
October 25, 2010

Newsea Reborn Female Hairstyle

Download at The Sims Resource - Subscriber only


  1. eeeeeeh, ive seen better pubic hair.

  2. Yes, yes, yes! This is an amazing hair! Love it!

    Don't think it looks right on children and especially not toddlers, though. But it's good that Newsea gives people who think it does the option of having it.

  3. WTF is this? It is like a slutty/nappy hair gone wrong. Ick. Pass.

  4. Newsea generally posts pictures of the celebrity he modeled the hair after:

  5. I like it for adults.... will arrr!

  6. How exactly can hair be "slutty?"

    It's an alright hairstyle. The dark roots are an annoyance as usual. The flyaway bits aren't as bad as they could be but there are a few spots where they seem a little excessive.

    Overall, it's decent.

  7. I will never get the love for Newsea's hair. Blah.

    And BOOOO TSR.

  8. ^At least Newsea's hairs don't move with the eye corner height slider like Peggy and Ulker's do.

  9. Nappy hair is not bad, at least not for me. :)

    I like this, for adult females only.

  10. Reborn is right. This sets the standard for a whole new class of quality hair. Bravo newsea.

  11. i can make a slutty sim now

  12. This looks like Shania Twain hair!

  13. Better than what he released the other day.

  14. Why are sims 3 creators so scared to retexture newseas tsr hair when so many sims 2 creators do it for his sims 2 versions?

  15. ^ good question, i'd like to know the answer ;)

  16. I've tried to retexture them but the files have a tracker in them, apparently, that don't let you alter the file. I need to learn more about hair files before I can actually retexture any.

  17. ^ Hmm really? I'm able to retexture NewSea hair... I don't think you can open them in S3PE but if you import TS3P using TSRW it works.

    People are afraid to retexture Newsea hair because of TSR's psycho attitude, they don't hesitate to have your blog deleted or release your personal information, TSR isn't fun to deal with, just look at what they did to GoS.

  18. Oh and I don't think TS2 files have trackers so that would probably be the reason TS2 people do it, also the TS2 versions require the mesh so it's not really stealing unlike TS3 where most people include the mesh.

  19. I want this!!!!It's soooo beautiful!

  20. Definitely pretty. I agree it's kind of a sexy hairstyle, it looks odd on the kids and toddlers, but to each his own :)

  21. Oh shyne please release retextures of newsea's hairs! I (ans many people) would love you forever!

  22. ^ Her blog might go bye-bye...

    Is there any way to do a retexture but still require the original mesh to work in order for the retexture to work?

  23. I can't wait to get it in my little GREEDY hands! LOL

  24. I think it's really cool on adults but toddlers? Uhhhmmm. No!

  25. I don't think her blog would be taken down. It's just that GoDaddy is a bad host. :)

  26. "Is there any way to do a retexture but still require the original mesh to work in order for the retexture to work?"


    Many people don't like the way I do my retextures because of that.
    I hate sharing meshes, it feels like I am stealing someone's work. "/

  27. I really can't blame you there. Then again I don't feel any guilt screwing over paysites, so there's that.

  28. Just upload anonymously at PMBD or some shit. I've seen people upload creations sometimes.

  29. porn star hair for my porn star sim. yay

  30. A sim with the hair:

  31. I like it on adults not on the kids..too much hair for them. XD

    Its pretty! Kinda sexy, windswept, just woke up kinda hair.

  32. "^ Her blog might go bye-bye..."

    She can always set new ones..

  33. "Many people don't like the way I do my retextures because of that."

    Yes, thats the only reason I (and some friends) don't download your retextures. I already have to merge my files so merging the ones in separate folders don't seem to work for some reason.

  34. "She can always set new ones.."

    Some of you are REALLY unbelievable. You'd have someone risk getting hacked by these psychos over a fucking HAIR? Even fucking Buggybooz at MTS was hacked, along with several other people.

    TSR just doesn't make blogs or websites like GOS go bye-bye. Over the years they have hacked into people's personal accounts as well as email and photobucket.

    It's not worth having TSR go after one of these real-life retexturers and causing them REAL LIFE PROBLEMS because you're greedy about making a pixel hair fucking pretty.

    The only one TSR hasnt been able to fuck with is unless you are Pescado it's better to be safe than sorry.

  35. Seriously, educate yourselves on what TSR has done.,2399.0.html

    Furthermore, redisenchanted (believe she also goes by jmtmom) was hacked by one of them earlier this year.

    If they have no qualms about releasing 619 people's personal info and in some cases actual addresses and they will stop at nothing to harm anyone over the smallest things, then it's best to let the crazies play by themselves. It's easy for some of you to have others take the risk when there is no risk to you for downloading the hair. Very selfish and greedy attitude.

