
October 20, 2010

Caribbean Village by candlelight82

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. Said it before, say it again: Candlelight is wasting her time making these things instead of making them as worlds.

    They're pretty much unusable and just for looks when made as lots.

  2. ^ Actually, I would probably put this on the island world I'm playing. Or Barnacle Bay if I had the 16$ to get it.

  3. Who would like to live this close to an active volcano? Sims are lucky they can´t suffocate or die of the heat!

  4. so it's a volcano.

    wat. i know this is all pretendy games but the fuck. living right NEXT to a live open volcano? can't unsee ;__;

  5. "Candlelight is wasting her time making these things instead of making them as worlds."

    I, for one, don't want to download an entire world just for one lot, and there are plenty of existing worlds out there that could use this lot perfectly well without straying from the theme.

    As for the volcano thing...yeah, "pretendy." It's for atmosphere.

  6. I LOVE the medieval-looking parts of this. Overall it's great except for the strange volcano theme.

  7. ^It's a CARIBBEAN lot, not a MEDIEVAL lot, so the volcano makes more sense if you take that into account.

  8. "Or Barnacle Bay if I had the 16$ to get it."

    That's cute.

  9. Speak for yourselves, I'd love to have my sim live right in the middle of a damn volcano.

  10. ^Me too, these people just don't seem to understand that fun and fantasy are usually part of playing a GAME.

    ^^I know, right?
