
Testers Wanted* 12 new Cas Sliders *Remake* .. [ Eye Width , Neck Height , Shoulder Height , Jaw line Width ,Brows thickness ] + More !

Download at Mod The Sims

The sliders and locations

1. Brows Thickness ... [ Eyes ]
2. Eyebrow outer corner Height [ Eyes ]
3. Eye Length [ Eyes ]
4. Eye Stretch [ Eyes ]
5. Eye Width [ Eyes ]
6. Jaw line width [ Head and Ears ]
7. Lower Jaw Height [ Head and Ears ]
8. Chin Width [ Head and Ears ]
9. Neck Height [ Head and Ears ]
10. Shoulder Height [ Mouth ]
11. Uppear Lip Height [ Mouth ]
12. Lower Lip Height [ Mouth ]

*Updates* V 1.1

1. i fixed the locations of the sliders .. Example [ From Head and ears ] To [ Eyes ]
2. i fixed the eyebrow thickness slider .. from scaling only the eyebrow edge .. to scaling the whole eyebrow ...
3. i made 2 new sliders .. uppear and lower lip height ..
4. I fixed some mistakes with the names of the sliders ..

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