
September 22, 2010

The Sims 3 Late Night – 4 free items for registering the game

Thanks to SimPrograms 

And 6 new Barnacle Bay pictures here

And get free items if you Refer-A-Friend


  1. So I'm guessing we're not getting free simpoints. Instead we get free items for registering? Lovely...

  2. The incentives for registering are getting smaller, and smaller. :/

    The pre-order incentives fro gamestop were better.

    As for Barnacle Bay.... the CC looks worth pilfering maybe. The rest looks... bland.

  3. As I said, way to go for an incentive EA!

  4. We might get free points as this is just ridiculous and WA had a "register game for free set" and free points, I cannot see anything but just a "register game" incentive.

  5. When they said we were only getting 4 objects I guessed that they might actually be "special", how silly of me ;)

  6. The big question is... what the hell is the point?

  7. A company shouldn't need to give you things for buying the game anyway.

  8. Do you ever wonder if EA empolyees come here and read these comments? Nah... probably not.

  9. I have a question that might be kind of off-topic, but it does apply to registering. I bought WA online through the EA store, is there a way for me to register my game and get the Simpoints?

  10. ^ Yeah, just go on the site, register and then put in the code or whatever EA gives for proof of purchase.

    Wow, the registration packs gets less interesting. Boo!

  11. Barnacle Bay is up and it is indeed 1650 simpoints

  12. Post you complaints about the small registering rewards here. Hopefully EA will listen!

  13. Yeah, saw that. Some pics posted on the BBS of the Caliente sisters.

    Someone posted pics of them in the game:

    page 2.

    Really they want money for that? I guess people will buy for the content alone.

  14. OMG, B. The Caliente sisters looks horrible!

    No wonder what this world is all about, $$.

  15. ^ LOL, even PreciousSims can do bether than THAT!

  16. ewww.... FAIL! Like all EA sims.

  17. wow and i thought they were ugly in ts2! wtf are they supposed to be anyway? latina? italian? lol

  18. im sorry to tell you ea but your desperation is showing...if you want to make more more release more ep's instead!

  19. People shouldn't be suckered into buying a world that costs $16.50 just because they want a family.

    Several over at the official forum have already planned to upload them.

    Oh, and the world looks like shit anyway. Wouldn't download it even if it were free.

  20. I might have weird tastes, but I loved Nina and Dina in Sims 2. I always had Dina to marry Mortimer and move in at the mansion. I usually move Nina in a more fun filled lot I created to get her freak on. She always wanted Goopy and using ACR, she always got pregnant by Goopy. The kids were really cute and both houses were fun to play. Dina alway peed when she saw the ghosts.

    I guess I am just disappointed that EA tried to do a Caliente family and really failed in the attempt.

  21. The Caliente's were so much fun! (Pleasantview fanboy right here :P), they were the lively ones in the neighborhood, I remember when I had them be secret mass murderers, and another time when they impregnated the whole town, and another where Dina went gay with Brandy XDXDXDXD

    Pleasantview was so awesome! None of the towns in TS3 can live up to it....

    Just wow EA, not only do you make a hideous world but you also ruin some of the funniest sims in the series!

    Did anyone catch their story? Why are they the same age as TS2? Why are they living in Barnacle Bay?

  22. "Did anyone catch their story? Why are they the same age as TS2?"

    The ages between TS2 and TS3 don't match up for many of the pre-made characters. Either EA really botched up consistency or they don't care. I'm guessing the latter.

  23. You guys know VERY well planting the Caliente Sisters in BARNACLE BAY was a last attempt to get people interested in this good for nothing hellhole! They should have been planted in Bridgeport so they can be the town socialite sluts again! and i mean that in a good way.
    I am REALLY disappointed they put them in BBay. Same goes for Don Lothario but whatever, at least Riverview was/ is free

  24. The BBay ones just made me take interest in making my own Nina and Dina. Already pulled Don from Riverview and using him in all my worlds, edited in CAS with TumTum's hair.

    What a waste of a good idea EA.

  25. They're uploaded as a household on the exchange, and there's no story for them really. Don had the time machine. They have nothing.

  26. The ages between TS2 and TS3 don't match up for many of the pre-made characters. Either EA really botched up consistency or they don't care. I'm guessing the latter.

    The only ages that don't match up across all 3 games are...actually, only one, Kaylynn Langknekrnkanrark, the maid, I believe. Her age makes no sense from Sims 3 -> Sims 1 -> Sims 2.

    Everyone else is fully ocnsistent. To say that they "don't care" about keeping consistency between the games is absolutely asinine and a huge slap in the face- the attention to detail with family information, names, ages, and family trees is impeccable. They may be background things your average player won't ever bother to learn, but that doesn't mean they aren't paying attention to them.

