Captivate your guests with furnishings and fashions from a far away land.
850 Points
Loads of Laundry
Gather your linens, delicates, unmentionables and your favorite detergent – it’s laundry time! Go easy on the soap and make sure someone’s lipstick doesn’t make it into the washing machine.
1,200 Points
Animals Abound Playground - Outdoor Fun
Scamper your way through the fiercely adorable jungle of critters!
This is a new object!
450 Points
Glitter and Glam + Diva and Divo
Surround your fabulous self with gorgeous surroundings. Glammed-up fashions and furniture like these will ensure your status as a true Diva.
1,200 Points
More Holiday Presents
Gifts for the season that remind us to bundle up and to spend time with friends and family!