  36. Exactly. If you want this hair retextured so badly, learn how to do it yourself. Then if you decide to share it and TSR fucks with you, that will be on you. Not them.

  37. "TSR just doesn't make blogs or websites like GOS go bye-bye. Over the years they have hacked into people's personal accounts as well as email and photobucket."

    That's just because people are too stupid to put personal real info on the internet.

  38. "That's just because people are too stupid to put personal real info on the internet."

    You do realize you have to put down personal info to subscribe, right? Also, there are plenty of ways for someone's personal info to be obtained WITHOUT people being "stupid" as you call them. Ever heard of keyloggers? It's actually easier to slip a trojan in people's computers and bypass their antivirus software than you think...

    If no one subscribed to TSR, no one would get these hairs. So remember that the next time you want to be self-righteous. Someone has to pay real money for people to pirate content.

  39. "Spoken like someone who knows shit all about hacking."

    You would be surprised.

  40. "That's just because people are too stupid to put personal real info on the internet."

    Why the fuck do you think trackers have to be removed from TSR content? Because they lead back to the person who shared the hair. Even on Newsea's website before he crossed over to TSR, he had trackers in his files and posted people's first and last names who were sharing the hairs. People have to give real information in order to buy content.

    Only someone who was a leech and had never paid to share custom content would have this type of attitude.

  41. It looks like American country singer hair. Like, every American country singer has this hairstyle.

  42. It looks like a blind hairstylist did her hair.

  43. Crazy people's hair!

  44. It's not the normal perfect sims hair, where every hair sits at its place and I think that's cool.

  45. I think it will look good in Late Night. It will fit the whole celebrity look: Actresses, Singers, etc... But good gawd, that looks terrible on toddlers o_O Then again, people keep posting toddler sims in thick makeup as well. We just have to hope they keep it to their sims and don't actually procreate irl ;)

  46. Well If TSR where to post my info on the web I would report them to the police and mebbe just sue them. Since we have EA ELUA on our side.

  47. "Well If TSR where to post my info on the web I would report them to the police and mebbe just sue them. Since we have EA ELUA on our side."

    Doesn't matter - the damage would already be done.

    Also, don't be naive. EA lets them get away with this shit because they always worm their way out of it. Also, Thomas and his ilk were buddy-buddy with EA for quite some time.

    Just read the comments here. You don't think any of them thought TSR should be reported or sued?

  48. Im not naive, What they are doing is illegal, and I Would not tolerate it.
    Not all countrys are the same, this would probably become a big case where I live atlest when there is proff of TSR doing this to over 600 other persons? and if EA would not help dont you think that would give EA a bad rep, if it went public? I think so yes.
    EA is more improtan to EA than TSR are, and will always be. They would probably not back TSR up if it ment them loosing costumers and money.

  49. So much disinformation. You do not have to give your real address when you subscribe unless you are subscribing to their magazine which has to be delivered. The addresses that were revealed by TSR were on an anti-paysite petition people signed, not on subscriptions. Some of those folks whose personal info was exposed were not subscribers to TSR.

  50. ^Honey, PMBD and several others have been trying to take these fuckers down for YEARS.

    Stop by the Phorum and read some of the numerous posts on the subject. 100s and 100s of pages. TSR has been reported for their illegal shit over and over and over again and are still going strong.

    It is not as simple as you are making it out to be. It's just better not to play with fire when you know you can get burned.

  51. "You do not have to give your real address when you subscribe unless you are subscribing to their magazine which has to be delivered."

    No one ever said that. They said that you have to give personal information to subscribe and that some people's real addresses were posted by TSR. The two are capable of being mutually exclusive. TSR has both revealed subscribers' personal info and also innocent people's information (and addresses) who were not subscribers. They don't just terrorize their own members, but they go outside TSR and harass other members as well.

  52. There is more to personal info than just someone's address. First and last name, for instance. Newsea was revealing people's personal info (names) who shared his hairs before he moved to TSR, but he wasn't sharing addresses. One of his blogs got shut down because of it.

  53. "It is not as simple as you are making it out to be. It's just better not to play with fire when you know you can get burned."

    That's exactly ehat they want. Don't you tink it sounds like they are doing something wrong so it's better to let them keep being bad and having our ass ok then to fight against them? Almost ike letting a killer run rampant so we won't get on their bad side.
    I'm not afraid of having my adress or real name revealed, that's who I am after all, and what would they do with my adress? Send killers after me? If we get this shit out of the internet world to the real world, we have real world laws to stand by us.

    What I mean by all that babbling is, keeping quiet because they threaten or scare people is just acting like they want and it's wrong.

  54. "It is not as simple as you are making it out to be. It's just better not to play with fire when you know you can get burned."

