
December 18, 2010

Merry Christmas Living Set by Simcredible Designs

Set includes:  Loveseat, tree, gifts, balls on glass, harp, candles, star, coffee table and sideboard.

Download at Simcredible Designs


  1. LOL @ the sad nearly-dead tree.

    The rest is lovely.

  2. I'm hoping the tree is meant to be some sort of artificial statue rather than a real tree? If not, yeah, it's a little sad.

    I really like the sideboard. Fingers crossed for slots inside, although I doubt it and I hope someone more talented than I adds them if they are lacking.

  3. ^I'm pretty sure it has slots, look at the previews on their site.

  4. ^Oh yes, it's visible on the first couple pictures here too. I just didn't really notice the sideboard all that much except in the closeup. Yay!

  5. I've seen other modern sets with scrawny Christmas trees. What's up with that?

  6. Skinny trees are popular now. We put off getting a tree this year and the only one left was a tall skinny tree. I googled to see the if there was a good way to decorate it and it seems they are the rage at the moment, both real and especially expensive artificial skinny trees. Odd but I give the creator kudos for staying up with the fashion!

  7. I love the loveseat. Nice design.

  8. I like the stack of presents, very nice :)

  9. "Skinny trees are popular now."

    ^ I've never heard that anywhere, but if it's even slightly true, surely it's due to the economy... since people can't afford better anymore. I'd be pretty upset if I had to settle for a tree like THIS.

    Other than the tree, I still LOVE this set.

  10. lol at the comments here. I love the tree!! It's hilarious! Perfect for my avant garde sims.

  11. Ugh, some people are such fashionistas. And with a tree? Really?

    I like the set though.

  12. fashionistas = sheep
