
October 20, 2010

EA Makeover - Dolphin Digs by Beatdoc16

Download at Beatdoc16's Sim Escapades


  1. Very nice and simple. I could do this but I don't have the patience. Thanks!

  2. If my games wasn't already full of CC, I'd defiantly download this.

    Actually, I'm pretty tempted. I might come back later.

  3. This really does look nice. Doesn't look like there's much CC!

  4. I love EA makeovers, and this one looks very, very nice!

  5. omfg Beatdoc's decorating gives me an orgasm in my eyes.

  6. ^No kidding, he/she is very talented. It was a shame when a recent MTS upload copied their work (initially without credit), although it brought him/her to my attention so I guess it's not all bad.

    I plan on downloading all BD's stuff.

  7. Thanks all (and MSTB)!
    To the last Anon, it's nice to know someone else noticed that, I appreciate it. Also for the record I'm a she :)

  8. ^I'm all for Sims creators having open-use policies, but that was a pretty blatant copy, without so much as a mention of it being based on another's work. You handled it like an adult, though, which is more than can be said for some creators.

    Your work is lovely, both the makeovers and the original stuff. I can't wait to see more from you. :)

  9. ^I went back and read it. They did mention it was from another's work, just didn't say who. My mistake.

  10. Yeah, I saw that too. At least she credited you after she figured out who made the original.

    You do a good job with your houses. So many people seem to master interiors OR exteriors but you do very well at both.
