
September 22, 2010

Traveler`s old house by Amy

Download at Amy's Dream Garden


  1. Holy awesomeness! Not only does this person have mad camera skillz but also awesome decorating... I would have never thought this was from the Sims 3... Dynamite!!! :)

  2. wow who cares about the house, he needs to teach sims 3 picture taking. lol

  3. I smell photoshop in the air. *sniffs* But anyway, the pictures are still awesome.

  4. Hm, the only photo that looks slightly PSed to me is the second one with the little lens glare. But very good picture taking skills indeed!

    Anyway, this looks amazing! It is SO going next to my graveyard! I love this house!

  5. This house has an awesome eery feel to it! :D

  6. It kind of reminds me of that house in RE4. Awesome!

  7. I'm crying so hard right now!!!! :( This house is SO scary!!! :( I'm crapping my pants RIGHT NOW!!!!!! :(

  8. Shivar, Shivar, calm down. Remember what Daddy told you about being a big boy!

  9. Why the hell would we want to make our work appear how it wouldn't be in the game? False advertisement isn't cool for EA and for free creators.

  10. Just put on some lipstick and have a beer. Dumb house! :(

  11. This is a wonderful house and I really tried to download it but... I don't understand how it work: I clicked the link "download with custom items" and arrived on the download page and... OMG! where should I click, now!!! (sob). Please somebody help me if you know how... :)

  12. Anon above Keke...the one with Custom items isn't working for me, but if you just download the house it should work.

    I was able to download using the 2nd green arrow in the row. I hope that helps you some.

  13. Thank you! This house is incredibly beautiful! But thanks for your help, Chicago!

  14. It is gorgeous. The photos blew me away.

  15. This looks great, but the photos have filters on them, contrast or some other filters to make them look more awesome, but still well presented.

  16. i fucking love this o.o

    holy shit, this is amazing.. awesome!

  17. GOD DAMN I WANNA LIVE IN A HOUSE LIKE THIS!!!!! theres one in my neighborhood but its white and just like rectangle shape but soo pretty n the yard is covered with fowlers n plants thou its like secret garden!