    I never play with fire, never have I payed that site for annything at all. Thats why im pretty sure that I would get altest something out of reporting them if it where to ever happen to me.
    But I am lucky for me paranoid enogh to not use a mail, or contact info related to my name at all. Not even my adress is real. My number is unlistet, so I cant be found that way.

  55. oh and I live at a school so my IP is to that school.

  56. TSR uses paypal. They can see your real name and real life physical address whenever you make a purchase from them. What they can't see are your credit card numbers.

    They have shared people's Paypal info in the past...

  57. "What I mean by all that babbling is, keeping quiet because they threaten or scare people is just acting like they want and it's wrong."

    No one is keeping quiet. Have you not read the Phorum? All I'm saying is that TSR still gets away with this, despite being reported and fought against vehmently.

  58. They will lose in the end. just wait and see.

  59. What people are saying is that if TSR goes after you like they've gone after 100s of people already, the damage is done. Yes, you will have the (sane) community behind you and you can report them for their criminal activity but it will not undo the damage caused to you by them nor will it get them shut down. TSR has been reported countless times. They have even hacked people's websites. These morons are sociopaths and they just don't give a fuck what they do to people.

  60. This has been lost in all the comments, but a sim was posted earlier with the hair:

  61. I wish I could retexture this, its too bad the PS dds plugins are not compatible with Win 7 and PSCS5.

  62. Hair uploaded by Antonella:

  63. "I wish I could retexture this, its too bad the PS dds plugins are not compatible with Win 7 and PSCS5."

    Just download GIMP and read my GIMP hair retexturing tutorial, anon :) I only own Photoshop 5.0 hahahaha I was a bit shattered when I found out that they didn't make plugins for that version, but it doesn't really matter now that I have GIMP. I do all my textures and nitty gritty in Photoshop, then use GIMP to deal with the DDS files :)

    And as for Newsea hairs... I have to say that the issue would be me trying to use S3PE, but I also would hesitate to upload the retextures anyways. I mean... how important is having another version of this hair, even if it could possibly be better, and getting my account metaphorically raped by some stranger? I don't know what personal info I might have put up to register my email, or things like that. I don't remember. I'd prefer not to find out lol

    I'd love to retexture FREE Newsea hairs, in fact, but I've been told that even that is against their policy by someone who frequents the site. It's against their policy to modify any of the content there. I'm unsure why... I figure that the Sims 3 is a bunch of pixels. What crime is it to modify those pixels a little? People may have made it, but by uploading to T$R, it's not like they OWN it themselves, T$R just owns them lol Irony.

  64. ^^^ Oh and a little note I forgot to add, you cannot use CTU to retexture the majority of hairs not done by EA. You'll need T$RW, or S3PE for that :)

  65. lol listen to the thiefs spinning there propaganda because there to poor to pay for quality product..

  66. "I mean... how important is having another version of this hair, even if it could possibly be better, and getting my account metaphorically raped by some stranger? I don't know what personal info I might have put up to register my email, or things like that. I don't remember. I'd prefer not to find out lol"

    Exactly. Protect yourself first and foremost Shyne for the same reason Anubis and others do. There is a chance that TSR might not do anything, but there is also a chance that they could. It's better not to take the risk to satisfy someone's want for a virtual hair.

    It's easy for people to say "Oh PLEASE retexture this hair and share it! Don't let TSR scare you!" when they aren't taking a risk at all by clicking the Download button, but all the risk lies on you.

  67. "Not all countrys are the same, this would probably become a big case where I live"

    Wrong. TSR is based in Sweden. Good luck trying to enforce another country's law on them, though.

    TSR is composed of crazies, but not idiots. There's a reason they've been able to get away with their bullshit for so long.

  68. lol listen to the thiefs spinning there propaganda because there to poor to pay for quality product..

  69. "lol listen to the thiefs spinning there propaganda because there to poor to pay for quality product.."

    OH HAI THERE, Newsea!

    Honey, it's not a matter of me being "too poor," especially when I've donated to other sites to share CC in the past. But I'd rather not deal with fuckers who have harassed so many people and I'm sure others feel the same way.

  70. lol listen to the thiefs spinning there propaganda because there to poor to pay for quality product..

  71. Blah, installed the hair, looked at it in-game and immediately uninstalled it. It's a horrible mess. The only way to get it to not look like you're being attacked by a hair monster is to make your head as absolutely skinny as possible. And then it's still big, but at least at a more tolerable size. Definitely never putting this one back in my game.

  72. Lovely hair (really really nice), but that fringe needs some alpha edit :P

  73. Link to the hair:

  74. "Lovely hair (really really nice), but that fringe needs some alpha edit :P"

    Who cares what you think? you're never gone share if you ever do this so shut up. I've been seeing you around the comunnity, you're so full of yourself.

