I hate to have all the clothing in .package files and want to change alot of random stuff. Oh how I hate that farmer's overalls and the smoking jacket that every male sim wore when they aged up in Riverview.

  50. I just dont understand who in the world would want pirate clothes in ANY category.

    I want the world but not the clothes.

  51. I'm not going to pay 20€ for it. I'm going to get it at MATY. >:D

  52. ^ you are so 5 minutes ago! everyone already has!

  53. I don't think that was the best from EA.Night Life.

    But better than nothing. So now I have at least something I can do while I wait for night life! <3

  54. If this is uploaded to MATY the only way I can install it is by decrapifying all my files,right?

    I hate to sound like a complete tard,but I'm so new to this stuff.

  55. I don't mean to sound rude, but I have no interest in this. Like 0% So I'll pass entirely. Hope those who do get it enjoy it, and that was very cool of you, Joe, to share :)

  56. Nope, as many others stated, this is not worth the price. The world looks... okey. Most of the stuff is just useless corny clutter. I'm dissapointed and confused. How is EA thinking here?

  57. Got it for free from MATY (thanks Calinea) and it's not bad. I wouldn't have paid for it, but then again I don't pay for anything from the store.

  58. Someone uploaded the Caliente sisters here:

    So if you only want the world for them, don't bother and just download that. :)

  59. I do find it curious that people would likely buy th eITEMS if they were a 1600 point store set, but are ANGRY that the items come with a world, at the same price.

  60. it looks okay, but I'd MUCH rather create my own tropical island world with my OWN pirates... all for free.

  61. This never interested me,I hate pirates,and besides,the Calientes don't even look like themselves.

  62. I have it and it's a nice little town. I usually don't go for themes but this one is cute. Certainly not worth paying for, but it's been fun so far.
    *B I totally know what you mean by the overalls and smoking jacket...

  63. I bought it. I like it.

  64. There is NOTHING interesting in this world. The deep sea diner is just a rabbit hole like the deep fried diner. All the other new places were empty. No one is there. Its so not worth the price.

  65. well, at least if they know very few people bought it, they would know their items suck.

  66. I am so drawn to the last picture! I love that lot!! <3 I'd own it just for the farm! :)

  67. EA is becoming more awfuler and awfuler the more I hear of them :|
