
February 03, 2011

New Things at The Sims 3 Store

February 2011 Compilation

Get everything new for the month of February with just one click! This compilation includes Futureshock Kitchen, Jazz Age Living Room, and Jazz Age outfits and hairs.

This set contains items from the following sets:

The Jazz Age Wear
Jazz Age Living Room
Futureshock Kitchen

2,600 Sim Points

Futureshock Kitchen

You helped name it, now equip your Sims kitchen with a collection that's lightyears ahead of its time!

15 items are included in this set

850 Sim Points

Jazz Age Living Room + Jazz Age Wear

Timeless, glamorous, and full of style. Your Sims can party like there's no tomorrow with this combined set based on the furnishings and fashions of the 1920's.

This set contains items from the following sets:

The Jazz Age Wear
Jazz Age Living Room

38 items are included in this set

1,900 Sim Points

Jazz Age Living Room

Yearning for the timeless glamour of yesterday? Jazz up your Sims home with the glamorous Jazz Age living room set!

18 items are included in this set

1,000 Sim Points

The Jazz Age Wear

Whether your Sims are Rag-a-Muffins or members of a swankier set, they'll be the cat's meow in this glamorous 1920's inspired attire.

20 items are included in this set

1,400 Sim Points

Carnivale Celebration!

Carnivale is right around the corner! Get your Sims in the mood to celebrate with these festive decorations.

2 items are included in this set



  1. 2,600 points? The stuff packs are $20 and come with more stuff. The store < the stuff packs (even though they are both waaaay overpriced)

    I love the carnivale stuff!

  2. I always wished a creator would make something like this, but I'm glad The Store has and it's also free!

  3. ^ I meant the Carnivale set.

  4. How big is that statue from the Carnival set? It looks like it should be a small clutter object, like similar in size to the LN awards, but I suppose it could also be a giant statue as well. EA did make that 6ft tall snow globe, so scale is really hard to guess from the store previews.

  5. Ayaa (Korabli by Yulia Savicheva)February 3, 2011 at 6:21 PM

    Okay, the prices, as usual, are horrendous, but someone else is picking up the tab, so who cares? XD.

    Futureshock? Seriously? That's the best they could find? Oh well. THe kitchen itself is actually a lot less awkward than the illustrtion made it seem. I could see it looking quite good in a club. I'll probably use the decor pieces more, but it's still nice.

    Now, the Jazz Age set, on the other hand, is SO FUCKING AMAZING!!!!! Perfect! I just downloaded a nice world, and I could easily use these beautiful clothes and decorations to give it that nice quality.

    The free's okay. The mask isn't the prettiest I've seen, but I do like it.

    I'd like it more if a sim could wear it.

  6. ^ This. I am so sick of the smug assholes looking for MATY freebies and acting like other people are getting this stuff for free.

    You do know someone is paying for this, right? Someone generously buys the store stuff so greedy folks like myself and everyone else don't have to. The least you can do in return is not act like a smug prick all "ahahaha who cares how much OTHER PEOPLE have to pay". Spoken like a true ingrateful schmucko.

  7. I like woman hairstyles, but I've got some Store hair in my game and it doesnt look good ;/ needs retexture, probably the same with this

  8. The 20's stuff kicks ass! The kitchen is the only thing I don't care for.

  9. would it kill EA to start putting pillows (separately recolorable) on their seating?

  10. FLAPPER FTW i love 1920s flapper style

  11. Tiny pics again. How Annoying. Ah, don't want any of it anyway.

  12. Ayaa (Go Away by 2NE1)February 3, 2011 at 6:42 PM

    ^Probably because it could end up causing some issues when the sims sit down? I'm not sure why not, but I'm happy with OMSP pillows.

    Also, if the pillows were seperately colourable, it could easily mean making something else no recolourable. Like the wood. or the Sofa's colour.

