
December 18, 2010

Hummingbird Lane Victorian: no CC by ruthless_kk

Download at Mod The Sims



    Not a very eloquent response, but this is INSANELY impressive, especially since it has no CC. It's not my usual style but I can't help but love it just for the amount of work (and talent) that obviously went into it.


  2. Totally agreeing with Anon. It's supermegafoxyawesomehot.

  3. I think firstanon pretty much sums up my feelings, too.


  5. Ruthless Klu Klux makes very nice non-cc buildings.

  6. This is a very nice house! It's beatiful and very well planned into smallest detail. This is not mu usual style and I'm not a big fan of blue but this work is truly amazing! Great work!


  8. Yes, it is an awesome build. Ruthless makes LOTS of great builds.
    Ruthless is also a mod on the Sims3 site.
    Ruthless posted a showcase thread in Creative Corner, where all good home showcase threads go.
    Then Ruthless posted a showcase thread in General Discussion.
    Ruthless posted the same thread in two forums.
    Normal people might have gotten a little flack for that.
    Normal people would have gotten their thread moved from General Discussion to Creative Corner.
    Not Ruthless, because Ruthie is a mod so she doesn't need to follow the forum rules.

  9. Jeez it's not like she ate your children.

  10. She ate my children, but it's OK. I will let her eat my neighbors also. She's allowed. Great house!

  11. ^^^What is that rant all about? lol butthurt people amuse me.

    Anyway, great house. I love victorian era houses.

  12. Ruth is a very talented builder, you should find her on the exchange instead since that's where she posts most of her builds...

  13. "What is that rant all about? lol butthurt people amuse me."

    A continuation of a recent conversation regarding whether or not MTS mods get special treatment, it looks like. Unfortunately, a rather petty one that doesn't make their point as well as it could have.

    Lovely house. The amount of detail is pretty impressive. I rarely use Victorian anything, but I might have to make an exception for this one.

  14. There is a reason she calls herself ruthless. I won't DL anything she does.

  15. "A continuation of a recent conversation regarding whether or not MTS mods get special treatment, it looks like. Unfortunately, a rather petty one that doesn't make their point as well as it could have."

    But they say TS3 site not MTS.....

    Ruth is a very nice lady, she certainly is not Ruthless at all! I've had the chance to talk with her on several sites and she's really sweet and helpful :)

  16. Why would you say Ruthless name means something. I have never had problems with her on the exchange and she always answer my questions when I ask. She seems nice.

    I love her victorian house builds. This one is nice too.

  17. Ruthless is a very talented creator. TY for another lovely design!

  18. Ruthless posted her lots on General Discussion long before she was a moderator. That has nothing to do with it. I've seen other homes there too. So I'm not sure what you are going on about. It sounds like a lot of envy and trying to start something to me. And to the person that said she is actually ruthless, so sad. Ruthy has never been anything but helpful. Just because she's a mod now everyone wants to attack her. Get over it! Sorry for the rant but that crap gets on my nerves.
    Amazing work Ruthless!

  19. Exceptionally done for no CC! :)

  20. i guess i'm the only one who caught the reference - i'm sure sookie's house looked like that at some affluent point in her family's history!

  21. "But they say TS3 site not MTS..... "

    And that's probably why they said it was a "continuation" of that conversation, no?

  22. wow i ruthy this is amazing. you create homes with such detail. any sim would be lucky to live here :)

    for those who are out there ranting about ruthy you are just haters plain and simple. trolls deserve nothing more than being ignored. enough said

  23. ^And yet you do not ignore them and lecture them instead. Which is what they want. Kudos.
