January 22, 2010

Default Replacement - Slimmed Hoodie and Sweater by Aikea Guinea

Download for adult males at Club Crimsyn


  1. Aikea Guinea, I LOVE YOU!!!

  2. Why is it a default replacement!? Default replacements = bad! D:

  3. ^Yeah I would like it much better if it weren't a replacement. Not all my male sims will look good in skin tight stuff, but I also have quite a few which fit this style.

    I do like it though. I'm really torn as to whether or not to take this.

  4. Thanks anons 1, 2, and 4. ^_^

    They're default replacements because they just get rid of the 'boxiness' of the default meshes; they're not really 'skin tight.' The model is as skinny as you can get, otherwise they just give a bit of shape to thinner males, and do nothing in the upper ranges of fat-ness.

    Seriously, non-replacements would be pointless given how little the mesh was edited. Pentameter, you can always try them out and see if they work for you.

  5. They are great, thanks aikea guinea :)

  6. Ah okay, thanks for clearing that up. I was assuming from the pictures that it was tight rather than less boxy.

    I will download it and see if it can suit my needs. Thanks for the reply. You do great work. :)

  7. I really despised the bulky sweaters. I use thinner sims and the big sweaters and hoodies make them look larger. This is really much appreciated Aikea!

  8. oh thank you so much!

  9. Amazing as always. I loved the t-shirts replacement and I'm glad you did those too.


  10. Woooh, more defaults from Aikea! Thankyouthankyouthankyou! 8D

  11. Thank you! I've been wanting somthing like this!

  12. awww I know default ones look bad...but...somehow, I don't feel like replacing them, thats why I have no default replacing skins......hmmm...hard decision

  13. So beautiful *_*

    Good job !