    Anyway, I think I'll make a Ruth Etting sim as soon as I can grab this stuff XD

  13. don't make excuses for ea! :P

    wish i could find those pillows i used to have that didn't require omsp!

  14. All of these expensive items and only two free things? EA makes me cry.

  15. ^Yeah, that's dissapointing. The free stuff is always so enjoyable. Seems like every update has less and less.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Come on EA, seriously? Your prices are rediculously high. No wonder sales are down, your prices are STILL to high! Again same meshes, reused or tweaked a little bit.

    You are just like $OE regarding greed and gluttony.

  18. Ayaa (Nghi Ngo by Ngo Kien Hu) (Lonesome And Sorry by Ruth Etting)February 3, 2011 at 7:07 PM


  19. Everything is so amazing! The Jazz Age set is my favorite~ ♥

  20. Jazz Age = impressive! Well maybe not the high waist men's pants but, everything else is beautifully done.

    To the Anon who mentioned Ruth Etting, my mind went straight to her song "10 Cents A Dance" and Bioshock when I saw this set.

  21. Hello! I am from the future! The year 2032, to be exact. I am here to encourage you. Soon the world will be in total devastation, but please remember what I tell you today: the darkest hour is just before the brightest dawn. I am going to get in a lot of trouble if anyone finds out I said anything. Goodbye!

  22. DAT 1920'S WEAR <3

    Too bad I refuse to buy things from there. It's way to expensive.

  23. There is that set!

  24. I love the jazz age clothes and shoes (except the men pants) and I believe we already have a bob hairstyle very similar to that one.

  25. Ayaa, futureshock was voted by the community to be called that.

    And I really like the future set. I seem to be the only person on this blog who likes it. Its futureistic and very nice.

  26. Actually the future set should of came with high end loft stuff.

    Seriously now that I think about it, that would of put the icing on the cake.

  27. You wonder why piracy is so rampant within the gaming community.

    'No one's buying our DLC or games? Obviously the solution is to RAISE THEIR PRICES!'

    Yeah, fuck over the people who actually still believe in you and dish the money out of their wallets to buy your crap. That'll show them pirates! I'd seriously consider buying the game if they weren't at ridiculous prices without all of the content gutted and put on the store instead. I thank anyone who buys the game and is generous enough to share it with the community. Hats off to you, gentlemen.

  28. WOW...I wish I could afford this stuff...if I could I'd have it in my game!


    But 26 bucks!!

    And at the Anon a few posts above..."someone else is picking up the tab so who cares"...??

    Uuhhm...I want to know how I can get someone to buy this set for me...and everyone else in my boat. >.>

  29. Ayaa (Bathroom Angel by Minako Honda)February 3, 2011 at 8:05 PM

    What's Bioshock? But I love the song 10 cents a dance by ruth. I love most of her renditions of songs, though. She was perfection.

    "TIMETRAVELLER SAID: Hello! I am from the future! The year 2032, to be exact. I am here to encourage you. Soon the world will be in total devastation, but please remember what I tell you today: the darkest hour is just before the brightest dawn. I am going to get in a lot of trouble if anyone finds out I said anything. Goodbye!"

    Shut the fuck up Matt Smith, you aren't a patch on David Tennant.

  30. @ Ayaa: $OE = SOE = Sony Online Entertainment.

  31. Jazz Age stuff for the win!!

    I love this style of clothing, hairstyle (finally something for my ethnic sims) and furnishings! Woohoo!

  32. Like some...not like some....hate the price! Way too pricey. As someone mentioned...some looks like the same mesh just tweaked a bit.

    And 2 free items...really?

  33. Bioshock is an amazing video game, Ayaa.

  34. @ CeceSaun1: It's more then a couple pieces that use the same mesh. One mesh uses the HELS mesh, the two men outfits are the same thing, different tie. That took EA a whole minute to do? That should of been a variation of the same outfit, not a new downloadable object.

