
March 12, 2011

Once Upon a Time Bedroom Set - Part 1 by Canelline

Download at Canelline's Blog


  1. Something looks really off about most of this furniture...

    Especially the fringe on the lampshade.

    Okay, I'm being nice. This is horrible. I've seen better quality stuff made on Second Life, and that's saying something.

  2. I think it's just that it's really blocky and the textures of the furniture are sub par. I mean, it's okay, but it still needs more work.

  3. I take note of your remarks, as it says about the lamp, these are not fringe, it is a border like the whole object, has a golden glow that is visible in the game.
    To do this, I worked on the transparency of the multiplier
    with a real gem of "Cartier" in overlay :-)
    Sorry for my mistakes in english, but it's not my native language.

  4. Wow, these objects are goregeous! The lamp is my favorite! Every single piece looks amazing!
