
December 06, 2010

Hi guys

It's Brandon

I just wanted you to know Joe texted me a little while ago and asked me to take over again.

He is pretty sick with that 2, 3, 4, or 5 week flu going around and had a relapse in the chest and lungs a week after getting over the first part of the flu.

He will be in the hospital for the next two to three days just to be sure the bronchitis clears and it doesn't become pneumonia.

I will be updating until he's back.

TS3 Store Stuff Made Shiftable Now with CURTAINS by Moryrie

This is a mod (for Crapified TS3 Store stuff) that makes all the wall lights, wall sculptures, wall clocks, wall televisions, mirrors, curtains and paintings from the TS3 store (with the exception of the Christmas Stockings, which are borked anyway) able to be shifted up or down on the wall.

Download at MATY

Thanks, Anonymous