    The Jazz couch uses a similar mesh to the Diva & Divo couch set. A lot of the clothes use the same mesh, but textures hide a lot of the same or they modify existing meshes.

    Also I want to see what EA did with the microphone, did they take the mirror microphone thing from cc creators?

  35. Ayaa (Achy Breaky Heart by Billy Ray Cyrus)February 3, 2011 at 9:16 PM

    Actually, I'd rather have a kiss.

  36. "should of" should be "should have"

  37. The microphone is just decoration. It doesn't have the charisma skill attached to it.

  38. ^ Maybe someone can modify it like Shivar did for that dress-form from Ambitions.

  39. Love the 20's set! It looks great in-game too! (Got it from MATY)

  40. I love this so much.

  41. Ayaa (Desert by Emilie Simon)February 3, 2011 at 9:55 PM

    Billy Ray Cyrus? Isn't he an actor? I remember seeing him on an Episode of the Nanny.

    I wonder if anyone will convert the mask to an accessory.

  42. "I got thr set from MATY"

    Pardon my ignorance...but how do you get EA items from MATY? O.o (I need to know the secret!!!)

  43. I'm glad the sofa dosen't have stupid-ass pillows on it. NO PILLOWS for the sofa.Don't use them in RL, why would I want them in-game? If anything, they should be a seperate item for those who want them.

  44. "Pardon my ignorance...but how do you get EA items from MATY? O.o (I need to know the secret!!!)"

    whatever you do don't go to MATY asking this. they will chew you up and spit you out. apparently it's really offensive if you ask a question and don't take the time to read through their pages upon pages of douchebag bullshit.

  45. i like pillows because it's an interior design must-have. unless, of course, you're a minimalist male with a cold heart and grumpy disposition.

  46. Anon, go to this link:,29.0.html

    It's the pudding factory directory. From there, there are a bunch of threads dedicated to discussing and posting store item updates. It's very easy to follow from there.

  47. Here's it:,18888.950.html

    But soon they will move the links here, so check both:,15100.350.html

  48. ^^ Did a little research...after asking the question *blush* Thank you both...i feel like it's Christmas Day! LOL

  49. FLAPPERS! Roaring hawt!


  51. "You want a microphone? We'll give you a microphone... LOL!" Kind of insulting.

  52. I really like the living room furniture. it looks pretty. I don't really care for that style of clothing so I will pass on that. The kitchen stuff could work in a bar I guess, but its way too out there for my simmies homes. Either way, I can't afford any of this at full price right now. So I will have to wait til I either get rich, or it goes on deal.

  53. The jazz living room is really nice! I want to buy a few pieces including the sofa shown that match the arm chairs but I cant find it. All I find is that gray asymmetrical sofa. I dont get it!?

  54. Somebody help me:

    I took the futristic set off MATY, downloaded it, decrapified it or whatever, then put it in my launcher. (yes my game is up to date) and I installed it, and my launcher says that it was installed and that it worked, but it wont show up in my game. wtf did I do wrong?

    there is no way in hell im going to maty and asking them because they will flame me, so does anybody here know?

  55. Ayaa (Cokmak Cokmak by Sibel Can)February 4, 2011 at 1:32 AM

    A few things

    1. If you install it, start the game, quit the game, and open the launcher up again, is it still showing up as downloaded, or is it in the "ready to be downloaded" style?

    2. Are there any weird grammatical signs in the title?

    3. when you "installed" it, did you paste it into the downloads folder, or did you double click it so it installed via the launcher?

    I'm no pro, and probably won't help in any way, but these three are the usual culprits when I have issues with downloads.

  56. When you decrapified it, did you make sure to place the actual file in the same folder as your decrapify.exe file then drag and drop it? That could be one possible reason, though, I assume you did this because you said it installed for you.

    For me to have store content show I copy my .dbc files from my DCCache folder into my mods folder. To do this you are required to edit your resource.cfg. Simply open it in notepad and paste:

    PackedFile Packages/*.dbc
    PackedFile Packages/*/*.dbc

    Under "Priority 500"

    Close out and save changes when it asks you.

    Hopefully this may be of some help to you or anyone reading this. I'm simply providing you with another potential solution to your problem :)


  58. aka more crap you don't need.


  60. Thank you ayaa and katsu.

    I might just buy the set instead of having to deal with this, lol. I don't know what the issue is.

  61. Don't pretend you don't know who Billy Ray Cyrus is, Ayaa. It's not cute and no one believes you.

  62. Ayaa (Strangers in the Night by Peggy Lee)February 4, 2011 at 3:41 AM

    Erm, I don't pretend.

    IF I say I've no clue who someone is, then I really don't know. And I never said I didn't know who he was in the first place. I just said I thought he was an actor, not a singer, since I've only ever heard of him on an episode of The Nanny.

  63. I do like the kitchen, though I don't feel like paying again and again and again. :(

  64. Why this game doesn't have any alien?

  65. Because this is The Sims 3, if I had wanted just a carbon copy of The Sims 2, I would have just continued playing that game.

  66. I'll buy the sets from the store when EA fixes the huge bugs/glitches in the game ... so that means never.

  67. The Sims 2 still has plenty of unresolved bugs/glitches too, in fact a patch was never made for the last SP, Mansion and Garden.

  68. I dont understand why maty's stuff wont show up in my damn game

  69. You can't install raw Sims3packs using the launcher anymore, not unless you actually purchased them.

    The only way to use the store sets is to decrapify your game(if you want to use the Sims 3 pack format)or wait for someone to upload a package file version.

  70. Oh. that would explain it then.

    Well I hope somebody makes a package file for it.

  71. you contradict yourself every time you post, ayaa...bizarre!

  72. I will pirate all this stuff, if you pay for this you pay almost 100 bucks. I mean what the hell, only stupid people pay for store stuff.

  73. What are the answers to the maty registration?

  74. Ayaa (Italian Street Song by Jeanette MacDonald)February 4, 2011 at 8:35 PM

    "you contradict yourself every time you post, ayaa...bizarre!"

    I do?

  75. What are the answers to MATY registration?

  76. "I will pirate all this stuff, if you pay for this you pay almost 100 bucks. I mean what the hell, only stupid people pay for store stuff."

    Dumbass, someone has to buy it in order for you to pirate it.

  77. "What are the answers to the maty registration?"
    i don't remember now, at the time i looked them up on google.
    try that, it may still work :|

    re future shock, at least the neon markings are recolorable so you can blend it

  78. The answers are on google, but the registration isn't accepting it.

    Telling me that the capital of assyria was incorrect,or telling me I needed to be more like a 'bran muffin'. I already know what that implies, so just somebody give me the answers please.

  79. In U.S. dollars, those points are a penny each, so the set which sells for 1700 points is SEVENTEEN dollars. Seriously, I do appreciate the work EA does and really love the game, but the store items are INSANELY overpriced. And I just can't justify that kind of money on literally a few items for a game.

    Have to pirate... sorry EA.

  80. ^ No need to apologize to EA. They are BEGGING the masses to pirate virtually ALL DLC with the prices they are boldly charging.

    Compared to how much we pay for the content in the base game, items in the majority of these packs are worth no more than 1/5 (20%) of what they charge, and that's STILL overpriced IMO... but at least that would be affordable for most of us.

  81. ^ Agreed. And before anyone yells "somebody has to pay for it first before anyone can pirate it assmunch", I've paid and shared EA content for fellow pirates in the past.

    As long as EA keeps charging these absolutely moronic prices, I'll gladly hold my end of the bargain to keep us pirates raking in the spoils. Until EA makes the prices at least 'somewhat' reasonable (which they aren't anywhere close to currently), we more intelligent sims fans will continue to pirate away. YEEEEE-ARRRRRRRR!! :P