  75. Thanks for the link anon!

  76. "lol listen to the thiefs spinning there propaganda because there to poor to pay for quality product.."

    Listen to the dumb-ass too poor to pay for grammar lessons. Learn to spell.

  77. I'm not really a fan of this, TSR or no TSR. Newsea's hairs don't display well on 'High Detail' which is what I play on, so there's no use for me to bother with them. And they were bastards who displayed people's info on their blog's 'hate list' even before they joined TSR.

    I also rather hate that Newsea (and Peggy) do not create proper fat/thin morphs for their hair, even though there are tutorials on how to do this. (Such as the on by TumTum). Newsea's hair also has too many useless wispy bits, that while they are supposed to make the hair look realistic, generally fail to do so. They also make the hair have a higher polycount than it should.

    So, even with a retexture, Newsea's hairs suck. Someone who claims to be as experiences as they do should not make the mistakes they do. And with so many complaints about dark roots, why won't they change?

  78. Its alright but I don't trust sims resource.

  79. "Who cares what you think? you're never gone share if you ever do this so shut up. I've been seeing you around the comunnity, you're so full of yourself."
    I don't care about what do you think either, but there's something funny in your statement. I never participate on the community (besides from being a creator), so there's no way you can know me :)

  80. Yeah I hate they put trackers everywhere.
    It's just so unethical, but it's T$R we are talking about. What's even ethical about it? Right.

    It puzzles me their concept on dark roots on the textures, it's something we can control with channel in the game. Even though they force it to be darker.
    I think NewSea's textures have potential if not those - as should be named - flaws.

    In between the textures I think it can make a good balance between the colors. But on roots? OH WHY!?

  81. Ugly hair! Looks like a crazy drug girl!

  82. thanks anon for the link and it's a .package file too!

  83. seriously big hair shouldn't be on children or toddlers they need short hair or less hair in rl toddlers dont have big curly long ass hair children do but thats if they are in the little miss pageant shit which is sad

  84. i love you guys xD

  85. I love this hair. Please improve the texture someone so I can use it. THANKS!

  86. "I love this hair. Please improve the texture someone so I can use it. THANKS!"

    Are you stupid? Did you not read the 80+ comments with people explaining how psycho TSR is and how no one is going to retexture their hairs?

    If you want it improved, do it yourself.

  87. What a drama? When a Newsea's hair is coming out all the troll make a big fuzz!

  88. Actually, you can share retextured TSR hairs via the Exchange. Anything done with TSR Workshop will stick with whatever you upload at the Exchange (anything you use on that specific upload, I believe), even if you have it as a .package file.
    It's a good idea, but someone has to offer an EA account. I would, but I use the same name everywhere so it would be complicated XD

  89. If you get LN (or any other EP/SP), you can chose to register it under another e-mail address, and you'll have full store/exchange rights, and another name to upload stuff with.

  90. "I don't care about what do you think either, but there's something funny in your statement. I never participate on the community (besides from being a creator), so there's no way you can know me :)"

    I've seen a couple of your posts here or on modthesims and you do look like you have your head inside your ass. I don't care if you care or not, I still don't like your attitude.

  91. "Actually, you can share retextured TSR hairs via the Exchange."

    You can but TSR usually gets them yanked. I've seen posts on here where the Sim gets deleted sometimes before people can get the hair from the Exchange.

    There was also one blog here on blogspot that I really liked going to for TSR stuff because the Booty was down a lot back in August and September. It has mysteriously been deleted. Gee, I wonder who did that?

  92. "You can but TSR usually gets them yanked. I've seen posts on here where the Sim gets deleted sometimes before people can get the hair from the Exchange."
    Oh, I thought that TSR couldn't put their hands over the Exchange, but now that you mention this... we're back to zero :P

  93. B Said: Nappy hair is not bad, at least not for me. :)


    Agreed. Also, I'm not sure people actually know what "nappy" is.

    I get the Slutty comments: it's sort of messy, huge and teased/tossed. Not my taste.

  94. "Oh, I thought that TSR couldn't put their hands over the Exchange, but now that you mention this... we're back to zero :P"

    Nope. TSR has DEFINITELY gotten stuffed yanked from the exchange before. Basically, the exchange will pull down anything if there's a complaint about it.

  95. "Nope. TSR has DEFINITELY gotten stuffed yanked from the exchange before. Basically, the exchange will pull down anything if there's a complaint about it."

    Exactly. TSR gets stuff yanked off the Exchange lots of times - as well as plenty of other sites. Even when stuff is uploaded to numerous sharing sites at GOS, you have to grab it quickly because it will surely be yanked within a day.

  96. all ages -
