January 10, 2010

Spanish balconies for Sims3 by nanisim

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. These are gorgeous *dashes off to try these in-game* :)

  2. Oh wait, is this a fence or is it just a window ornament that sticks to walls?

  3. Just an ornament. I find it simple enough to make working balconies without needing something like this.

  4. These are gorgeous and will go well with the Old Town Set that I just used my WA Sim Store Points for.

  5. "Just an ornament. I find it simple enough to make working balconies without needing something like this."

    That's what it says "spanish balcony". Here in Spain you can find "balconies" like these. Not usable as a balcony, but with the fende and ornament.

  6. "Just an ornament. I find it simple enough to make working balconies without needing something like this."

    That's what it says "spanish balcony". Here in Spain you can find "balconies" like these. Not usable as a balcony, but with the fende and ornament.
