January 28, 2010

The charm of the Orient - paintings by KimKolwiek

Download at Sims District


  1. *sigh* The name of the website is Sims District not Sim Control

  2. I wonder where I can find that flower pattern in the last pic...

  3. "*sigh* The name of the website is Sims District not Sim Control"

    *sigh* The name of your behavior is "passive aggressively helping" not "helping." Seriously, isn't MS3B allowed to make a small mistake here and there without people acting all high and mighty? ;)

    The paintings look nice. I don't have any Asian themed homes yet but I might download these once I do.

  4. siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiighhhhhhh

  5. "*sigh* The name of your behavior is "passive aggressively helping" not "helping." Seriously, isn't MS3B allowed to make a small mistake here and there without people acting all high and mighty? ;)

    The paintings look nice. I don't have any Asian themed homes yet but I might download these once I do."

    I was trying to be helpful. I understand every one makes mistakes. If you must know I posted that at 9am while I was tried after being up all night working on something. If MS3B thinks I came off "passive aggressively helping" Im sorry, even I make mistakes when I'm sleepy.

  6. ^Heh, well apparently I came off like a bitch, too. The winkyface in my earlier comment was meant to show that I was just playing around. I have an acerbic sense of humor sometimes.
