July 18, 2010

Rose 46 and 59 by Savio

Download at Savio's Stuff

File name: Rose 46_S3_TF-EF_Savio

File name: Rose 59_S3_TF-EF_Savio


  1. I think the first hair (the ponytail) is WAY too thin and is just...no. The top part of it with the short hair that goes every which way just kills it, but I know that's not your fault, Savio.

    The pigtails are cute, though, but not cute enough for me to want to download.

    Great work as always, though, Savio.

  2. I think they're both cute. Thanks, Savio :)

  3. Do not want! Too bad. :z

    But the back of the hairs are...Weird?

  4. I wish there was a bit more of a 'defined' front look so I can see if I'd use it or not.. but great conversions none-the-less, I'll download them.

  5. Oh, I posted another hair, by Anto.

    And thanks guys ^^ I know the hairs aren't the best ones anyway lol

  6. Wow Savio! You must be working really hard, considering you have a new hair up basically every day. Great job on these!

  7. I like the second hair. Very toony, but cute.

  8. That ponytail is very cute. Definitely downloading :D Thank you!

  9. pleazzz make the ponytail just a tad thicker. it's cute but too thin. looks like she's going bald or suffering from some extreme breakage