    Even with Kaylynn's weird Sims 2 age, it can easily be assumed she simply had access to Elixir of Life.

    The only other off-age sim is Don Lothario whose in-game story justifies it, as he was sent back in time.

    But all the other major families all have very consistent details. Hell, their NAMES have more thought to them than most custom content creators would put into an entire neighborhood. That's an exaggeration, but that's just to prove a point. The Pleasant Family in Sims 2 is a good example.

    Read that ONamatology section and try to claim that they don't pay attention to the inter-game lore.

  27. Hell, read the whole site. The lore of these games is more than people realize is there. It's really fun information if you're a fan.

  28. Shivar:

    You can read the Bios. There is Nothing to explain ANYTHING about them.

    Here's the cut and paste if you don't want to click:

    The driving personalities in this household are the Caliente sisters who are always fighting, flirting and generally out to have a raucous party. They are showing Luisa the ways in misbehaving.

    Member List:
    Nina Caliente - Female, Young Adult
    The Sims 2 Sisters are back! The eldest twin, Nina, is a worldly Sim who has a storied past and is up for adventure. She is the brains of the operation.

    Dina Caliente - Female, Young Adult
    The Sims 2 Sisters are back! Can Dina break hearts in Barnacle Bay like she did in Pleasantview? She wants to find out.

    Luisa Libros - Female, Young Adult
    Luisa is intrigued by the wild ride that is living with the Caliente sisters. She knows to never bring home any romantic interests as there is a strong possibility Dina and/or Nina will swoop in on the action.

  29. Who is to say that Barnacle Bay isn't set after Sims 2?

    I mean, I know the "game" is set before Sims 1, but this is a DLC world. It's pay-to-buy, it was made to put up for sale. There's really no reason it can't be set after the sims 2 (which would explain their older appearance and the information referring to them previously living in Pleasantview).

    It's just not that big of a deal. It's an isolated world.

  30. Ugh. Your logic is fail.

  31. Can you give me any concrete evidence that the neighborhoods all exist within the same storyline?


    Then speculation is valid, biatch.

  32. Twinbrook, and Riverview occur in the same time frame as Sunset Valley. So, it can safely be assumed that the 4rd playable neighborhood released to the game would also be in the same time period, and NOT the future.

    You were going on and on about how great their storylines are. So, EXPLAIN THIS DISCREPANCY, USING THE INFO FROM THEIR BIOS, AND THE SV/RV/TB TIMEFRAME.

  33. Also note, they have nothing in their family trees but each other.

  34. Who cares WHAT time frame its set in... it's a worthless world that more intelligent players won't be wasting their money on.

  35. Why is Dina black? Just curious. I'm pretty sure she was spanish or italian in TS2.

    "Also note, they have nothing in their family trees but each other."

    Now THAT really fucking bugs me. And you just know it'll be in their bio "their minds were erased" or something. Laziness.

    This world is so plain. I don't even want it if its for free.

  36. I posted the Bio. There is no reference to memory loss. Or anything. It just says rubbish about them being flirty troublemakers, and that they're back for TS3.

  37. Dina is definitely not black in TS2, and what about the Langeraks? They are in no way age-consistent between TS2 and TS3. You're once again talking out of your ass, Shivar.

  38. ^Specifically Kaylynn, since she was the only one in TS2. In this game, I believe she's the same age as Mortimer and Bella, which was not the case in TS2. Mortimer was old and decrepit while she was off sleeping with Daniel Pleasant.

  39. Man, I save myself the trouble and just nuke all EA Sims and fill neighborhoods with my own. :/ Although remaking the Caliente sisters into something a bit, uh, less puddingy sounds like a good idea.

  40. I'm actually pretty upset that EA decided to include the Calientes with a $16.50 neighbourhood that not many can afford.

    I usually defend EA but I cannot in this case,this isn't right,they should have come with Riverview or Sunset Valley.

  41. I'm staying out of the Sims 2/3 lore stuff. I don't follow it so I'm clueless. (Whatever did happen to Bella Goth?)

    I do wish for some damn simpoints for Nightlift :( I ran out a long time ago, and I really doubt I'll be buying any more any time soon.

  42. well big fing woop - a picture of one of their sims, and some other pointless stuff

  43. "durp durp, morons, I specified that kaylynn is the wrong age and gave a possible reason why. You're all morons"

    It's really funny how you have the nerve to call other people morons, but you couldn't a. decrapify properly and b. didn't know that corrupt TXTC is an issue since it means BLUE LOTS, something that was all over MTS and other places on the internet for months:


