
March 12, 2011

Newsea Dreamscape Female Hairstyle & Elf Headband

Download at The Sims Resource - Subscriber only


  1. Those poor blind children...

  2. This is actually a pretty nice hair. A bit odd, but decent enough that I want to find a sim it'll suit.

    I wonder, are those LemonLeaf's glass doll eye contacts?

  3. Looks like an evil spirit possessed this hairstyle

  4. i cant stop laughing lmao

  5. This is a bad case of bed hair! It's horrible, specially because the back looks so neat and the wild hair in the front is really random.

  6. It could go well with a Greek character in a toga.

  7. love's fantasy-like

  8. looks like a bizarre mullet! gaaaaaah!

  9. ^I love people who throw the term "mullet" around left and right, just proving they really have no clue.

  10. it is just an amazing hairstyle! i really want it in my game.

  11. ^I, or someone, will post a link as soon as we have it. Stop asking, it's kinda annoying.

  12. This hair woke me up when I scrolled down to the pics. Wow, WTF with the eyes?

    Might work for a mermaid or some type of water goddess, like Aphrodite.

  13. I thought it was pretty based on the front, because it looks like a nice updo. But then you see the back and it's like, hurr, not an updo, just a helmet with wispy bits. Disappointing.

  14. I like the mesh but I hate the texture (as usual) O_o

  15. I like it best with the headband thing in the first picture.

  16. I see the light said the blind man. By NewSea making ugly hair no one will steal them (web sites that offer them for free ) And she'll make a ton of money off TSR and live happly ever after.

  17. I love this! Totally just gonna wait or hope for a retexture (:

  18. Helmet hair = do not want

  19. First reaction was "WTF IS THIS!" But yes, it does look better with the headband, and the texture is awful. Mesh is good, so I'll wait for Anubis's and Lotus's prettier versions.

  20. I agree the back is kinda jacked up, it's the usual Newsea "dunk your head in the bath tub and watch it swish around like seaweed" hair but with the headband it's nicer. I will wait for a retexture as my Sims aren't oily headed skanks who don't do their roots :D

  21. I think this hair looks horrid.

  22. I kinda of like the INSANITY look! ;D

  23. The poof is what annoys me. Though fyi, it's not a mullet. She has some nappy ass hair moving around, but those would just look like layers if they weren't flying around like shit.
    You can see the hair is being pulled back, instead of being just short.

    The volume is stupid, though, yeah.

  24. I don't like this at all... It looks like someone tried way too hard for that bedhead look and ended up with crazy.


  25. It's not a mullet.

    It could go well with a Greek character in a toga.

    This shouldn't go with any dressed ancient Greek.

    I don't like this at all, which is bothersome, because it seems like it's almost a good idea for hair. I can't imagine even bedhair maintaining this style, not unless you accidentally poured some polyurethane into your hair before bed.

  26. I'd like it better if the back was like in a bun or something. This hair just looks like Newsea didn't have time to finish the whole hair and said "fuck it let's go with helmet hair."


  28. I really like this :) NewSea will always be my favourite hair designer for the Sims 3.

  29. Not his best. And those eyes are just disturbing.

  30. It looks like a mullet though.

  31. "She has some nappy ass hair moving around, but those would just look like layers if they weren't flying around like shit. "

    You need to learn the definition of "nappy." That hair is not "nappy" by any means. If you're going to use racially-sensitive words to try to sound cool, at least educate yourself on the true meaning of them first.

  32. "It looks like a mullet though."

    Mullet=very short hair in the front, sides and crown of the hair, with the hair in the rear being longer.

    So, either you have a very odd definition of "very short", or you're and idiot.

    Using this hair as a basis for what you consider to be a "mullet", it seems like you'd think anyone with bangs has a mullet.

  33. Demonic Children!!!

  34. Someone'll do it,my dear!I hope too...

  35. "Using this hair as a basis for what you consider to be a "mullet", it seems like you'd think anyone with bangs has a mullet."

    It definitely has mullet-like characteristics. It's not "very" short in the front, but the length of the front (NOT just the bangs, but all the hair bits floating around on top, too) is quite short IN RELATION to the bottom bits. It's mullet-esque, anyway.

  36. I wanna get this hair :'(

  37. The toddler looks like a monster, LOL. Also, this hairstyle is awful.

  38. Where's the link?I can't find it at the booty!

  39. Turns out the band is an accessory, the hair is separate.

  40. I actually like this hair. It's like the 70's and whimsical had a love child! It's best suited with the hairband accessory, though.

    The typical bombardment of negative, thoughtless comments over almost every Newsea upload are getting old. Most of it isn't constructive criticism, but blatant, brainless negativity. Since you know SOO much, do it yourself. IF you don't like it, you're NOT obligated to download it. Duly note it and move on to the next. Of course, it's not all wonderful, but it isn't all horrendous, either.

  41. to me this is beautiful and i haev just the sim for it..this is sumwat perfect for ppl creating elves fairies n wat not

  42. looks like medusa lol
